Daily Manna for Monday, September 13, 2021

Daily Manna is a daily Bible devotional service provided by Biblica. The Scripture is provided in many forms and is new every day. It is a great way to receive the encouragement and hope found in the Word of God.

Verse of the Day

以弗所書 6:14-18

務要站穩,用真理當作帶子束腰,以公義當作護心鏡遮胸, 把和平的福音當鞋穿在腳上準備行動。 此外,還要拿起信心的盾牌,好滅盡惡者一切的火箭。 要戴上救恩的頭盔,緊握聖靈的寶劍——上帝的話。 要靠著聖靈隨時多方禱告和祈求,警醒不怠地為眾聖徒禱告。