Ezekiel 20 – NIRV & NSP

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 20:1-49

The Lord Judges Sinful Israel

1It was the seventh year since King Jehoiachin had been brought to Babylon as a prisoner. On the tenth day of the fifth month, some of the elders of Israel came to ask the Lord for advice. They sat down with me.

2Then a message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 3“Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel. Tell them, ‘The Lord and King says, “Have you come to ask me for advice? I will not let you do that,” announces the Lord and King. “And that is just as sure as I am alive.” ’

4“Are you going to judge them, son of man? Will you judge them? Tell them the evil things done by their people of long ago. I hate those things. 5Tell them, ‘The Lord and King says, “I chose Israel. On that day I raised my hand and made a promise. I made a promise to the members of Jacob’s family line. I made myself known to them in Egypt. I raised my hand and told them, ‘I am the Lord your God.’ 6On that day I promised I would bring them out of Egypt. I told them I would take them to a land I had found for them. It had plenty of milk and honey. It was the most beautiful land of all. 7I said to them, ‘Each of you must get rid of the statues of the evil gods you worship. Do not make yourselves “unclean” by worshiping the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’

8“ ‘ “But they refused to obey me. They would not listen to me. They did not get rid of the evil gods they worshiped. And they did not turn away from Egypt’s gods. So I said I would pour out all my great anger on them in Egypt. 9I wanted my name to be honored. So I brought my people out of Egypt. I did it to keep my name from being treated as if it were not holy. I didn’t want this to happen in front of the nations around my people. I had made myself known to Israel in the sight of those nations. 10So I led them out of Egypt. I brought them into the Desert of Sinai. 11I gave them my rules. I made my laws known to them. The person who obeys them will live by them. 12I also told them to observe my Sabbath days. That is the sign of the covenant I made with them. I wanted them to know that I made them holy. I am the Lord.

13“ ‘ “But in the desert the people of Israel refused to obey me. They did not follow my rules. They turned their backs on my laws. The person who obeys them will live by them. They totally misused my Sabbath days. So I said I would pour out my great anger on them. I would destroy them in the desert. 14But I wanted my name to be honored. I kept it from being treated as if it were not holy. I did not want that to happen in front of the nations. They had seen me bring Israel out of Egypt. 15I also raised my hand and made a promise in the desert. I told my people I would not bring them into the land I had given them. It had plenty of milk and honey. It was the most beautiful land of all. 16But they turned their backs on my laws. They did not obey my rules. They misused my Sabbath days. Their hearts were committed to worshiping the statues of their gods. 17Then I felt sorry for them. So I did not destroy them. I did not put an end to them in the desert. 18I spoke to their children there. I said, ‘Do not follow the rules your parents gave you. Do not obey their laws. Do not make yourselves “unclean” by worshiping their gods. 19I am the Lord your God. So follow my rules. Be careful to obey my laws. 20Keep my Sabbath days holy. That is the sign of the covenant I made with you. You will know that I am the Lord your God.’

21“ ‘ “But their children refused to obey me. They did not follow my rules. They were not careful to keep my laws. The person who obeys them will live by them. They misused my Sabbath days. So I said I would pour out all my great anger on them in the desert. 22But I kept myself from punishing them at that time. I wanted my name to be honored. So I kept it from being treated as if it were not holy. I did not want that to happen in front of the nations. They had seen me bring Israel out of Egypt. 23I also raised my hand and made a promise in the desert. I told my people I would scatter them among the nations. I would send them to other countries. 24They had not obeyed my laws. They had turned their backs on my rules. They had misused my Sabbath days. They only wanted to worship the statues of their parents’ gods. 25So I let them follow other rules. Those other rules were not good. I let them have laws they could not live by. 26I let them become ‘unclean’ by offering sacrifices to other gods. They even sacrificed the first male child born in each family. I wanted to fill them with horror. Then they would know that I am the Lord.” ’

27“Son of man, speak to the people of Israel. Tell them, ‘The Lord and King says, “Your people spoke evil things against me long ago. They were unfaithful to me. 28But I brought them into the land. I had promised to give the land to them. Then they offered sacrifices that made me very angry. They did it on every high hill and under every green tree. There they brought their sweet-smelling incense. And there they poured out their drink offerings. 29Then I said to them, ‘What is this high place you go to?’ ” ’ ” That high place is called Bamah to this day.

The Lord Makes Israel New Again

30The Lord said to me, “Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Here is what the Lord and King says. “Are you going to make yourselves ‘unclean’ the way your people of long ago did? Are you also going to want to worship the statues of their evil gods? 31You make yourselves ‘unclean’ by offering sacrifices to other gods. You even sacrifice your children in the fire. You continue to do these things to this day. People of Israel, should I let you ask me for advice? I will not let you do that,” announces the Lord and King. “And that is just as sure as I am alive.

