Reading Time: 3 minutes

Revelation in Action

Bringing the Bible to Every Tribe and Nation

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”

Revelation 7:9

Scripture tells us that one day, we will all see the King of Glory coming on the clouds. On that marvelous day, a great multitude of believers will be waiting for our Lord’s return. When Jesus comes back, people from every tribe, tongue, and nation will be represented. We will all stand before the throne and the Lamb as a unified, pure, spotless bride.

This isn’t a far-off hope. This is a coming reality that affects our daily lives. We have the honor of partnering with God and doing our part to see this through. But there are still people and languages that need God’s Word. To step into the fullness of Revelation 7:9, we must help get the Word of God to those who do not yet have access to it.

If you are reading this, you are likely blessed with multiple Bibles in your home and a Bible app on your phone. Only some have that luxury, but all need it as a reality. Of the 7,000+ languages spoken around the world, approximately 3,400 have little to no Scripture. We are working to change this reality.

Biblica and our partners have a vision to make God’s Word accessible to all people in our generation — no person and no language group left behind. It’s a vision so big, that no one ministry can do it by themselves, and no one investor can fund it by themselves.  In 2010, Biblica linked arms with an alliance of like-minded Bible ministries called illumiNations to see this vision become a reality. Our shared goal is: “To see all people gain access to God’s Word in a language they can clearly understand by 2033.

And what a joy it is when someone finally reads the Bible in a language that speaks to their hearts —perhaps after stumbling through the Scriptures in a second (or even a third) language for their entire life. For example, one member of the Bette language group in Nigeria recently shared with us after reading the Gospels in his native tongue for the first time:

“It was as though I had never heard or read the story of Jesus calming the storm before. As I got to Mark 4:39, where Jesus rebukes the storm, it’s like he was standing right there speaking directly into my life.”


Isn’t that amazing? That’s why we’re so passionate about the ministry of Bible translation here at Biblica. It’s all about seeing every tribe, nation, and tongue come to know and love Jesus in His Word. We still have a lot of work left to do, but we are confident in God’s plan to make His Word accessible to all people … and soon.

So, join us today in thanking the Lord for His Word. Let’s lift a prayer of deep gratitude to God for giving us the Bible in a language we understand; we never want to take that for granted. And let’s keep working and praying toward that glorious day described in Revelation, when people from every tribe and nation will sing an eternal song of praise to the King of Glory.

Here are three ways you can help see God’s Word come to pass:

  1. Give: Please consider financially supporting this goal and partnering with us to see God’s word in every language by 2033.
  2. Pray: Commit to praying for those without God’s Word in the language they know best. You can also submit a prayer request to the Biblica team at our Online Bible. We gather regularly as a staff to pray for the needs of friends like you.
  3. Seek: Translating the Word into every language by 2033 is impossible without God, yet He calls us to do impossible things through Him. Seek God in your own life today. What are the impossible things He has asked you to do? Who do you need to partner with to see it come to pass?
