Daily Manna for Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Daily Manna is a daily Bible devotional service provided by Biblica. The Scripture is provided in many forms and is new every day. It is a great way to receive the encouragement and hope found in the Word of God.

Verse of the Day

马可福音 3:7-12

耶稣和门徒退到湖边,有一大群人从加利利来跟随祂。 还有很多人听见耶稣的一切作为,就从犹太耶路撒冷以土买约旦河东,甚至泰尔西顿一带来找祂。 耶稣见人多,就吩咐门徒为祂预备一条小船,以免人群拥挤祂。 因为祂医治了很多人,凡有疾病的人都想挤过来摸祂。 污鬼一看见祂,就俯伏在祂面前,大喊:“你是上帝的儿子!” 耶稣却严厉地警告它们不要泄露祂的身份。