Números 26 – OL & NIRV

O Livro

Números 26:1-65

O segundo recenseamento

1Depois de ter passado a praga, o Senhor disse a Moisés e a Eleazar, filho de Aarão, o sacerdote: 2“Recenseia todos os homens de Israel, de 20 anos para cima, para se saber com quantas pessoas de cada tribo e família se poderá contar para a guerra.” 3-4Moisés e Eleazar instruíram os chefes de Israel nesse sentido. Toda a nação estava acampada nas planícies de Moabe, nas margens do rio Jordão, em frente de Jericó.

Seguem-se os resultados do recenseamento.

5-7Tribo de Rúben: 43 730. Rúben era o filho mais velho de Israel. Nesta tribo integravam-se as seguintes famílias, cujas designações correspondiam aos filhos de Rúben:

os descendentes de Hezrom,

os descendentes de Carmi,

os descendentes de Enoque.

Os descendentes de Palu; dentro destes, havia o subgrupo familiar

8de Eliabe, que era um dos filhos de Palu, 9e que se dividia ainda nos agregados familiares de Nemuel, Datã e Abirão. Estes últimos foram aqueles dois chefes que apoiaram Coré na conspiração contra Moisés e contra Aarão num desafio à autoridade do Senhor. 10Mas a terra abriu-se e engoliu-os vivos. Foram nessa altura destruídos igualmente pelo fogo de Deus 250 homens, como aviso a toda a nação. 11Mas os filhos de Coré não morreram.

12-14Tribo de Simeão: 22 200. Nesta tribo havia as seguintes famílias, segundo os filhos de Simeão:

de Nemuel, Jamim, Jaquim, Zera e de Saul.

15-18Tribo de Gad: 40 500. Eram as seguintes, as famílias de Gad, de acordo com os seus descendentes:

de Zefom, Hagi, Suni, de Ozni, Eri, Arodi e de Areli.

19-22Tribo de Judá: 76 500. As famílias dos descendentes de Judá eram estas, não incluindo nem Er nem Onã, os quais morreram na terra de Canaã:

de Sela, de Perez e de Zera.

Este recenseamento inclui também os seguintes subgrupos descendentes de Perez:

os descendentes de Hezrom e de Hamul.

23-25Tribo de Issacar: 64 300. As famílias de Issacar eram estas:

os descendentes de Tola, de Puva, de Jasube e de Simrom.

26-27Tribo de Zebulão: 60 500. As famílias desta tribo designavam-se assim:

Serede, Elom e Jaleel.

28-37Tribo de José: 32 500 da tribo de Efraim e 52 700 da tribo de Manassés.

Na tribo de Manassés, havia as famílias de:

Maquir, filho de Manassés. Da mesma tribo contaram-se ainda:

Os descendentes de Gileade, filho de Maquir, neto de Manassés:

Os descendentes de Iezer, de Heleque, de Asriel, de Siquem, de Semida e de Hefer; este último teve um filho, Zelofeade, o qual não teve descendentes do sexo masculino; teve cinco filhas, cujos nomes foram: Mala, Noa, Hogla, Milca e Tirza.

Constituíam as famílias da meia tribo de Efraim:

Os descendentes de Sutela, de Bequer e de Taã; havia ainda a família dos eranitas, descendentes de Erã, filho de Sutela, neto de Efraim.

38-41Tribo de Benjamim: 45 600. Nesta tribo havia as seguintes famílias:

Bela, Asbel, Airão, Sufão e Hufão.

Os filhos de Bela vieram a formar ainda estas famílias, incluídas na tribo de Benjamim: Arde e Naamã.

42-43Tribo de Dan: 64 400. Só uma família constituía esta tribo:

os descendentes de Suão.

44-47Tribo de Aser: 53 400. As famílias desta tribo foram:

os descendentes de Imna, de Isvi, de Beria;

os filhos deste constituíram mais duas famílias:

Heber e Malquiel.

Aser teve ainda uma filha Sera.

48-50A tribo de Naftali: 45 400. Nesta tribo havia as seguintes famílias:

Jazeel, Guni, Jezer e Silem.

51Portanto, o total dos homens aptos para o serviço militar foi de 601 730.

