Jeremiah 9 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 9:1-26

1I wish my head were a spring of water!

I wish my eyes were a fountain of tears!

I would weep day and night

for my people who have been killed.

2I wish I had somewhere to go in the desert

where a traveler could stay!

Then I could leave my people.

I could get away from them.

All of them commit adultery by worshiping other gods.

They aren’t faithful to the Lord.

3“They get ready to use

their tongues like bows,”

announces the Lord.

“Their mouths shoot out lies like arrows.

They tell lies to gain power in the land.

They go from one sin to another.

They do not pay any attention to me.

4Be on guard against your friends.

Do not trust the members of your own family.

Every one of them cheats.

Every friend tells lies.

5One friend cheats another.

No one tells the truth.

They have taught their tongues how to lie.

They wear themselves out sinning.

6Jeremiah, you live among people who tell lies.

When they lie, they refuse to pay any attention to me,”

announces the Lord.

7So the Lord who rules over all says,

“I will put them through the fire to test them.

What else can I do?

My people are so sinful!

8Their tongues are like deadly arrows.

They tell lies.

With their mouths all of them speak kindly to their neighbors.

But in their hearts they set traps for them.

9Shouldn’t I punish them for this?”

announces the Lord.

“Shouldn’t I pay back the nation

that does these things?”

10I will cry and mourn over the mountains.

I will sing a song of sadness about the desert grasslands.

They are dry and empty. No one travels through them.

The mooing of cattle isn’t heard there.

The birds have flown away.

All the animals are gone.

11The Lord says, “I will knock down all of Jerusalem’s buildings.

I will make it a home for wild dogs.

The towns of Judah will be completely destroyed.

No one will be able to live in them.”

12Who is wise enough to understand these things? Who has been taught by the Lord? Who can explain them? Why has the land been destroyed so completely? Why has it become like a desert that no one can go across?

13The Lord answered me, “Because my people have turned away from my law. I gave it to them. But they have not kept it. They have not obeyed me. 14Instead, they have done what their stubborn hearts wanted them to do. They have worshiped the gods that are named Baal. They have done what their people have taught them to do through the years.” 15So now the Lord who rules over all speaks. He is the God of Israel. He says, “I will make these people eat bitter food. I will make them drink poisoned water. 16I will scatter them among the nations. They and their people before them didn’t know about these nations. With swords I will chase these people. I will hunt them down until I have destroyed them.”

17The Lord rules over all. He says,

“Here is something I want you to think about.

Send for the women who mourn for the dead.

Send for the most skilled among them.”

18Let them come quickly

and weep for us.

Let them cry until tears flow from our eyes.

Let them weep until water pours out of our eyes.

19People are heard weeping in Zion.

They are saying, “We are destroyed!

We are filled with shame!

We must leave our land.

Our houses have been torn down.”

20You women, hear the Lord’s message.

Listen to what he’s saying.

Teach your daughters how to mourn for the dead.

Teach one another a song of sadness.

21Death has climbed in through our windows.

It has entered our forts.

Death has removed the children from the streets.

It has taken the young men out of the market.

22Say, “The Lord announces,

“ ‘Dead bodies will be like human waste

lying in the open fields.

They will lie there like grain

that is cut down at harvest time.

No one will gather them up.’ ”

23The Lord says,

“Do not let wise people brag about how wise they are.

Do not let strong people boast about how strong they are.

Do not let rich people brag about how rich they are.

24But here is what the one who brags should boast about.

They should brag that they have the understanding to know me.

I want them to know that I am the Lord.

No matter what I do on earth, I am always kind, fair and right.

And I take delight in this,”

announces the Lord.

25“The days are coming when I will judge people,” announces the Lord. “I will punish all those who are circumcised only in their bodies. 26That includes the people of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon and Moab. It also includes all those who live in the desert in places far away. None of the people in these nations is really circumcised. And not even the people of Israel are circumcised in their hearts.”

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Yeremiya 9:1-26

19:1 a Yer 13:17; Kgb 2:11, 18 b Is 22:4Woowe, singa omutwe gwange gubadde mugga

n’amaaso gange luzzi lwa maziga,

nnandikaabye emisana n’ekiro

olw’abantu bange be batta!

29:2 Yer 5:7-8; 23:10; Kos 4:2Woowe singa mbadde n’ekisulo

ky’abatambuze mu ddungu,

nnandivudde ku bantu bange

ne mbaleka

kubanga bonna benzi,

bibiina by’abasajja ab’enkwe.

39:3 Zab 64:3“Bategeka olulimi lwabwe

ng’omutego ogunasula obulimba;

bakulaakulanye mu ggwanga

naye nga tebayimiridde ku mazima,

kubanga bakola ekibi kino ate ne bongera ekirala;

era tebammanyi,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

49:4 a Mi 7:5-6 b Lub 27:35“Mwegendereze mikwano gyammwe

era temwesiganga baganda bammwe:

kubanga buli wa luganda mulimba

na buli wamukwano agenda awaayiriza buwaayiriza.

5Buli muntu alimba muliraanwa we

era tewali n’omu ayogera mazima.

Bayigirizza ennimi zaabwe okulimba

ne beemalamu amaanyi nga bakola ebitali bya butuukirivu.

69:6 Yer 5:27Mubeera wakati mu bulimba;

mu bulimba bwabwe bagaana okummanya,”

bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.

