Psalm 73 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 73:1-28

Book III

Psalms 73–89

Psalm 73

A psalm of Asaph.

1God is truly good to Israel.

He is good to those who have pure hearts.

2But my feet had almost slipped.

I had almost tripped and fallen.

3I saw that proud and sinful people were doing well.

And I began to long for what they had.

4They don’t have any troubles.

Their bodies are healthy and strong.

5They don’t have the problems most people have.

They don’t suffer as other people do.

6Their pride is like a necklace.

They put on meanness as if it were their clothes.

7Many sins come out of their hard and stubborn hearts.

There is no limit to the evil things they can think up.

8They laugh at others and speak words of hatred.

They are proud. They warn others about the harm they can do to them.

9They brag as if they owned heaven itself.

They talk as if they controlled the earth.

10So people listen to them.

They lap up their words like water.

11They say, “How would God know what we’re doing?

Does the Most High God know anything?”

12Here is what sinful people are like.

They don’t have a care in the world.

They keep getting richer and richer.

13It seems as if I have kept my heart pure for no reason.

It didn’t do me any good to wash my hands

to show that I wasn’t guilty of doing anything wrong.

14Day after day I’ve been in pain.

God has punished me in a new way every morning.

15What if I had talked like that?

Then I wouldn’t have been faithful to God’s children.

16I tried to understand it all.

But it was more than I could handle.

17It troubled me until I entered God’s temple.

Then I understood what will finally happen to bad people.

18God, I’m sure you will make them slip and fall.

You will throw them down and destroy them.

19It will happen very suddenly.

A terrible death will take them away completely.

20A dream goes away when a person wakes up.

Lord, it will be like that when you rise up.

It will be as if those people were only a dream.

21At one time my heart was sad

and my spirit was bitter.

22I didn’t have any sense. I didn’t know anything.

I acted like a wild animal toward you.

23But I am always with you.

You hold me by my right hand.

24You give me wise advice to guide me.

And when I die, you will take me away

into the glory of heaven.

25I don’t have anyone in heaven but you.

I don’t want anything on earth besides you.

26My body and my heart may grow weak.

God, you give strength to my heart.

You are everything I will ever need.

27Those who don’t want anything to do with you will die.

You destroy all those who aren’t faithful to you.

28But I am close to you. And that’s good.

Lord and King, I have made you my place of safety.

I will talk about everything you have done.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Zabbuli 73:1-28


Zabbuli 73–89

Zabbuli 73

Zabbuli ya Asafu.

173:1 Mat 5:8Ddala Katonda mulungi eri Isirayiri

n’eri abo abalina omutima omulongoofu.

2Naye nze amagulu gange gaali kumpi okutagala

era n’ebigere byange okuseerera.

373:3 a Zab 37:1; Nge 23:17 b Yob 21:7; Yer 12:1Kubanga nakwatirwa ab’amalala obuggya;

bwe nalaba ababi nga bagaggawala nnyo.

4Kubanga tebalina kibaluma;

emibiri gyabwe miramu era minyirivu.

573:5 Yob 21:9Tebeeraliikirira kabi konna ng’abalala.

So tebalina kibabonyaabonya.

673:6 a Lub 41:42 b Zab 109:18Amalala kyegavudde gabafuukira ng’omukuufu ogw’omu bulago,

n’obukambwe ne bubafuukira ekyambalo.

773:7 Zab 17:10Bagezze n’amaaso gaabwe ne gazimbagatana;

balina bingi okusinga bye beetaaga.

873:8 Zab 17:10; Yud 16Baduula era emboozi zaabwe zijjudde eby’okujooga.

Batiisatiisa abalala n’okubeeragirako.

9Emimwa gyabwe gyolekedde eggulu;

n’ennimi zaabwe zoogera eby’okwewaanawaana buli wantu.

10Abantu ba Katonda kyebava babakyukira

ne banywa amazzi mangi.

11Era ne beebuuza nti, “Katonda bino abimanyi atya?

Ali Waggulu Ennyo abitegeera?”

1273:12 Zab 49:6Aboonoonyi bwe bafaanana bwe batyo;

bulijjo babeera mu ddembe, nga beeyongera kugaggawala.

1373:13 a Yob 21:15; 34:9 b Zab 26:6Ddala omutima gwange ngukuumidde bwereere obutayonoona,

n’engalo zange ne nzinaaba obutaba na musango.

14Naye mbonaabona obudde okuziba,

era buli nkya mbonerezebwa.

15Singa ŋŋamba nti njogere bwe nti,

nandibadde mukuusa eri omulembe guno ogw’abaana bo.

1673:16 Mub 8:17Bwe nafumiitiriza ntegeere ensonga eyo;

nakisanga nga kizibu nnyo,

1773:17 a Zab 77:13 b Zab 37:38okutuusa lwe nalaga mu watukuvu wa Katonda,

ne ntegeera enkomerero y’ababi.

1873:18 Zab 35:6Ddala obatadde mu bifo ebiseerera;

obasudde n’obafaafaaganya.

1973:19 Is 47:11Nga bazikirizibwa mangu nga kutemya kikowe!

Entiisa n’ebamalirawo ddala!

2073:20 a Yob 20:8 b Zab 78:65Bali ng’omuntu azuukuse n’ategeera nti yaloose buloosi;

era naawe bw’otyo, Ayi Mukama,

bw’oligolokoka olinyooma embeera yaabwe omutali nsa.

21Omutima gwange bwe gwanyiikaala,

n’omwoyo gwange ne gujjula obubalagaze,

2273:22 a Zab 49:10; 92:6 b Mub 3:18n’aggwaamu okutegeera ne nfuuka ataliiko kye mmanyi,

ne mba ng’ensolo obusolo mu maaso go.

23Newaakubadde ebyo biri bwe bityo naye ndi naawe bulijjo;

gw’onkwata ku mukono gwange ogwa ddyo.

2473:24 a Zab 48:14 b Zab 32:8Mu kuteesa kwo onkulembera,

era olintuusa mu kitiibwa.

2573:25 Baf 3:8Ani gwe nnina mu ggulu, wabula ggwe?

Era tewali na kimu ku nsi kye neetaaga bwe mba naawe.

2673:26 a Zab 84:2 b Zab 40:12Omubiri gwange n’omutima gwange biyinza okulemwa;

naye Katonda ge maanyi g’omutima gwange,

era ye wange ennaku zonna.

2773:27 Zab 119:155Kale laba, abo bonna abatakussaako mwoyo balizikirira;

kubanga bonna abatakwesiga obamalirawo ddala.

2873:28 a Beb 10:22; Yak 4:8 b Zab 40:5Naye nze kye nsinga okwetaaga kwe kubeera okumpi ne Katonda wange.

Ayi Mukama Katonda, nkufudde ekiddukiro kyange;

ndyoke ntegeezenga abantu bonna ebikolwa byo eby’ekyewuunyo.