Luke 5 – NIRV & CRO

New International Reader’s Version

Luke 5:1-39

Jesus Chooses His First Disciples

1One day Jesus was standing by the Sea of Galilee. The people crowded around him and listened to the word of God. 2Jesus saw two boats at the edge of the water. They had been left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3He got into the boat that belonged to Simon. Jesus asked him to go out a little way from shore. Then he sat down in the boat and taught the people.

4When he finished speaking, he turned to Simon. Jesus said, “Go out into deep water. Let down the nets so you can catch some fish.”

5Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

6When they had done so, they caught a large number of fish. There were so many that their nets began to break. 7So they motioned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.

8When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees. “Go away from me, Lord!” he said. “I am a sinful man!” 9He and everyone with him were amazed at the number of fish they had caught. 10So were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who worked with Simon.

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will fish for people.” 11So they pulled their boats up on shore. Then they left everything and followed him.

Jesus Heals a Man Who Had a Skin Disease

12While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along. He had a skin disease all over his body. When he saw Jesus, the man fell with his face to the ground. He begged him, “Lord, if you are willing to make me ‘clean,’ you can do it.”

13Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing to do it,” he said. “Be ‘clean’!” Right away the disease left him.

14Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone. Go and show yourself to the priest. Offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded. It will be a witness to the priest and the people that you are ‘clean.’ ”

15But the news about Jesus spread even more. So crowds of people came to hear him. They also came to be healed of their sicknesses. 16But Jesus often went away to be by himself and pray.

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Man Who Could Not Walk

17One day Jesus was teaching. Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. They heard that the Lord had given Jesus the power to heal the sick. 18So some men came carrying a man who could not walk. He was lying on a mat. They tried to take him into the house to place him in front of Jesus. 19They could not find a way to do this because of the crowd. So they went up on the roof. Then they lowered the man on his mat through the opening in the roof tiles. They lowered him into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.

20When Jesus saw that they had faith, he spoke to the man. He said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

21The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to think, “Who is this fellow who says such an evil thing? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

22Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23Is it easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’? Or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 24But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he spoke to the man who could not walk. “I tell you,” he said, “get up. Take your mat and go home.” 25Right away, the man stood up in front of them. He took his mat and went home praising God. 26Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with wonder. They said, “We have seen unusual things today.”

Jesus Chooses Levi and Eats With Sinners

27After this, Jesus left the house. He saw a tax collector sitting at the tax booth. The man’s name was Levi. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him. 28Levi got up, left everything and followed him.

29Then Levi gave a huge banquet for Jesus at his house. A large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 30But the Pharisees and their teachers of the law complained to Jesus’ disciples. They said, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”

31Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor. Sick people do. 32I have not come to get those who think they are right with God to follow me. I have come to get sinners to turn away from their sins.”

Jesus Is Asked About Fasting

33Some of the people who were there said to Jesus, “John’s disciples often pray and go without eating. So do the disciples of the Pharisees. But yours go on eating and drinking.”

34Jesus answered, “Can you make the friends of the groom fast while he is with them? 35But the time will come when the groom will be taken away from them. In those days they will go without eating.”

36Then Jesus gave them an example. He said, “No one tears a piece out of new clothes to patch old clothes. Otherwise, they will tear the new clothes. Also, the patch from the new clothes will not match the old clothes. 37No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins. The wine will run out, and the wineskins will be destroyed. 38No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. 39After drinking old wine, no one wants the new. They say, ‘The old wine is better.’ ”

Knijga O Kristu

Luka 5:1-39

Prvi učenici

(Mt 4:18-22; Mk 1:16-20; Iv 1:40-42)

1Dok je jednom stajao na obali Genezaretskoga jezera5:1 Galilejskog jezera, Galilejskog mora. a mnoštvo je nagrnulo k njemu da sluša Božju riječ, 2Isus ugleda dvije lađice koje su ribari ostavili uz obalu jer su ispirali mreže. 3Uđe u jednu od njih te zamoli Šimuna, kojemu je pripadala, da ju malo odgurne od obale. Zatim sjedne i počne iz lađice poučavati narod.

4Kad je završio s govorom, reče Šimunu: “Izvezi natrag na pučinu, pa bacite mreže za lov!” 5“Gospodine,” reče mu Šimun, “cijelu smo noć teško radili i ništa nismo uhvatili, ali kad ti tako kažeš, bacit ću mreže.” 6Kad su ih bacili, u njih se uhvati toliko riba da su se razdirale. 7Ribari stanu mahati svojim drugovima u drugoj lađici da im priskoče u pomoć. Oni dođu, pa napune obje lađice ribom tako da su gotovo tonule.

8Kad je to vidio Šimun Petar, padne na koljena pred Isusom i reče mu: “Gospodine, udalji se od mene jer sam odviše grešan da bih ti bio blizu!” 9Silna lovina riba zaprepastila je njega i sve koji su bili s njime, 10pa tako i Šimunove drugove Jakova i Ivana, Zebedejeve sinove.

