Asha is a nine-week trauma healing program that uses the words of Jesus to address the long-term symptoms of chronic or post-traumatic stress for women. It shows that abused and traumatized women are created in God’s image and are loved by Him.
Nine-Week Program Based on the “I Am” Statements of Jesus.
Organized Around Stories and Discussion in Small Group Setting.
Survivors Heal and Become Victors With a Mature Faith.
The global count of women enduring violence and abuse is alarming. Each day, every year, countless women and young girls experience trauma through the actions of others. Asha tries to provide answers to difficult questions: “How can such horrors happen? Where is God in all of this?”
The Bible tells how God wants to heal those who have been abused and traumatized. Jesus used “I AM” statements to describe Himself. He expanded on them with images from everyday life, helping us understand more fully who God is and who He wants to be in our lives. Asha explores each of the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John.
As survivors read the stories of Jesus’ interaction with marginalized men and women, they encounter the love of God for his wounded daughters and His hope-inspiring persistence in restoring them. Each week of the program contains:
These fictitious stories reflect the real experiences of pain and suffering of women from all over the world. They tell of the many ways in which women can experience abuse and how their bodies and minds may react.
Survivors begin to face what happened to them and how this changed them. It is an opportunity to learn why they respond in certain ways and what they can do to begin to move forward.
This gives the broader context of Jesus’ ministry and how He came to save and heal us all.
This is a time to explore the “I AM” sayings of Jesus and how they relate to survivors of abuse.
Trauma lives on in our bodies. It is important for survivors to learn skills to calm themselves and change how their bodies react.
Reflection questions throughout the week help survivors think more about the heart of God for his wounded daughters. The skills homework helps them to grow stronger and more confident.
Asha (Hindi name meaning “hope”) was initially born in India. This global version is now available in several languages:
Classic Arabic
Sudanese Arabic
Libyan Arabic
Gulf Arabic
Asha is part of a suite of Adversity, Crisis and Trauma resources published by Biblica.
Not a day goes past without news of war, famine, earthquakes, flooding, or other disasters. Globally over a billion people are living in conflict zones with more than 120 million people forcibly displaced by persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations.
Biblica wants everyone affected by trauma to know that God cares for them, loves them, and is present with them in their suffering. Through our Adversity, Crisis, and Trauma resources, we aim to support the emotional and spiritual needs of survivors. Reaching
survivors with the Gospel of Christ is not as simple as sharing the message of salvation. Often the wounds of fresh and past hurts block a person’s ability to hear truth and receive love and kindness. Adversity, Crisis, and Trauma healing resources can meet survivors
in their place of loss and pain, offering to journey with them toward hope and wholeness.
Learn about our other ministry resources.
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