52Então o Senhor disse a Moisés 53que dividisse a terra por cada tribo, proporcionalmente à população de cada uma, conforme os dados do recenseamento; 54desta forma, as tribos maiores deveriam ter mais terra do que as mais pequenas. 55“Que os representantes das tribos sorteiem entre si as diversas zonas da terra, mas em duas vezes: 56as tribos maiores sortearão as zonas maiores e as outras as zonas mais pequenas.”

57São estas as famílias da tribo de Levi, conforme o recenseamento:

os descendentes de Gerson, de Coate e de Merari.

58Constavam ainda os seguintes agregados familiares:

os libnitas,

os hebronitas,

os malitas,

os musitas

os coraítas.

Coate foi o antepassado de Amrão. 59Quando Levi estava no Egito nasceu-lhe uma filha, chamada Joquebede, que veio a casar com Amrão. Foram estes os pais de Aarão, Moisés e Miriam. 60Depois a Aarão nasceram-lhe Nadabe, Abiú, Eleazar e Itamar. 61Nadabe e Abiú morreram quando pretendiam oferecer fogo estranho ao Senhor.

62O resultado do recenseamento revelou haver 23 000 levitas do sexo masculino, com mais de um mês de idade. Mas estes não foram incluídos nos resultados finais, porque não lhes foi dada a terra, aquando da repartição por entre as tribos.

63Estes são os números relativos à contagem feita por Moisés e por Eleazar nas planícies do Moabe, nas margens do Jordão, em frente de Jericó. 64Nem um só indivíduo de todo este alistamento tinha sido contado no anterior recenseamento feito no deserto de Sinai. Todos os que naquela altura tinham sido alistados estavam agora mortos, 65de acordo com aquilo que o Senhor dissera, que haveriam de morrer no deserto; as únicas duas exceções foram Calebe, filho de Jefoné, e Josué, filho de Num.

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 26:1-65

The Men of Israel Are Counted a Second Time

1After the plague, the Lord spoke to Moses and Eleazar the priest. Eleazar was the son of Aaron. The Lord said, 2“Count all the men of Israel. Make a list of them by their families. Count all the men who are able to serve in Israel’s army. They must be 20 years old or more.” 3At that time the Israelites were on the plains of Moab. They were by the Jordan River across from Jericho. Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke with them. They said, 4“Count all the men 20 years old or more. Do it just as the Lord commanded Moses.”

Here are the men of Israel who came out of Egypt.

5Reuben was Israel’s oldest son. Here are the names of his sons.

The Hanokite family came from Hanok.

The Palluite family came from Pallu.

6The Hezronite family came from Hezron.

The Karmite family came from Karmi.

7These were the families of Reuben. The number of men was 43,730.

8Eliab was the son of Pallu. 9Eliab’s sons were Nemuel, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram were the same community officials who refused to obey Moses and Aaron. They were among the followers of Korah who refused to obey the Lord. 10The ground opened its mouth. It swallowed them up along with Korah. The followers of Korah died when fire burned up 250 men. Their deaths were a warning to the rest of Israel. 11But the family line of Korah didn’t die out completely.

12Here are the names of Simeon’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Nemuelite family came from Nemuel.

The Jaminite family came from Jamin.

The Jakinite family came from Jakin.

13The Zerahite family came from Zerah.

The Shaulite family came from Shaul.

14These were the families of Simeon. The number of the men counted was 22,200.

15Here are the names of Gad’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Zephonite family came from Zephon.

The Haggite family came from Haggi.

The Shunite family came from Shuni.

16The Oznite family came from Ozni.

The Erite family came from Eri.

17The Arodite family came from Arodi.

The Arelite family came from Areli.

18These were the families of Gad. The number of the men counted was 40,500.

19Er and Onan were sons of Judah. But they died in Canaan.

20Here are the names of Judah’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Shelanite family came from Shelah.

The Perezite family came from Perez.

The Zerahite family came from Zerah.

21Here are the names of the sons of Perez.

The Hezronite family came from Hezron.

The Hamulite family came from Hamul.

22These were the families of Judah. The number of the men counted was 76,500.

23Here are the names of Issachar’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Tolaite family came from Tola.

The Puite family came from Puah.

24The Jashubite family came from Jashub.

The Shimronite family came from Shimron.

25These were the families of Issachar. The number of the men counted was 64,300.

26Here are the names of Zebulun’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Seredite family came from Sered.

