Reading Time: 2 minutes

A Word from Geof

Dear Friend,

On my trip to Ukraine earlier this year, I visited the town center in Lviv. In that town center, there’s a statue under a cover to protect it from the bombs that are still falling, with a picture of the statue. And on that cover is written in Ukrainian, “The original will be revealed when victory is accomplished.”

It’s a statement of hope and confidence that one day, peace will reign again in Ukraine. But I couldn’t help thinking it’s also a wonderful expression of the Gospel!

Christmas begins the journey of Jesus on this earth, which ended with all that Jesus accomplished for us writ large on the cross, His ascension into heaven, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus won the victory, revealing God’s original plan and purpose that our lives should be lived in personal relationship with Him. And one day, we’ll enter fully into that victory and see God face-to-face. That will be a revelation indeed.

As we await that day, thank you for helping hundreds of thousands of people around the world discover the love of Jesus Christ through Scripture.

Because of you, more people will be able to read and understand the story of Christ’s birth this Christmas season. God will reveal His purpose for their lives through His Word, and they’ll be able to live in relationship with Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you and your loved ones throughout the holidays is that God will reveal Himself to you in moments big and small and that you’ll rejoice in the victory of Jesus. May you have a blessed Christmas!

Geof Morin

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