Joshua 24 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

Joshua 24:1-33

The Covenant Is Renewed at Shechem

1Joshua gathered all Israel’s tribes together at Shechem. He sent for the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel. They came and stood there in the sight of God.

2Joshua spoke to all the people. He said, “The Lord is the God of Israel. He says, ‘Long ago your people lived east of the Euphrates River. They worshiped other gods there. Your people included Terah. He was the father of Abraham and Nahor. 3I took your father Abraham from the land east of the Euphrates. I led him all through Canaan. I gave him many children and grandchildren. I gave him Isaac. 4To Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. I gave the hill country of Seir to Esau. But Jacob and his family went down to Egypt.

5“ ‘Then I sent Moses and Aaron. I made the people of Egypt suffer because of the plagues I sent on them. But I brought you out of Egypt. 6When I brought your people out, they came to the Red Sea. The people of Egypt chased them with chariots and with men on horses. They chased them all the way to the sea. 7But your people cried out to me for help. So I put darkness between you and the people of Egypt. I swept them into the sea. It completely covered them. Your own eyes saw what I did to them. After that, you lived in the desert for a long time.

8“ ‘I brought you to the land of the Amorites. They lived east of the Jordan River. They fought against you. But I handed them over to you. I destroyed them to make room for you. Then you took over their land. 9Balak, the son of Zippor, prepared to fight against Israel. Balak was the king of Moab. He sent for Balaam, the son of Beor. Balak wanted Balaam to put a curse on you. 10But I would not listen to Balaam’s curses. So he blessed you again and again. And I saved you from his power.

11“ ‘Then you went across the Jordan River. You came to Jericho. Its people fought against you. So did the Amorites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hittites, Girgashites, Hivites and Jebusites. But I handed them over to you. 12I sent hornets ahead of you. They drove your enemies out to make room for you. That included the two Amorite kings. You did not do that with your own swords and bows. 13So I gave you a land you had never farmed. I gave you cities you had not built. You are now living in them. And you are eating the fruit of vineyards and olive trees you did not plant.’

14“So have respect for the Lord. Serve him. Be completely faithful to him. Throw away the gods your people worshiped east of the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord. 15But suppose you don’t want to serve him. Then choose for yourselves right now whom you will serve. You can choose the gods your people served east of the Euphrates River. Or you can serve the gods of the Amorites. After all, you are living in their land. But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

16Then the people answered Joshua, “We would never desert the Lord! We would never serve other gods! 17The Lord our God himself brought us and our parents up out of Egypt. He brought us out of that land where we were slaves. With our own eyes, we saw those great signs he did. He kept us safe on our entire journey. He kept us safe as we traveled through all the nations. 18He drove them out to make room for us. That included the Amorites. They also lived in the land. We too will serve the Lord. That’s because he is our God.”

19Joshua said to the people, “You aren’t able to serve the Lord. He is a holy God. He is a jealous God. He won’t forgive you when you disobey him. He won’t forgive you when you sin against him. 20Suppose you desert the Lord. Suppose you serve the gods that people in other lands serve. If you do, he will turn against you. He will bring trouble on you. He will destroy you, even though he has been good to you.”

21But the people said to Joshua, “No! We will serve the Lord.”

22Then Joshua said, “You are witnesses against yourselves. You have said that you have chosen to serve the Lord.”

“Yes. We are witnesses,” they replied.

23“Now then,” said Joshua, “throw away the statues of the gods that are among you. People from other lands serve those gods. Give yourselves completely to the Lord. He is the God of Israel.”

24Then the people said to Joshua, “We will serve the Lord our God. We will obey him.”

25On that day Joshua made a covenant for the people. There at Shechem he reminded them of its rules and laws. 26He recorded these things in the Book of the Law of God. Then he got a large stone. He set it up in Shechem under the oak tree. It was near the place that had been set apart for the Lord.

27“Look!” he said to all the people. “This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the Lord has spoken to us. Suppose you aren’t faithful to your God. Then the stone will be a witness against you.”

28Joshua sent the people away. He sent all of them to their own shares of land.

Joshua Is Buried in the Promised Land

29Then Joshua, the servant of the Lord, died. He was the son of Nun. He was 110 years old when he died. 30His people buried him at Timnath Serah on his own property. It’s north of Mount Gaash in the hill country of Ephraim.

31Israel served the Lord as long as Joshua lived. They also served him as long as the elders lived. Those were the elders who lived longer than Joshua did. They had seen for themselves everything the Lord had done for Israel.

32The Israelites had brought Joseph’s bones up from Egypt. They buried his bones at Shechem in the piece of land Jacob had bought. He had bought it from the sons of Hamor. He had paid 100 pieces of silver for it. Hamor was the father of Shechem. That piece of land became the share that belonged to Joseph’s children after him.

33Aaron’s son Eleazar died. He was buried at Gibeah in the hill country of Ephraim. Gibeah had been given to Eleazar’s son Phinehas.

O Livro

Josué 24:1-33

A aliança é renovada em Siquem

1Então Josué convocou todo o povo de Israel para virem a Siquem, acompanhados dos seus anciãos, magistrados e juízes. E assim vieram apresentar-se perante Deus.

