Yobu 13 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Yobu 13:1-28

1“Ndaziona ndi maso anga zonsezi,

ndazimva ndi makutu anga ndipo ndazimvetsa.

2Zimene inu mukudziwa, inenso ndimazidziwa;

ineyo sindine munthu wamba kwa inu.

3Koma ine ndikulakalaka nditayankhula ndi Wamphamvuzonse

ndi kukamba mlandu wanga ndi Mulungu.

4Koma inu mukundipaka mabodza;

nonsenu ndinu asingʼanga opanda phindu!

5Achikhala munangokhala chete nonsenu!

Apo mukanachita zanzeru.

6Tsopano imvani kudzikanira kwanga;

imvani kudandaula kwa pakamwa panga.

7Kodi inu mudzayankhula moyipa kuyankhulira Mulungu?

Kodi mudzayankhulira Iyeyo mwachinyengo?

8Kodi mudzaonetsa kuti Iyeyo ngokondera?

Kodi inu mudzamuteteza Mulungu pa mlandu wake?

9Mulungu atayangʼanitsitsa, inu nʼkukupezani wosalakwa?

Kodi inu mungamunamize Iye monga momwe munganamizire munthu?

10Ndithudi, Iye angathe kukudzudzulani

ngati muchita zokondera mseri.

11Kodi ulemerero wake sungakuopseni?

Kodi kuopsa kwake sikungakuchititseni mantha?

12Mawu anu anzeru ali ngati miyambi yopanda tanthauzo;

mawu anu odzitchinjirizira ali ngati mpanda wadothi.

13“Khalani chete ndipo ndilekeni ndiyankhule;

tsono zimene zindichitikire zichitike.

14Chifukwa chiyani ndikuyika moyo wanga pa chiswe

ndi kutengera mʼmanja moyo wangawu?

15Ngakhale Iye andiphe, komabe ndidzamukhulupirira;

ndithu, ndidzafotokoza mlandu wanga pamaso pake.

16Zoonadi, ichi ndiye chidzakhala chipulumutso changa

pakuti palibe munthu wosapembedza amene angafike pamaso pake!

17Mvetserani mosamala mawu anga;

makutu anu amve zimene ndikunena.

18Pakuti tsopano ndawukonzekera mlandu wanga,

ndikudziwa ndipo adzandipeza wolungama.

19Kodi alipo wina amene angatsutsane nane?

ngati zili choncho, ndidzakhala chete ndi kufa.

20“Inu Mulungu, ndipatseni zinthu ziwiri izi,

ndipo pamenepo ine sindidzakubisalirani:

21Muchotse dzanja lanu pa ine,

ndipo muleke kundichititsa mantha ndi kuopsa kwanuko.

22Tsono muyitane ndipo ndidzayankha,

kapena mulole kuti ine ndiyankhule ndipo Inu muyankhe.

23Kodi zolakwa zanga ndi zingati ndipo machimo anga ndi angati?

Wonetseni kulakwa kwanga ndi machimo anga.

24Chifukwa chiyani mukundifulatira

ndi kundiyesa ine mdani wanu?

25Kodi mudzazunza tsamba lowuluka ndi mphepo?

Kodi mudzathamangitsa mungu wowuma?

26Pakuti Inu mwalemba zinthu zowawa zonditsutsa nazo

ndipo mukundipaka machimo a pa ubwana wanga.

27Inu mwamanga miyendo yanga ndi maunyolo.

Mumayangʼanitsitsa mayendedwe anga onse

poyika zizindikiro pamene mapazi anga apondapo.

28“Motero munthu amatha ngati chinthu chofumbwa,

ngati chovala chodyedwa ndi njenjete.

New International Reader’s Version

Job 13:1-28

1“My eyes have seen everything God has done.

My ears have heard it and understood it.

2What you know, I also know.

I’m as clever as you are.

3In fact, I long to speak to the Mighty One.

I want to argue my case with God.

4But you spread lies about me and take away my good name.

If you are trying to heal me,

you aren’t very good doctors!

5I wish you would keep your mouths shut!

Then people would think you were wise.

6Listen to my case.

Listen as I make my appeal.

7Will you say evil things in order to help God?

Will you tell lies for him?

8Do you want to be on God’s side?

Will you argue his case for him?

9Would it turn out well if he looked you over carefully?

Could you fool him as you might fool human beings?

10He would certainly hold you responsible

if you took his side in secret.

11Wouldn’t his glory terrify you?

Wouldn’t the fear of him fall on you?

12Your sayings are as useless as ashes.

The answers you give are as weak as clay.

13“So be quiet and let me speak.

Then I won’t care what happens to me.

14Why do I put myself in danger?

Why do I take my life in my hands?

15Even if God kills me, I’ll still put my hope in him.

I’ll argue my case in front of him.

16No matter how things turn out,

I’m sure I’ll still be saved.

After all, no ungodly person

would dare to come into his court.

17Listen carefully to what I’m saying.

Pay close attention to my words.

18I’ve prepared my case.

And I know I’ll be proved right.

19Can others bring charges against me?

If they can, I’ll keep quiet and die.

20“God, I won’t hide from you.

Here are the only two things I want.

21Stop treating me this way.

And stop making me so afraid.

22Then send for me, and I’ll answer.

Or let me speak, and you reply.

23How many things have I done wrong?

How many sins have I committed?

Show me my crime. Show me my sin.

24Why do you turn your face away from me?

Why do you think of me as your enemy?

25I’m already like a leaf that is blown by the wind.

Are you going to terrify me even more?

I’m already like dry straw.

Are you going to keep on chasing me?

26You write down bitter things against me.

You make me suffer for the sins

I committed when I was young.

27You put my feet in chains.

You watch every step I take.

You do it by putting marks on the bottom of my feet.

28“People waste away like something that is rotten.

They are like clothes that are eaten by moths.