Genesis 15 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 15:1-21

God Makes a Covenant With Abram

1Some time later, Abram had a vision. The Lord said to him,

“Abram, do not be afraid.

I am like a shield to you.

I am your very great reward.”

2But Abram said, “Lord and King, what can you give me? I still don’t have any children. My servant Eliezer comes from Damascus. When I die, he will get everything I own.” 3Abram continued, “You haven’t given me any children. So this servant of mine will get everything I own.”

4Then a message from the Lord came to Abram. The Lord said, “When you die, what you have will not go to this man. You will have a son of your own. He will get everything you have.” 5The Lord took Abram outside and said, “Look up at the sky. Count the stars, if you can.” Then he said to him, “That’s how many children will be born into your family.”

6Abram believed the Lord. The Lord was pleased with Abram because he believed. So Abram’s faith made him right with the Lord.

7He also said to Abram, “I am the Lord. I brought you out of Ur in the land of Babylon. I will give you this land to have as your very own.”

8But Abram said, “Lord and King, how can I know I will have this land as my own?”

9So the Lord said to him, “Bring me a young cow, a goat and a ram. Each must be three years old. Bring a dove and a young pigeon along with them.”

10Abram brought all of them to the Lord. Abram cut them in two and placed the halves opposite each other. But he didn’t cut the birds in half. 11Then large birds came down to eat the dead bodies of the animals and birds. But Abram chased the large birds away.

12As the sun was going down, Abram fell into a deep sleep. A thick and scary darkness covered him. 13Then the Lord said to him, “You can be sure of what I am about to tell you. For 400 years, your family who comes after you will be strangers in another country. They will become slaves there and will be treated badly. 14But I will punish the nation that makes them slaves. After that, they will leave with many possessions. 15But you will die in peace. You will join the members of your family who have already died. And you will be buried when you are very old. 16Your children’s grandchildren will come back here. That’s because the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached the point where I must punish them.”

17The sun set and it became dark. Then a burning torch and a pot filled with smoking coals appeared. They passed between the pieces of the animals that had been cut in two. 18On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram. He said, “I am giving this land to your family who comes after you. It reaches from the River of Egypt to the great Euphrates River. 19It includes the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 20Hittites, Perizzites and Rephaites. 21The Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites also live there.”

Japanese Contemporary Bible

創世記 15:1-21






5それから主はアブラムを外へ連れ出し、満天の星空の下に立たせました。「空を見なさい。あの星を全部数えられますか? あなたの子孫はあの星のようにとても数えきれないほどの数になる。」 6アブラムは主を信じました。主はアブラムの信仰を義と認めました。


8「神様、できれば、その確かな証拠を見せてください。」 9すると、主は次のように言われました。「それぞれ三歳の雌牛と雌やぎと雄羊、それに山鳩とそのひなを持って来て、 10殺し、真ん中から引き裂いて二つに分けなさい。ただし、鳥は裂いてはいけない。」 11アブラムは言われたとおりにし、はげたかが死体の上に舞い下りて来そうになると、追い払いました。

12やがて夕方になり、日が西に傾きました。アブラムは眠くて、どうにも我慢ができなくなりました。すると、何か恐ろしいことが起きる前兆のような、深い闇が忍び寄ってきたのです。 13その時、主の声がしました。「あなたの子孫は四百年の間、外国で奴隷とされ、苦しめられるだろう。 14だが、その国をわたしは罰する。そしてついには、あり余るほどの富を携えて、彼らはその国から脱出することになる。 15あなたは天寿を全うし、安らかにこの世を去るだろう。 16四世代ののち、彼らはこの地に帰る。今ここに住んでいるエモリ人の国々の悪行は、まだ最悪には至っていない。だがその時がきたら、きびしい罰を受けることになる。」

17もう日はすっかり沈み、あたりは真っ暗です。見ると、煙のたち込めるかまどと燃えるたいまつが現れ、二つに引き裂かれた動物の死体の間を通り抜けました。 18こうしてその日、主はアブラムと契約を結ばれたのです。「わたしはこの地をあなたの子孫に与える。ワディ・エル・アリシュ〔エジプト川〕からユーフラテス川に至る地を。
