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Reaching Kids in Crisis

Most churches in Central Asia are “underground” due to government opposition and the threat of violence. But your support is helping these churches thrive and stay rooted in the Word of God by sending our special Central Asian edition of Reach4Life. 

One Christian leader there says gratefully, “We had a Bible, but the language was very hard to understand for our youth, and we were dreaming to have Bibles that will reach our young people and would speak to them in their own language. [We received] 10,000 print Bibles, and now the youth are reading and understanding God’s love. Reach4Life is a big blessing for the Central Asian Church. Whatever it takes, I want to fight for those young people who go through life without anyone to show them the way. I know Jesus can do this. He did it in my life, and now I know that we can do so much more together than we can do alone.” 


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