Daily Manna for Thursday, April 8, 2021

Daily Manna is a daily Bible devotional service provided by Biblica. The Scripture is provided in many forms and is new every day. It is a great way to receive the encouragement and hope found in the Word of God.

Verse of the Day

傳道書 3:10-14

我察覺上帝給世人重擔,使他們忙碌不休。 祂使萬事各按其時變得美好,又把永恆的意識放在人心裡,人卻不能測透上帝從始至終的作為。 我認識到,人生在世沒有什麼比歡樂、享受更好。 人人都該吃喝、享受自己勞苦的成果,這是上帝的恩賜。 我知道,上帝所做的都會存到永遠,誰也不能增減。祂這樣安排是叫人敬畏祂。