2Josué falou-lhes desta maneira. “Diz o Senhor, o Deus de Israel: ‘Os vossos antepassados, incluindo Tera, o pai de Abraão e de Naor, viviam a oriente do rio Eufrates; eles adoravam outros deuses. 3Mas eu tirei o vosso pai Abraão daquela terra dalém do rio e trouxe-o para esta terra de Canaã, tendo-a dado aos seus descendentes através de Isaque, seu filho. 4A Isaque dei Jacob e Esaú. A Esaú dei a região montanhosa de Seir, enquanto que Jacob e seus filhos foram para o Egito.

5Depois enviei Moisés e Aarão que trouxeram terríveis pragas sobre o Egito e posteriormente tirei de lá o meu povo como gente livre. 6Quando chegaram ao mar Vermelho, os egípcios perseguiram-nos com carros de combate e cavalaria. 7Mas Israel clamou a mim por auxílio e coloquei uma escuridão entre eles e os egípcios; fiz com que o mar caísse sobre eles, submergindo-os. Vocês bem viram o que lhes fiz. A partir daí Israel passou a viver no deserto durante muitos anos.

8Finalmente, trouxe-os para a terra dos amorreus, no outro lado do Jordão; eles combateram contra vocês, mas destruí-os e dei-vos aquela terra. 9Então o rei Balaque, filho de Zípor, de Moabe começou uma guerra contra Israel e pediu a Balaão, filho de Beor, para vos amaldiçoar. 10Mas eu não permiti que tal acontecesse; em vez disso, fiz com que vos abençoasse. E assim livrei Israel das suas mãos.

11Posteriormente, atravessaram o rio Jordão e vieram até Jericó. A gente da cidade combateu-vos; o mesmo fizeram muitos outros; os amorreus, os perizeus, os cananeus, os hititas, os girgaseus, os heveus e os jebuseus, mas eu fiz com que vocês os vencessem. 12Enviei vespões à vossa frente que puseram em fuga os dois reis dos amorreus e o seu povo. Não foram as vossas armas que vos trouxeram a vitória. 13Dei-vos terra que não cultivaram e cidades que não edificaram, essas onde vivem agora. Dei-vos igualmente vinhas e olivais para se alimentarem, mas que vocês não plantaram.’

14Por isso, temam o Senhor e sirvam-no com sinceridade e integridade. Rejeitem para sempre os ídolos que os vossos antepassados adoravam, dalém do rio Eufrates e no Egito. Adorem só o Senhor. 15Se não estiverem dispostos a servir o Senhor, decidam hoje quem querem servir. Será os deuses dos vossos antepassados, dalém do Eufrates, ou os deuses dos amorreus, aqui desta terra? Quanto a mim, eu e a minha casa serviremos o Senhor!”

16E todo o povo respondeu: “Que nunca nos aconteça deixar o Senhor para servir a outros deuses! 17O Senhor, nosso Deus, foi quem resgatou os nossos pais da escravidão da terra do Egito. É o Deus que fez poderosos milagres à vista de Israel, enquanto andávamos pelo deserto, e nos protegeu dos nossos inimigos quando atravessámos a terra deles. 18Foi o Senhor que expulsou os amorreus e os outros povos que aqui viviam. Sim, nós escolhemos o Senhor; só ele é o nosso Deus!”

19Apesar disso, Josué tornou a replicar ao povo: “Vocês não têm naturalmente capacidades para servirem o Senhor Deus, pois é santo e zeloso e não pode passar por cima da vossa rebelião e dos vossos pecados. 20Se o abandonarem e servirem a outros deuses, voltar-se-á contra vós e destruir-vos-á, ainda que tenha cuidado de vocês durante este longo tempo.”

21Contudo, o povo voltou a retorquir: “Nós escolhemos o Senhor!”

22“Vocês mesmos são testemunhas do que acabam de proferir”, disse Josué, “e de que escolheram servir ao Senhor.” O povo respondeu: “Sim, somos testemunhas!”

23“Pois bem, terão que destruir todos os ídolos que há no vosso meio e voltem-se com todo o coração para o Senhor Deus de Israel.”

24“Adoraremos e serviremos só ao Senhor, nosso Deus, e obedeceremos à sua voz”, foi a resposta.

25Então Josué fez uma aliança com eles, nesse dia em Siquem, levando-os a um compromisso entre eles e Deus; e deu-lhes leis e preceitos. 26Josué registou a resposta do povo no livro da Lei de Deus. Pegou num grande rochedo e pô-lo sob o carvalho que estava junto ao tabernáculo, para que servisse de memorial daquele ato.

27Josué disse a todo o povo: “Este rochedo ouviu tudo o que o Senhor disse; por isso, servirá de testemunho contra vós, no caso de não virem a cumprir a vossa palavra.”

28Por fim, despediu o povo para que regressasse aos seus lares, nas suas terras.

A morte de Josué

29Pouco tempo depois, Josué, filho de Num, faleceu com a idade de 110 anos. 30Foi enterrado na sua própria terra, em Timenate-Sera, nas colinas de Efraim, a norte do monte Gaás.

31Os israelitas serviram ao Senhor durante todo o tempo da vida de Josué e dos outros anciãos, gente idosa que tinha testemunhado diretamente as coisas maravilhosas que o Senhor fizera por Israel.

32Os restos mortais de José, que o povo de Israel trouxera consigo, quando deixaram o Egito, foram enterrados em Siquem, na parcela de terreno que Jacob comprara por cem peças de prata aos filhos de Hamor. Essa parcela de terra estava agora situada no território doado precisamente às tribos de José.

33Eleazar, filho de Aarão, também faleceu e foi sepultado nas colinas de Efraim em Gibeá, a cidade que fora dada ao seu filho Fineias.