32“ ‘ “You say, ‘We want to be like the other nations. We want to be like all the other people in the world. They serve gods made out of wood and stone.’ But what you have in mind will never happen. 33I will rule over you by reaching out my mighty hand and powerful arm. I will pour my great anger out on you,” announces the Lord and King. “And that is just as sure as I am alive. 34I will bring you back from the nations. I will gather you together from the countries where you have been scattered. I will reach out my mighty hand and powerful arm. I will pour my great anger out on you. 35I will send you among the nations. There I will judge you face to face. It will be as if I were judging you in the desert again. 36Long ago, I judged your people in the desert of Egypt. In the same way, I will judge you,” announces the Lord and King. 37“I will take note of you as you pass under my shepherd’s stick. I will separate those who obey me from those who do not. And I will give the blessings of the covenant to those of you who obey me. 38I will get rid of those among you who turn against me. They refuse to obey me. I will bring them out of the land where they are living. But they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.

39“ ‘ “People of Israel, the Lord and King says, ‘Go, every one of you! Serve your gods. But later you will listen to me. You will no longer treat my name as if it were not holy. You will not offer sacrifices to other gods anymore. 40People of Israel, you will all serve me,’ announces the Lord and King. ‘You will serve me on my high and holy mountain in Jerusalem. There I will accept you. I will require your offerings and your finest gifts. I want you to bring them along with all your other holy sacrifices. 41I will bring you back from the nations. I will gather you together from the countries where you have been scattered. Then I will accept you as if you were sweet-smelling incense. I will show that I am holy among you. The nations will see it. 42I will bring you into the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord. Long ago I raised my hand and made a promise. I promised to give that land to your people of long ago. 43There you will remember your conduct. You will think about everything you did that made you “unclean.” And you will hate yourselves because of all the evil things you have done. 44People of Israel, I will deal with you for the honor of my name. I will not deal with you based on your evil conduct and sinful practices. Then you will know that I am the Lord,’ announces the Lord and King.” ’ ”

Ezekiel Prophesies Against the South

45A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 46“Son of man, turn your attention to Judah in the south. Preach against it. Prophesy against its forests. 47Tell them, ‘Listen to the Lord’s message. The Lord and King says, “I am about to set you on fire. The fire will destroy all your trees. It will burn down green trees and dry trees alike. The blazing flame will not be put out. The faces of everyone from south to north will be burned by it. 48Everyone will see that I started the fire. It will not be put out. I am the Lord.” ’ ”

49Then I said, “Lord and King, people are talking about me. They are saying, ‘Isn’t he just telling stories?’ ”

New Serbian Translation

Књига пророка Језекиља 20:1-44

Израиљево одметничко понашање

1Седме године, десетог дана петог месеца, дошли су неки од Израиљевих старешина да траже савет од Господа, и сели пред мене.

2Тада ми дође реч Господња: 3„Сине човечији, говори Израиљевим старешинама. Реци им: ’Говори Господ Бог: да ли сте дошли да ме питате за савет? Живота ми мога – говори Господ Бог – нећу вам одговорити на питање!’

4Хоћеш ли да им судиш? Хоћеш ли да им судиш, сине човечији? Саопшти им гадости њихових предака. 5Реци им: ’Говори Господ Бог: онога дана кад сам изабрао Израиља, кад сам се заклео Јаковљевим потомцима и објавио им се у Египту, подигао сам руку и рекао: ја сам Господ, Бог ваш! 6Тог дана сам им се заклео да ћу их извести из Египта у земљу коју сам истражио за њих, земљу којом теку мед и млеко, најлепшу од свих земаља. 7Рекао сам им: нека свако од вас избаци гадне ликове у које упирете поглед, и не поганите се египатским идолима; ја сам Господ Бог!

8Али они су се побунили против мене и нису хтели да ме слушају. Ни један од њих није избацио своје гадне ликове у које су упирали поглед, нити су оставили своје египатске идоле. Тада сам рекао да ћу излити свој гнев на њих и дати одушка својој јарости на њима усред Египта. 9Ради свога имена сам деловао тако да се не би скрнавило у очима народа међу којима су били и пред којима сам им се објавио, кад сам их извео из Египта. 10Тако сам их извео из Египта и довео их у пустињу. 11Дао сам им своје уредбе и обзнанио им своје прописе, јер ће по њима живети онај који их извршава. 12Дао сам им и своје суботе да им буду знак између мене и њих, те да знају да их ја, Господ, посвећујем.

