Ruth 4 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Ruth 4:1-22

Boaz Marries Ruth

1Boaz went up to the town gate and sat down there. Right then, the family protector he had talked about came by. Then Boaz said, “Come over here, my friend. Sit down.” So the man went over and sat down.

2Boaz brought ten of the elders of the town together. He said, “Sit down here.” So they did. 3Then he spoke to the family protector. He said, “Naomi has come back from Moab. She’s selling the piece of land that belonged to our relative Elimelek. 4I thought I should bring the matter to your attention. I suggest that you buy the land. Buy it while those sitting here and the elders of my people are looking on as witnesses. If you are willing to buy it back, do it. But if you aren’t, tell me. Then I’ll know. No one has the right to buy it back except you. And I’m next in line.”

“I’ll buy it,” he said.

5Then Boaz said, “When you buy the property from Naomi, you must also marry Ruth. She is from Moab and is the dead man’s widow. So you must marry her. That’s because his property must continue to belong to his family.”

6When the family protector heard that, he said, “Then I can’t buy the land. If I did, I might put my own property in danger. So you buy it. I can’t do it.”

7In earlier times in Israel, there was a certain practice. It was used when family land was bought back and changed owners. The practice made the sale final. One person would take his sandal off and give it to the other. That was how people in Israel showed that a business matter had been settled.

8So the family protector said to Boaz, “Buy it yourself.” And he took his sandal off.

9Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, “Today you are witnesses. You have seen that I have bought land from Naomi. I have bought all the property that had belonged to Elimelek, Kilion and Mahlon. 10I’ve also taken Ruth, who is from Moab, to become my wife. She is Mahlon’s widow. I’ve decided to marry her so the dead man’s name will stay with his property. Now his name won’t disappear from his family line or from his hometown. Today you are witnesses!”

11Then the elders and all the people at the gate said, “We are witnesses. The woman is coming into your home. May the Lord make her like Rachel and Leah. Together they built up the family of Israel. May you be an important person in Ephrathah. May you be famous in Bethlehem. 12The Lord will give you children through this young woman. May your family be like the family of Perez. He was the son Tamar had by Judah.”

Naomi Gains a Son

13So Boaz married Ruth. Then he slept with her. The Lord blessed her so that she became pregnant. And she had a son. 14The women said to Naomi, “We praise the Lord. Today he has provided a family protector for you. May this child become famous all over Israel! 15He will make your life new again. He’ll take care of you when you are old. He’s the son of your very own daughter-in-law. She loves you. She is better to you than seven sons.”

16Then Naomi took the child in her arms and took care of him. 17The women living there said, “Naomi has a son!” They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse. Jesse was the father of David.

18Here is the family line of Perez.

Perez was the father of Hezron.

19Hezron was the father of Ram.

Ram was the father of Amminadab.

20Amminadab was the father of Nahshon.

Nahshon was the father of Salmon.

21Salmon was the father of Boaz.

Boaz was the father of Obed.

22Obed was the father of Jesse.

And Jesse was the father of David.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

ルツ記 4:1-22




二人は並んで腰をおろしました。 2それからボアズは町の指導者十人を招き、証人になってくれるように頼みました。 3万事の手はずが整うと、ボアズは相手に話を切り出しました。「モアブから帰って来たナオミのことは、ご存じですね。実は、あの人が私たちの身内のエリメレクの畑を売りたいと言っています。 4そのことをお耳に入れるべきだと思ったのです。ここに証人の方々もおられるので、よかったら、畑を買ってください。いかがですか? はっきりしたお返事を頂きたいのです。もし、そうされないなら私が買いましょう。ただ、一番にそれを買い戻す権利はあなたにあって、私はその次なのです。」




7当時イスラエルでは、人が買い戻しの権利を譲る時は、くつを脱いで相手に渡す習慣がありました。こうして、すべての取り引きが公認となるのです。 8その人はボアズに「あなたに譲る」と言って、くつを脱ぎました。 9ボアズは、同席の証人や長老たちに向かって言いました。「では皆さん。今日、私がナオミから、エリメレクおよびキルヨンやマフロンの全財産を買い取ったことを、お認めいただけますね。 10また、マフロンの未亡人でモアブ人のルツも、妻として譲り受けることになります。ルツの産む子どもは亡くなった夫の家名を継ぐことができるのです。このことの証人になっていただけますか。」

11すると、その場に居合わせた人々は、証人として答えました。「喜んで証人となりましょう。どうか主が、あなたがお迎えになる女に、イスラエル国民の母ラケルとレアのように、子どもを大ぜいお授けくださるように。またあなたも、ベツレヘムで大いに栄えられますように。 12その昔、主がわれらの先祖ペレツを、タマルを通してユダにお与えくださったように、あなたもこの若い女を通して子どもを授かり、末長く繁栄されますように。」


13こうしてボアズはルツと結婚し、まもなく彼女は男の子を授かりました。 14女たちはナオミに言いました。「よかったわね。主がこんなにかわいいお孫さんを授けてくださるなんて。きっとこの子はイスラエルでその名が知られるようになるわ。 15おかげで、あなたは若返り、老後の心配もありませんね。何しろ、あんなに母親思いで、七人の息子にもまさるあなたのお嫁さんから生まれた子どもなんだもの。」


