Exodus 1 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 1:1-22

The Israelites Become Slaves in Egypt

1Here are the names of Israel’s children who went to Egypt with Jacob. Each one went with his family. 2Jacob’s sons were

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,

3Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,

4Dan, Naphtali,

Gad and Asher.

5The total number of Jacob’s children and grandchildren was 70. Joseph was already in Egypt.

6Joseph and all his brothers died. So did all their children. 7The people of Israel had many children. The number of them greatly increased. There were so many of them that they filled the land.

8Then a new king came to power in Egypt. Joseph didn’t mean anything to him. 9“Look,” he said to his people. “The Israelites are far too many for us. 10Come. We must deal with them carefully. If we don’t, there will be even more of them. Then if war breaks out, they’ll join our enemies. They’ll fight against us and leave the country.”

11So the Egyptians put slave drivers over the people of Israel. The slave drivers treated them badly and made them work hard. The Israelites built the cities of Pithom and Rameses so Pharaoh could store things there. 12But the worse the slave drivers treated the Israelites, the more Israelites there were. So the Egyptians became afraid of them. 13They made them work hard. They didn’t show them any pity. 14The people suffered because of their hard labor. The slave drivers forced them to work with bricks and mud. And they made them do all kinds of work in the fields. The Egyptians didn’t show them any pity at all. They made them work very hard.

15There were two Hebrew women named Shiphrah and Puah. They helped other women having babies. The king of Egypt spoke to them. He said, 16“You are the ones who help the other Hebrew women. Watch them when they get into a sitting position to have their babies. Kill the boys. Let the girls live.” 17But Shiphrah and Puah had respect for God. They didn’t do what the king of Egypt had told them to do. They let the boys live. 18Then the king of Egypt sent for the women. He asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?”

19The women answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like the women of Egypt. They are strong. They have their babies before we get there.”

20So God was kind to Shiphrah and Puah. And the number of Israelites became even greater. 21Shiphrah and Puah had respect for God. So he gave them families of their own.

22Then Pharaoh gave an order to all his people. He said, “You must throw every Hebrew baby boy into the Nile River. But let every Hebrew baby girl live.”

Japanese Contemporary Bible

出エジプト記 1:1-22




5総勢七十人でした。ヨセフはみなより先にエジプトへ行っていたので、この数には入りません。 6やがて、ヨセフも兄弟たちも死に、新しい世代になりました。 7イスラエル人は多くの子どもに恵まれたので、人口は増え続け、ゴシェンの地はイスラエル人であふれ、一つの国と言ってもよいほどの勢力にふくれ上がりました。


9王は国民に言いました。「このままイスラエル人どもを放っておくと危険だ。あまりに数が多すぎる。 10何とか彼らの勢力を食い止めなければならない。戦争にでもなり、彼らが敵方についたら大変だ。われわれに戦いを挑み、難なくこの国から逃げてしまうだろう。」 11そこで、イスラエル人を奴隷にしてしまおうとしました。きびしい監督を立て、重労働につかせるのです。こうして建てられたのが、ファラオ(王)のための倉庫の町ピトムとラメセスです。 12ところが、いくら重労働を課しても、締めつけをきびしくしても、いっこうに効果はありません。むしろ、前よりすさまじい勢いで人が増え続けるのです。エジプト人は警戒して、 13-14ますます過酷な仕事を押しつけました。畑での長時間の重労働や、粘土でれんがを造る激しい仕事をさせました。

15-16これほどにしても、まだ効き目がありません。とうとう王は、シフラとプアというヘブル人(イスラエル人)の助産婦に、ひそかに命じました。ヘブル人の男の子は生まれたらすぐに殺し、女の子だけを生かしておくようにというのです。 17ところが、助産婦たちは神を恐れていたので王の命令に従わず、男の子も生かしておきました。 18そこで王は彼女たちを呼びつけ、問い詰めました。「おまえたちは男の子を生かしておくそうだな。なぜ私の命令に背いたのだ。」


20神はこの助産婦たちを心にかけてくださったので、イスラエル人はさらに増え続け、強大な民になりました。 21神を畏れ敬う助産婦たちも子どもに恵まれました。 22それで、王は全国民に、「以後、ヘブル人の子は、女の子だけを残して、男の子はみなナイル川に投げ込め」と命じたのです。