Stanley Black is one of Biblica’s most generous ministry investors. Mr. Black partnered with Biblica for over twenty years to provide God’s Word to people around the world. He not only served Biblica with his time, talent and financial support he made thoughtful plans to leave a legacy for years to come.
Stan Black joined the International Bible Society’s, now Biblica, Board of Directors in 1989 during a critical time in Biblica’s history; the beginning of the digital age. Stan served on many board committees and was elected as Board Chair in 1993. During his tenure, Stan was part of the formation committee to establish the Biblica Ministry Foundation, an independent body that stewards ministry funds that has granted millions of dollars to see the mission of reaching people with God’s Word become reality. He saw Biblica through mergers, land sales, changing business models, challenging seasons, and even served as interim CEO when he was needed; he championed the work from start to finish to make sure everyone would have access to God’s Word. In 2015, Stan was awarded the title of Director Emeritus for “the wisdom he carries and his past contributions” to Biblica.
Stan’s life has always been an adventure with service to others. He was born in 1930 in Illinois and attended the University of Colorado where he excelled in both academics and athletics, competing for his school in swimming and track, setting several school records and winning conference titles. After college, Stan joined the Navy as an officer and pilot serving during the Korean War. Stan loved to fly and remained active in the Navy Reserves for twenty-two years. He continued to fly until his 70th birthday.
After serving in the Navy he attended Law School at UCLA in California where he met Marjorie Gordon. Stan and Marge were married in 1958 and have three children. Stan was a pioneering lawyer and partner of one of Boulder, Colorado’s oldest and most respected law firms for forty-five years. Stan gave a lifetime of time, treasure and talent to the community. During his law practice, in 1973, he earned his master’s degree in international law at the London School of Economics. In 1980, he flew as a bush pilot in Zimbabwe for Mission Aviation Fellowship and in 1987 he served Mission Aviation Fellowship as a legal advisor in 29 countries. In 1991 Stan co-founded The Community Foundation of Boulder County. Stan was a life-long member of Rotary International and served as a board member for several Christian ministries including Biblica.
Stan made the most out of life, declaring in his last months of life here on earth, “God has blessed me enormously.” Stan went home to be with the Lord on August 30, 2019. Stan lived a life of radical generosity. He and Marge created several planned gifts with Biblica to ensure the ministry continues, and more and more people have God’s Word available to them in their own heart language. Stan’s legacy has given millions of people the hope of God’s Word.