耶利米書 42 – CCBT & NIV

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2023 (Traditional)

耶利米書 42:1-22


1加利亞的兒子約哈難何沙雅的兒子耶撒尼亞和其他將領及民眾,無論尊卑,都近前來, 2耶利米先知說:「求你答應我們的懇求,為我們這些餘民向你的上帝耶和華禱告。你親眼看見了,我們本來人數眾多,現在卻寥寥無幾。 3願你的上帝耶和華指示我們該去哪裡,該做什麼。」 4耶利米先知說:「好。我必照你們說的向你們的上帝耶和華禱告,並把祂的話毫不隱瞞地告訴你們。」 5他們說:「倘若我們不照你的上帝耶和華派你傳給我們的一切話去做,願耶和華作信實可靠的證人指控我們! 6我們派你去我們的上帝耶和華那裡,祂的話不論中聽不中聽,我們都願意聽從。我們若聽從祂的話,就必亨通。」

7十天之後,耶和華的話傳給了耶利米8耶利米便召集加利亞的兒子約哈難和眾將領及民眾,無論尊卑, 9對他們說:「你們讓我替你們向以色列的上帝耶和華祈求,耶和華這樣說, 10『如果你們留在這地方,我必造就你們,決不毀滅你們;我必栽培你們,決不剷除你們。因為我為降在你們身上的災禍而難過。 11不要懼怕巴比倫王,不要怕他,因為我必與你們同在,拯救你們脫離他的權勢。這是耶和華說的。 12我必憐憫你們,讓他也憐憫你們,使你們重歸故土。』 13然而,如果你們不聽你們的上帝耶和華的話,不留在這地方, 14非要去埃及住,以為那裡沒有戰爭,聽不見號角聲,也不會忍饑挨餓, 15那麼,你們這些猶大的餘民就要聽耶和華的話。以色列的上帝——萬軍之耶和華說,『如果你們決意去埃及住, 16你們所害怕的刀劍必追上你們,你們所懼怕的饑荒必緊緊地跟著你們到埃及。你們必死在那裡。 17凡決意去埃及住的人必要死於刀劍、饑荒和瘟疫,無人能逃脫我降的災禍,倖存下來。』

18以色列的上帝——萬軍之耶和華說,『我曾把我的怒氣和烈怒傾倒在耶路撒冷人身上,如果你們去埃及,我也要把我的怒氣傾倒在你們身上。你們的下場將很可怕,被人責罵、咒詛和羞辱,再也見不到故土。』 19猶大的餘民啊,耶和華已告訴你們不要去埃及。別忘了我今日給你們的警告, 20你們是在自欺,因為原是你們請我去向你們的上帝耶和華禱告,讓我毫不隱瞞地把祂的話告訴你們,你們答應遵行。 21今日,我把你們的上帝耶和華要我傳的話告訴你們,你們卻不聽從。 22因此,你們要清楚知道,在你們想去居住的地方,你們必死於刀劍、饑荒和瘟疫。」

New International Version

Jeremiah 42:1-22

1Then all the army officers, including Johanan son of Kareah and Jezaniah42:1 Hebrew; Septuagint (see also 43:2) Azariah son of Hoshaiah, and all the people from the least to the greatest approached 2Jeremiah the prophet and said to him, “Please hear our petition and pray to the Lord your God for this entire remnant. For as you now see, though we were once many, now only a few are left. 3Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do.”

4“I have heard you,” replied Jeremiah the prophet. “I will certainly pray to the Lord your God as you have requested; I will tell you everything the Lord says and will keep nothing back from you.”

5Then they said to Jeremiah, “May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with everything the Lord your God sends you to tell us. 6Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord our God, to whom we are sending you, so that it will go well with us, for we will obey the Lord our God.”

7Ten days later the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. 8So he called together Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers who were with him and all the people from the least to the greatest. 9He said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to present your petition, says: 10‘If you stay in this land, I will build you up and not tear you down; I will plant you and not uproot you, for I have relented concerning the disaster I have inflicted on you. 11Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, whom you now fear. Do not be afraid of him, declares the Lord, for I am with you and will save you and deliver you from his hands. 12I will show you compassion so that he will have compassion on you and restore you to your land.’

13“However, if you say, ‘We will not stay in this land,’ and so disobey the Lord your God, 14and if you say, ‘No, we will go and live in Egypt, where we will not see war or hear the trumpet or be hungry for bread,’ 15then hear the word of the Lord, you remnant of Judah. This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘If you are determined to go to Egypt and you do go to settle there, 16then the sword you fear will overtake you there, and the famine you dread will follow you into Egypt, and there you will die. 17Indeed, all who are determined to go to Egypt to settle there will die by the sword, famine and plague; not one of them will survive or escape the disaster I will bring on them.’ 18This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘As my anger and wrath have been poured out on those who lived in Jerusalem, so will my wrath be poured out on you when you go to Egypt. You will be a curse42:18 That is, your name will be used in cursing (see 29:22); or, others will see that you are cursed. and an object of horror, a curse42:18 That is, your name will be used in cursing (see 29:22); or, others will see that you are cursed. and an object of reproach; you will never see this place again.’

19“Remnant of Judah, the Lord has told you, ‘Do not go to Egypt.’ Be sure of this: I warn you today 20that you made a fatal mistake when you sent me to the Lord your God and said, ‘Pray to the Lord our God for us; tell us everything he says and we will do it.’ 21I have told you today, but you still have not obeyed the Lord your God in all he sent me to tell you. 22So now, be sure of this: You will die by the sword, famine and plague in the place where you want to go to settle.”