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A Word from Stephen

Dear Friend,

It’s a precious thing when you see the promises of God fulfilled in someone’s life.

Time and again – as the stories in this newsletter show – you can see the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives, as friends like you put God’s Word in their hands and hearts.

And as the power of the Bible is unleashed, all things are possible!

That’s why I’m so thankful for you… because you’re helping make the Bible accessible for those who would otherwise never have a chance of reading and understanding it for themselves – the poor, the persecuted, the marginalized.

Yes, it’s only thanks to friends like you that we can work together to speed the day when the whole world has God’s Word in their hands.

The map below shows the impact you are having around the world. It’s so exciting to see all that God has already accomplished through your support.

And as you’ll see, there’s still much to do – to translate and distribute God’s Word where people need it the most. So thank you for your continued support to help more people access God’s truth in their own language, so they will be transformed by His love.

As we work together, empowered by Christ, all things are possible!

With deep gratitude – to Him and to you,

Stephen Cave, Chief Ministry Officer Biblica – The International Bible Society



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Stephen Cave
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