13Али дом се Израиљев побунио против мене у пустињи; нису следили моје уредбе, него су одбацили моје прописе, по којима ће живети онај који их извршава, и преко сваке мере скрнавили моје суботе. Тада сам рекао да ћу излити свој гнев на њих у пустињи да их истребим. 14Ради свога имена сам деловао тако да се не би скрнавило у очима народа на очиглед којих сам их извео. 15Још сам им се заклео у пустињи да их нећу довести у земљу којом теку мед и млеко, најлепшу од свих земаља, 16зато што су одбацили моје прописе, нису следили моје уредбе, и скрнавили моје суботе, јер им је срце ишло за идолима. 17Ипак, сажалио сам се на њих и нисам их уништио, и нисам их затро у пустињи. 18Рекао сам њиховој деци у пустињи: ’Не следите уредбе својих предака, не држите њихове прописе, и не поганите се њиховим идолима. 19Ја сам Господ, Бог ваш! Следите моје уредбе, држите моје прописе и извршавајте их. 20Држите светим моје суботе; нека оне буду знак између мене и вас, да знате да сам ја Господ, Бог ваш.’

21Али деца су се побунила против мене: нису следили моје уредбе, нису држали моје прописе како би их вршили, које вршећи их, сваки човек има живот; скрнавили су моје суботе. Тада сам одлучио да излијем свој гнев на њих и да дам одушка својој јарости у пустињи. 22Али задржао сам своју руку. Учинио сам то ради свог имена да се не би скрнавило у очима народа на очиглед којих сам их извео из Египта. 23Још сам им се уз подигнуту руку заклео у пустињи да ћу их распршити међу народе и расејати их по земљама, 24зато што нису вршили моје прописе, него су одбацили моје одредбе, скрнавили моје суботе, и упирали поглед у идоле својих предака. 25А дао сам им и одредбе које нису добре и прописе по којима не могу да живе. 26Ја сам их оскрнавио њиховим даровима, кад су одвајали сваког првенца мајчине утробе, како бих на њих свалио пропаст, да би знали да сам ја Господ.’

27Стога, сине човечији, говори дому Израиљевом. Реци им: ’Овако Говори Господ Бог: ваши преци су ме увредили и овим: учинили су неверство против мене. 28Кад сам их довео у земљу за коју сам се заклео да ћу им је дати, и кад су видели сваку велику узвишицу и свако гранато дрво, тамо су приносили своје жртве. Изазивали су ме приносећи тамо своје приносе, палећи мирисни кад, и изливајући своје жртве изливнице. 29Тада им рекох: каква је то узвишица20,29 Узвишица (јев. бама) је израз који се у Старом завету употребљава за недозвољено богослужбено место, или за многобожачке храмове на узвишицама. на коју идете? Тако је остало име Бама – узвишица – све до данас.’

Израиљ поново греши

30Зато реци дому Израиљевом: ’Говори Господ Бог: зар ћете да се скрнавите као ваши преци, и да се упуштате у блуд с њиховим гадним идолима? 31Кад приносите своје дарове, кад спаљујете своју децу у огњу, ви се и даље скрнавите са свим вашим идолима до овог дана. Па како онда да вам одговорим, доме Израиљев? Живота ми мога – говори Господ Бог – нећу вам одговорити!

32Што замишљате неће се остварити. Ви говорите: бићемо као народи, као племена земаљска која служе дрвету и камену. 33Живота ми мога – говори Господ Бог – владаћу над вама моћном руком, испруженом мишицом, и изливом свог гнева. 34Извешћу вас из народа и скупити вас из земаља по којима сте били расејани, моћном руком, испруженом мишицом и изливом свога гнева. 35Одвешћу вас у пустињу народа и судићу вам тамо лицем у лице. 36Како сам судио вашим прецима у египатској пустињи, тако ћу судити вама – говори Господ Бог. 37Ја ћу вас провести испод мог штапа и довести вас да се покоравате савезу. 38Уклонићу оне што се буне против мене; одвешћу их из места њиховог боравка, али неће ући у земљу израиљску. Тада ћете знати да сам ја Господ.

39А ти, доме Израиљев, говори Господ Бог: идите, сваки од вас, и служите својим идолима, али пазите се ако ме после не послушате! Нећете више скрнавити моје свето име вашим даровима и вашим идолима! 40Јер, на мојој светој гори, на високој гори Израиљевој – говори Господ Бог – тамо у земљи служиће ми сав дом Израиљев. Тамо ћу их прихватити. Тамо ћу тражити ваше приносе, ваше најбоље дарове, и ваше свете жртве. 41Прихватићу вас као угодни мирис, када вас изведем из народа и сакупим вас из земаља где сте били расејани, и показаћу своју светост међу вама пред очима народа. 42Тада ћете знати да сам ја Господ, када вас уведем у земљу израиљску за коју сам се уз подигнуту руку заклео да ћу је дати вашим оцима. 43Сетићете се тамо својих путева и својих идола којима сте се скрнавили, па ћете се самих себе гадити због свих зала које сте починили. 44Знаћете, доме Израиљев, да сам ја Господ, кад тако поступим са вама ради свог имена, а не према вашим злим путевима и вашим изопаченим делима – говори Господ Бог.’“