Psalm 30 – NIRV & CST

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 30:1-12

Psalm 30

A psalm of David. A song for setting apart the completed temple to God.

1Lord, I will give you honor.

You brought me out of deep trouble.

You didn’t give my enemies the joy of seeing me die.

2Lord my God, I called out to you for help.

And you healed me.

3Lord, you brought me up from the place of the dead.

You kept me from going down into the pit.

4Sing the praises of the Lord, you who are faithful to him.

Praise him, because his name is holy.

5His anger lasts for only a moment.

But his favor lasts for a person’s whole life.

Weeping can stay for the night.

But joy comes in the morning.

6When I felt safe, I said,

“I will always be secure.”

7Lord, when you gave me your help,

you made Mount Zion stand firm.

But when you took away your help,

I was terrified.

8Lord, I called out to you.

I cried to you for mercy.

9I said, “What good will come if I become silent in death?

What good will come if I go down into the grave?

Can the dust of my dead body praise you?

Can it tell how faithful you are?

10Lord, hear me. Have mercy on me.

Lord, help me.”

11You turned my loud crying into dancing.

You removed my clothes of sadness and dressed me with joy.

12So my heart will sing your praises. I can’t keep silent.

Lord, my God, I will praise you forever.

Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian)

Salmo 30:1-12

Salmo 30

Cántico para la dedicación de la casa.30:0 30 Tít. casa. Alt. palacio, o templo. Salmo de David.

1Te exaltaré, Señor, porque me levantaste,

porque no dejaste que mis enemigos se burlaran de mí.

2Señor mi Dios, te pedí ayuda

y me sanaste.

3Tú, Señor, me sacaste del sepulcro;

me hiciste revivir de entre los muertos.

4Cantad al Señor, vosotros sus fieles;

alabad su santo nombre.

5Porque solo un instante dura su enojo,

pero toda una vida su bondad.

Si por la noche hay llanto,

por la mañana habrá gritos de alegría.

6Cuando me sentí seguro, exclamé:

«Jamás seré conmovido».

7Tú, Señor, en tu buena voluntad,

me afirmaste en elevado baluarte;

pero escondiste tu rostro,

y yo quedé confundido.

8A ti clamo, Señor Soberano;

a ti me vuelvo suplicante.

9¿Qué ganas tú con que yo muera,30:9 con que yo muera. Lit. con mi sangre.

con que descienda yo al sepulcro?

¿Acaso el polvo te alabará

o proclamará tu verdad?

10Oye, Señor; compadécete de mí.

¡Sé tú, Señor, mi ayuda!

11Convertiste mi lamento en danza;

me quitaste la ropa de luto

y me vestiste de fiesta,

12para que te cante y te glorifique,

y no me quede callado.

¡Señor mi Dios, siempre te daré gracias!