The illumiNations Alliance

Eradicating Bible Poverty in This Generation

The Alliance

Here at Biblica, we believe the transforming message of the Bible is for all people. And because we are so passionate about God’s Word, we’ve aligned ourselves with an alliance of Bible translation organizations working toward the same goal.

IllumiNations is an alliance of Bible translation agencies and resource partners working to eradicate Bible poverty in this generation. Our vision is to see God’s Word in every language for every people group in this generation in our lifetime

We can do more together than we could ever do individually!

The Goal

Our vision is for every person on earth to one day have access to an up-to-date, full translation of the
Bible in a language in which they think, dream, and pray.

Within this goal, illumiNations strives to provide access to some Scripture to every person on earth by
2033, at which time, Lord willing, these “All Access” goals will be achieved:

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of the entire population to have access to a full Bible.

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of all people to have access to a New Testament.

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of the world’s population to have access to a critical portion of Scripture.

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of the world’s most strategic written languages to be available in two viable translations.

We have a roadmap, a process, and the tools in place to help realize this vision to help millions of people access the Word of God in a language they can clearly understand.

The Process

The Challenge

The 12 Verse Challenge is a campaign hosted by illumiNations as a simple next step for individuals,
churches, and families: Commit to $35 a month to translate 12 verses of Scripture each year, until the
work is done. 100% funds Bible translation work.

If just 1% of Christians in America took the
12 Verse Challenge, the funding to translate Scripture
for all people, everywhere would be complete!

The Prayer

God, Your Word is more precious than all I possess (Psalm 19:10).
Your Scripture gives light to my path and directs my steps (Psalm 119:105).
Through Your will alone, lives are transformed and minds made new (Romans 12:2).
So I now pray for all people that do not yet know You (1 Timothy 2:1-6).
For You’ve promised that Your voice by every tribe and nation will be heard (Revelation 7:9).
So equip us by Your breath to provide every language with Your Word (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

All nations will come to your light.

Isaiah 60:3a