79:7 a Is 1:25 b Yer 6:27Noolwekyo bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye nti,

“Laba, ndibalongoosa ne mbagezesa,

kiki ate kye nnaakolera abantu bange

kubanga boonoonye?

89:8 a nny 3 b Yer 5:26Olulimi lwabwe kasaale akatta,

lwogera bya bulimba,

buli muntu ayogeza mirembe n’akamwa ke,

naye mu mutima gwe ategeka kumutega.

99:9 Yer 5:9, 29Nneme okubabonereza olw’ebintu bino?”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

“Seesasuze ku ggwanga

eriri nga lino?”

109:10 Yer 4:25; 12:4; Kos 4:3Ndikaaba ne nkungubagira ensozi

era ne nkungubagira amalundiro ag’omu ddungu.

Galekeddwa awo era tegayitwamu,

n’okukaaba kw’ente tekuwulirwa.

Ebinyonyi eby’omu bbanga tebikyawulirwa

n’ensolo ez’omu nsiko zidduse.

119:11 a Is 34:13 b Is 25:2; Yer 26:9“Ndifuula Yerusaalemi entuumu y’ebifunfugu,

ekisulo ky’ebibe.

Era ndyonoona ebibuga bya Yuda

waleme kubaawo muntu yenna abeeramu.”

129:12 Zab 107:43; Kos 14:9Mugezigezi ki anaayinza okutegeera kino? Ani oyo Mukama gw’abuulidde alyoke akinnyonnyole? Lwaki ensi eyonoonese ng’eddungu ne wataba agiyitamu?

139:13 2By 7:19; Zab 89:30-32Mukama n’agamba nti, “Kubanga balese amateeka gange, ge nabateekerawo. Tebaŋŋondedde wadde okugoberera amateeka gange. 149:14 a Yer 2:8, 23 b Yer 7:24Naye, bagoberedde obukakanyavu bw’emitima gyabwe ne basinza ebifaananyi bya Babaali nga bajjajjaabwe bwe baabayigiriza.” 159:15 a Kgb 3:15 b Yer 8:14Noolwekyo bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama ow’Eggye, Katonda wa Isirayiri nti, “Laba ndiriisa abantu bano emmere ekaawa ne mbanyweesa n’amazzi ag’obutwa. 169:16 a Lv 26:33 b Ma 28:64 c Ez 5:2 d Yer 44:27; Ez 5:12Ndibasaasaanya mu mawanga bakitaabwe ge bataamanya; era ndibasindiikiriza n’ekitala, okutuusa nga mbazikirizza.”

179:17 2By 35:25; Mub 12:5; Am 5:16Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye nti,

“Mulowooze kaakano, muyite abakazi abakungubazi, bajje;

era mutumye abasingayo obumanyirivu.

189:18 Yer 14:17Leka bajje mangu


okutuusa amaaso gaffe lwe ganaakulukuta amaziga,

n’obukoowekoowe bwaffe ne butiiriika amazzi.

199:19 Yer 4:13Kubanga amaloboozi ag’okukungubaga gawuliddwa mu Sayuuni;

‘Nga tunyagiddwa!

Nga tuswadde nnyo!

Tuteekwa okuva mu nsi yaffe

kubanga amayumba gaffe gazikiriziddwa.’ ”

209:20 Is 32:9-13Kaakano mmwe abakazi, muwulirize ekigambo kya Katonda,

era mutege okutu kwammwe kuwulire ekigambo ky’akamwa ke.

Muyigirize bawala bammwe okukaaba,

era buli muntu ayigirize munne okukungubaga.

219:21 2By 36:17Kubanga okufa kutuyingiridde mu madirisa,

kuyingidde mu mbiri zaffe,

okugoba abaana okubaggya ku nguudo,

n’abavubuka okubaggya mu bifo ebisanyukirwamu.

229:22 Yer 8:2“Yogera,” bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama nti,

“ ‘Emirambo gy’abasajja abafudde

gijja kugwa ng’obusa ku ttale

ng’ebinywa by’eŋŋaano ensale bwe bigwa

emabega w’omukunguzi nga tebiriiko alonda.’ ”

239:23 a Mub 9:11 b 1Bk 20:11 c Ez 28:4-5Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama nti,

“Omusajja omugezi aleme kwenyumiririza mu magezi ge,

oba omusajja ow’amaanyi okwenyumiririza mu maanyi ge

oba omugagga mu bugagga bwe.

249:24 a 1Ko 1:31*; Bag 6:14 b 2Ko 10:17* c Zab 51:1; Mi 7:18 d Zab 36:6Naye leka oyo eyeenyumiriza yeenyumirizenga mu kino:

nti antegeera era ammanyi,

nti nze Mukama akola ebyekisa

n’eby’ensonga n’eby’obutuukirivu mu nsi,

kubanga mu byo mwe nsanyukira,”

bw’ayogera Mukama.

259:25 Bar 2:8-9“Ennaku zijja,” bw’ayogera Mukama, “lwe ndibonereza abo bonna abakomole obukomozi mu mubiri: 269:26 a Yer 25:23 b Lv 26:41; Bik 7:51; Bar 2:28Misiri, ne Yuda, ne Edomu, n’abaana ba Amoni, ne Mowaabu, era n’abo bonna ababeera mu ddungu mu bifo eby’ewala. Kubanga amawanga gano gonna ddala si makomole, ate era n’ennyumba ya Isirayiri yonna si nkomole mu mutima.”