Levítico 1 – OL & NIRV

O Livro

Levítico 1:1-17

A oferta queimada

1O Senhor chamou por Moisés, da tenda do encontro; 2mandou-lhe que desse as seguintes instruções ao povo de Israel: “Quando sacrificarem ao Senhor tragam animais do vosso gado, dos vossos rebanhos.

3Se o vosso sacrifício for de gado que oferecem como holocausto, que seja sempre um macho, sem defeito. Tragam o animal até à porta da tenda do encontro onde os sacerdotes aceitarão a oferta ao Senhor. 4A pessoa que a oferece porá a mão sobre a cabeça do animal. A morte do animal será aceite por Deus em lugar da morte do homem que o trouxe; essa morte é o castigo dos seus pecados. 5-7O homem matará o animal ali perante o Senhor; e os filhos de Aarão, os sacerdotes, apresentarão o sangue ao Senhor, aspergindo-o à volta do altar que está à entrada da tenda do encontro. Depois os sacerdotes tirarão a pele do animal e parti-lo-ão em pedaços. Porão lenha sobre o altar e acenderão o fogo; 8colocarão os pedaços, a cabeça e a gordura sobre a lenha. 9Os intestinos e as patas deverão ser lavados com água; depois os sacerdotes queimarão tudo sobre o altar, e será um holocausto, uma oferta queimada com que o Senhor se agradará.

10Se o vosso sacrifício for um cordeiro ou uma cabra, como holocausto, deverá ser igualmente um macho, sem defeito. 11O homem que o trouxer matá-lo-á perante o Senhor, no lado norte do altar, e os filhos de Aarão, os sacerdotes, aspergirão o seu sangue à volta do altar. 12Então o homem esquartejá-lo-á e os sacerdotes porão os pedaços, mais a cabeça e a gordura, sobre a lenha no altar. 13Porém, as partes intestinais e as patas serão primeiro lavadas com água. Depois os sacerdotes queimarão tudo sobre o altar. É um holocausto, oferta queimada com que o Senhor se agrada.

14Se o vosso sacrifício ao Senhor for um pássaro como holocausto, deverão escolher entre uma rola ou um pombinho. 15O sacerdote trará a ave sobre o altar, torcer-lhe-á o pescoço e o sangue será escoado junto do altar. 16Então o sacerdote tirará o papo e as penas, lançando-os para o lado oriental do altar, para o lugar onde estão as cinzas. 17Depois fendê-la-á por entre as asas, sem as separar, e queimará tudo sobre o altar. É um holocausto, oferta queimada, com que o Senhor se agrada.

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 1:1-17

Rules for Burnt Offerings

1The Lord called out to Moses. He spoke to him from the tent of meeting. He said, 2“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose anyone among you brings an offering to the Lord. They must bring an animal from their herd or flock.

3“ ‘If someone brings a burnt offering from the herd, they must offer a male animal. It must not have any flaws. They must bring it to the entrance to the tent of meeting. Then the Lord will accept it. 4They must place their hand on the head of the burnt offering. Then the Lord will accept it in place of them. It will pay for their sin. 5The young bull must be killed there in the sight of the Lord. Then the priests in Aaron’s family line must bring its blood to the altar. They must splash it against the sides of the altar. The altar stands at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 6The skin must be removed from the animal brought for the burnt offering. Then the animal must be cut into pieces. 7The priests in Aaron’s family line must build a fire on the altar. They must place wood on the fire. 8Then they must place the pieces of the animal on the burning wood on the altar. The pieces include the head and the fat. 9The inside parts of the animal must be washed with water. The legs must also be washed. The priest must burn all of it on the altar. It is a burnt offering. It is a food offering. Its smell pleases the Lord.

10“ ‘If someone offers a burnt offering from the flock, it must be a male animal. It can be a sheep or a goat. It must not have any flaws. 11They must kill it at the north side of the altar in the sight of the Lord. The priests in Aaron’s family line must splash its blood against the sides of the altar. 12They must cut the animal into pieces. The priest must place the pieces on the burning wood on the altar. The pieces include the head and the fat. 13They must wash the inside parts with water. The legs must also be washed. The priest must bring all the parts to the altar. He must burn them there. It is a burnt offering. It is a food offering. Its smell pleases the Lord.

14“ ‘If someone offers to the Lord a burnt offering of birds, it must be a dove or a young pigeon. 15The priest must bring it to the altar. He must twist its head off. Then he must burn the rest of the bird on the altar. Its blood must be emptied out on the side of the altar. 16The priest must remove the small bag inside the bird’s throat. He must also remove the feathers. Then he must throw them to the east side of the altar. That is where the ashes are. 17He must take hold of the wings of the bird and tear it open. But he must not tear it in two. Then the priest will burn it on the wood burning on the altar. It is a burnt offering. It is a food offering. Its smell pleases the Lord.