When Your Whole World Changes


    • When Your Whole World Changes – COVID-19 Special Edition helps people deal with the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic.
    • Based on excerpts from the Bible, this book brings unique perspectives to the experience of anxiety and suffering in the face of the global pandemic.
    • There are 30 devotions that help people explore their emotions in the light of what God has to say about crisis and disaster situations.
    • The devotions set out to:
      • Provide relevant scripture readings
      • Help frame and ask difficult questions
      • Deal with fear and anxiety during lockdown and quarantine situations
      • Share perspectives on the various stages of grief and loss
      • Provide useful activities that can bring about comfort and build spiritual fortitude
      • Give people the opportunity to journal each day in order to express their thoughts.
  • This resource is an effective ministry response to COVID-19 disaster relief.

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