Isus odgovori Šimunu: “Ne boj se! Od sada ćeš loviti ljude!” 11Oni izvuku lađice na kopno, a zatim sve ostave i pođu za njim.

Isus iscjeljuje gubavca

(Mt 8:2-4; Mk 1:40-44)

12U nekome mjestu gdje je Isus boravio pojavi se iznenada pred njim čovjek pun gube. Čim spazi Isusa, baci se pred njega ničice, licem prema zemlji, i zamoli ga: “Gospodine, ako hoćeš, možeš me iscijeliti!”

13Isus ispruži ruku i dotakne ga. “Hoću!” reče. “Budi čist!” I guba odmah nestane. 14Isus mu zapovjedi: “Nikome o tomu ne govori, već idi ravno svećeniku te sa sobom ponesi žrtveni dar prema Mojsijevu zakonu kao javno svjedočanstvo svojeg ozdravljenja.”

15Ali glas o Isusu pronosio se sve dalje, pa je golemo mnoštvo naroda nahrupilo da ga sluša i da ozdravi od bolesti. 16A on je odlazio moliti se na samotna mjesta.

Isus iscjeljuje uzetog čovjeka

(Mt 9:1-8; Mk 2:3-12)

17Jednoga dana dok je Isus poučavao, ondje su sjedili farizeji i pismoznanci koji su došli iz svih galilejskih i judejskih sela i iz Jeruzalema, a njega je sila Gospodnja poticala da iscjeljuje. 18Neki ljudi donijeli su uzetog čovjeka na nosilima. Htjeli su ga unijeti unutra i položiti pred Isusa, 19ali nisu se kroz mnoštvo uspjeli probiti do njega. Zato se popnu na krov, načine otvor među crepovima te ga s nosilima spuste među mnoštvo pred Isusa.

20Kad Isus vidje njihovu vjeru, reče bolesniku: “Čovječe, oprošteni su ti grijesi!”

21Pismoznanci i farizeji nato počnu umovati: “Tko je ovaj da tako huli? Tko može opraštati grijehe osim jedinoga Boga!”

22Isus prozre njihovo umovanje, pa ih upita: “Zašto to smatrate hulom? 23Što je lakše reći: ‘Grijesi su ti oprošteni’ ili ‘Ustani i idi’? 24Dokazat ću vam da ja, Sin Čovječji, imam vlast na zemlji opraštati grijehe.” Okrene se zatim prema uzetome i reče: “Zapovijedam ti: ustani, uzmi nosila i idi kući!”

25Čovjek smjesta ustane te naočigled svih uzme nosila i ode slaveći Boga. 26Nato sve obuzme zanos, pa su slavili Boga i silno prestrašeni govorili: “Ovo što smo danas vidjeli je čudesno!”

Isus poziva Levija

(Mt 9:9-13; Mk 2:14-17)

27Izlazeći nakon toga, Isus ugleda ubirača poreza5:27 Ubirači poreza bili su u to doba omraženi u narodu zbog suradnje s okupatorskim vlastima i zbog toga što su iznuđivali novac od siromašnoga puka. imenom Levi kako sjedi u svojemu uredu te ga pozove: “Pođi za mnom!” 28Levi nato ustane, ostavi sve te pođe za njim.

29Poslije Levi u svojemu domu priredi veliku gozbu u čast Isusu. S njima je za stolom sjedilo mnogo ubirača poreza i drugih uzvanika. 30A farizeji i pismoznanci negodovali su i govorili učenicima: “Zašto jedete i pijete s ubiračima poreza i drugim grešnicima?”

31Isus im odgovori: “Ne treba liječnik zdravima, nego bolesnima. 32Nisam došao zvati pravednike na obraćenje, već grešnike.”

Rasprava o postu

(Mt 9:14-17; Mk 2:18-22)

33Oni mu nato prigovore: “Ivanovi i farizejski učenici često poste i mole se, a tvoji jedu i piju!”

34Isus im odgovori: “Zar možete siliti svatove da poste dok je mladoženja s njima? 35Ali doći će dani kada će im ugrabiti mladoženju. Tada će postiti.”

36Zatim im Isus to objasni prispodobom: “Nitko neće rupu na starome odijelu zakrpati tkaninom koju je otparao s novoga jer bi tako poderao i novo odijelo, a starome odijelu krpa s novoga ionako ne bi pristajala. 37I nitko ne ulijeva novo vino u stare mjehove jer bi se od njega raspuknuli. Tako bi se i vino prolilo i mjehovi uništili. 38Zato novo vino mora se ulijevati u nove mješine. 39I nitko pijući staro vino ne poželi piti novo. ‘Staro je bolje’, kažu.”