Dear Friend,

We have seen many strong forces at work in our world lately—including illness, financial troubles, anxiety, depression, addiction, and so much more.

But God’s Word is stronger.

At Biblica, we have seen the power of God’s Word overcome the most brutal and life-destroying forces our world has to offer. We’ve seen hope grow in the midst of poverty. We’ve seen connections between people grow despite social distancing. And we’ve seen the total life transformation that happens when Jesus Christ takes hold of a person’s heart, driving out hatred and fear.

It’s easy to lose ourselves in the flood of bad news these days. There’s even a word for it: doomscrolling. Anxiety and depression are overwhelming thousands of our neighbors.

Instead, times like these should drive us back more completely into the Word. It’s here that we’ll find the hope and perspective to remember that God is still on His throne and His promises will endure: “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter 1:23, NIV). When we look to God and reflect on all He is doing in and through us, we can have hope in even the most chaotic times.

Thank you for continuing to share God’s Word through this crisis so that more people around the world can learn that it is the strongest foundation for our lives. I hope the stories in this newsletter will encourage you that together, we are making a difference!

Geof Morin
President/CEO, Biblica