1 Samuel 1 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 1:1-28

Samuel Is Born

1A certain man from Ramathaim in the hill country of Ephraim was named Elkanah. He was the son of Jeroham. Jeroham was the son of Elihu. Elihu was the son of Tohu. Tohu was the son of Zuph. Elkanah belonged to the family line of Zuph. Elkanah lived in the territory of Ephraim. 2Elkanah had two wives. One was named Hannah. The other was named Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah didn’t.

3Year after year Elkanah went up from his town to Shiloh. He went there to worship and sacrifice to the Lord who rules over all. Hophni and Phinehas served as priests of the Lord at Shiloh. They were the two sons of Eli. 4Every year at Shiloh, the day would come for Elkanah to offer a sacrifice. On that day, he would give a share of the meat to his wife Peninnah. He would also give a share to each of her sons and daughters. 5But he would give two shares of meat to Hannah. That’s because he loved her. He also gave her two shares because the Lord had kept her from having children. 6Peninnah teased Hannah to make her angry. She did it because the Lord had kept Hannah from having children. 7Peninnah teased Hannah year after year. Every time Hannah would go up to the house of the Lord, Elkanah’s other wife would tease her. She would keep doing it until Hannah cried and wouldn’t eat. 8Her husband Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, why are you crying? Why don’t you eat? Why are you so unhappy? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?”

9One time when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Eli the priest was sitting on his chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s house. 10Hannah was very sad. She wept and wept. She prayed to the Lord. 11She made a promise to him. She said, “Lord, you rule over all. Please see how I’m suffering! Show concern for me! Don’t forget about me! Please give me a son! If you do, I’ll give him back to the Lord. Then he will serve the Lord all the days of his life. He’ll never use a razor on his head. He’ll never cut his hair.”

12As Hannah kept on praying to the Lord, Eli watched her lips. 13She was praying in her heart. Her lips were moving. But she wasn’t making a sound. Eli thought Hannah was drunk. 14He said to her, “How long are you going to stay drunk? Stop drinking your wine.”

15“That’s not true, sir,” Hannah replied. “I’m a woman who is deeply troubled. I haven’t been drinking wine or beer. I was telling the Lord all my troubles. 16Don’t think of me as an evil woman. I’ve been praying here because I’m very sad. My pain is so great.”

17Eli answered, “Go in peace. May the God of Israel give you what you have asked him for.”

18She said, “May you be pleased with me.” Then she left and had something to eat. Her face wasn’t sad anymore.

19Early the next morning Elkanah and his family got up. They worshiped the Lord. Then they went back to their home in Ramah. Elkanah slept with his wife Hannah. And the Lord blessed her. 20So after some time, Hannah became pregnant. She had a baby boy. She said, “I asked the Lord for him.” So she named him Samuel.

Hannah Gives Samuel to the Lord

21Elkanah went up to Shiloh to offer the yearly sacrifice to the Lord. He also went there to keep a promise he had made. His whole family went with him. 22But Hannah didn’t go. She said to her husband, “When the boy doesn’t need me to breast-feed him anymore, I’ll take him to the Lord’s house. I’ll give him to the Lord there. He’ll stay there for the rest of his life.”

23Her husband Elkanah told her, “Do what you think is best. Stay here at home until Samuel doesn’t need you to breast-feed him anymore. May the Lord make his promise to you come true.” So Hannah stayed home. She breast-fed her son until he didn’t need her milk anymore.

24When the boy didn’t need her to breast-feed him anymore, she took him with her to Shiloh. She took him there even though he was still very young. She brought him to the Lord’s house. She brought along a bull that was three years old. She brought 36 pounds of flour. She also brought a bottle of wine. The bottle was made out of animal skin. 25After the bull was sacrificed, Elkanah and Hannah brought the boy to Eli. 26Hannah said to Eli, “Pardon me, sir. I’m the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. And that’s just as sure as you are alive. 27I prayed for this child. The Lord has given me what I asked him for. 28So now I’m giving him to the Lord. As long as he lives he’ll be given to the Lord.” And there Eli worshiped the Lord.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅰ 1:1-28



1これは、エフライムの山地のラマタイム・ツォフィムに住んでいた、エフライム人エルカナの物語です。エルカナの父はエロハム、エロハムの父はエリフ、エリフの父はトフ、トフの父はツフといいました。 2エルカナには、ハンナとペニンナという二人の妻があり、ペニンナには何人もの子どもがいたのに、ハンナは子どもに恵まれませんでした。

3エルカナの一家は毎年シロにある主の宮に出かけ、天地の主である神を礼拝しては、いけにえをささげていました。当時の祭司は、エリの二人の息子ホフニとピネハスでした。 4いけにえをささげ終えると、エルカナは、ペニンナと子どもたち一人一人に贈り物を与え、盛大に祝いました。 5彼はだれよりもハンナを愛していましたが、一人分の贈り物しか与えることはできませんでした。主が彼女の胎を閉ざしていたので、贈り物をしようにも子どもがいなかったのです。 6さらに困ったことは、ペニンナがハンナに子どもがないことを意地悪く言うことでした。 7毎年、シロに来ると必ずそうなるのです。ペニンナはハンナをあざけり、笑い者にしたので、ハンナは泣いてばかりいて、食事ものどを通らない有様でした。 8「ハンナ、どうした?」エルカナは心配顔でのぞき込みました。「なぜ食べないのだ。子どもがないからといって、そんなに思い悩むことはないよ。あなたにとって、私は十人の息子以上ではないのか。」

9シロ滞在中のある夜のこと、夕食後にハンナは宮の方へ行きました。祭司エリが、いつものように入口のわきの席に座っていました。 10ハンナは悲しみのあまり、主に祈りながら、激しくむせび泣きました。 11そして、次のような誓願を立てたのです。「天地の主よ。もしあなたが、私の悲しみに目を留めてくださり、この祈りに答えて男の子を授けてくださるなら、その子を必ずあなたにおささげいたします。一生あなたに従う者となるしるしに、その子の髪の毛を切りません。」

12-13エリは、ハンナのくちびるが動くのに声が聞こえないので、酔っているのではないかと思って言いました。 14「いつまで酔っ払っているのか。早く酔いをさましなさい。」






21-22翌年、エルカナはペニンナとその子どもたちだけを連れて、シロへ年ごとの礼拝に出かけました。ハンナが、「この子が乳離れしてからにしてください。この子は宮にお預けするつもりです」と、同行しなかったからです。 23エルカナはうなずきました。「いいだろう。あなたが一番いいと思うとおりにしなさい。ただ、主のお心にかなうことがなされるように。」こうしてハンナは、サムエルが乳離れするまで家で育てました。

24そののち、ハンナとエルカナは、いけにえとして三歳の雄牛一頭、小麦粉一エパ(二十三リットル)、皮袋入りのぶどう酒を携え、まだ幼いその子をシロへ連れ上りました。 25いけにえをささげ終えると、二人はその子を祭司エリのところへ連れて行きました。 26ハンナはエリに申し出ました。「祭司様。私のことを覚えておいででしょうか。かつて、ここで主に祈った女でございます。 27子どもを授けてくださいと、おすがりしたのです。主は願いをかなえてくださいました。 28ですから今、この子を生涯、主におささげしたいのです。」