The Elonite family came from Elon.

The Jahleelite family came from Jahleel.

27These were the families of Zebulun. The number of the men counted was 60,500.

28Here are the names of Joseph’s sons. They are listed by their families. The families came from Manasseh and Ephraim, the sons of Joseph.

29Here are the names of Manasseh’s sons.

The Makirite family came from Makir. Makir was the father of Gilead.

The Gileadite family came from Gilead.

30Here are the names of Gilead’s sons.

The Iezerite family came from Iezer.

The Helekite family came from Helek.

31The Asrielite family came from Asriel.

The Shechemite family came from Shechem.

32The Shemidaite family came from Shemida.

The Hepherite family came from Hepher.

33Zelophehad was the son of Hepher. Zelophehad didn’t have any sons. All he had was daughters. Their names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah and Tirzah.

34These were the families of Manasseh. The number of the men counted was 52,700.

35Here are the names of Ephraim’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Shuthelahite family came from Shuthelah.

The Bekerite family came from Beker.

The Tahanite family came from Tahan.

36The sons of Shuthelah were the Eranite family. They came from Eran.

37These were the families of Ephraim. The number of the men counted was 32,500.

These were the sons of Joseph. They are listed by their families.

38Here are the names of Benjamin’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Belaite family came from Bela.

The Ashbelite family came from Ashbel.

The Ahiramite family came from Ahiram.

39The Shuphamite family came from Shupham.

The Huphamite family came from Hupham.

40Bela’s sons came from Ard and Naaman.

The Ardite family came from Ard.

The Naamite family came from Naaman.

41These were the families of Benjamin. The number of the men counted was 45,600.

42Here is the name of Dan’s son. He is listed by his family.

The Shuhamite family came from Shuham.

This was the family of Dan. 43All the men in Dan’s family were Shuhamites. The number of the men counted was 64,400.

44Here are the names of Asher’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Imnite family came from Imnah.

The Ishvite family came from Ishvi.

The Beriite family came from Beriah.

45Here are the names of the families that came from Beriah’s sons.

The Heberite family came from Heber.

The Malkielite family came from Malkiel.

46Asher also had a daughter named Serah.

47These were the families of Asher. The number of the men counted was 53,400.

48Here are the names of Naphtali’s sons. They are listed by their families.

The Jahzeelite family came from Jahzeel.

The Gunite family came from Guni.

49The Jezerite family came from Jezer.

The Shillemite family came from Shillem.

50These were the families of Naphtali. The number of the men counted was 45,400.

51The total number of the men of Israel was 601,730.

52The Lord said to Moses, 53“I will give the land to them. The amount of land each family receives will be based on the number of its men. 54Give a larger share to a larger family. Give a smaller share to a smaller family. Each family will receive its share based on the number of men listed in it.

55“Be sure that you cast lots when you give out the land. What each family receives will be based on the number of men listed in its tribe. 56Cast lots when you give out each share. Cast lots for the larger and smaller families alike.”

57Here are the names of the Levites. They are listed by their families.

The Gershonite family came from Gershon.

The Kohathite family came from Kohath.

The Merarite family came from Merari.

58Here are the names of the other Levite families. They are

the Libnite family,

the Hebronite family,

the Mahlite family,

the Mushite family,

the Korahite family.

Amram came from the Kohathite family. 59The name of Amram’s wife was Jochebed. She was from the family line of Levi. She was born to the Levites in Egypt. Aaron, Moses and their sister Miriam were born in the family line of Amram and Jochebed. 60Aaron was the father of Nadab and Abihu. He was also the father of Eleazar and Ithamar. 61But Nadab and Abihu made an offering to the Lord by using fire that wasn’t allowed. So they died.

62The number of male Levites a month old or more was 23,000. They weren’t listed along with the other men of Israel. That’s because they didn’t receive a share among them.

63These are the men counted by Moses and Eleazar the priest. At that time the Israelites were on the plains of Moab. They were by the Jordan River across from Jericho. 64The men of Israel had been counted before in the Sinai Desert by Moses and Aaron the priest. But not one of them was among the men counted this time. 65The Lord had told the Israelites at Kadesh Barnea that they would certainly die in the desert. Not one of them was left alive except Caleb and Joshua. Caleb was the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua was the son of Nun.