Leviticus 23 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 23:1-44

The Appointed Feast Days

1The Lord said to Moses, 2“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Here are my appointed feast days. They are the appointed feast days of the Lord. Tell the people that they must come together for these sacred assemblies.

The Sabbath Day

3“ ‘There are six days when you can work. But the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest. You must rest on it. Come together on that sacred day. You must not do any work on it. No matter where you live, it is a Sabbath day to honor the Lord.

Passover and Unleavened Bread

4“ ‘Here are the Lord’s appointed feasts. Tell the people that they must come together for these sacred gatherings at their appointed times. 5The Lord’s Passover begins when the sun goes down on the 14th day of the first month. 6The Lord’s Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day of that month. For seven days you must eat bread made without yeast. 7On the first day you must come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work on that day. 8On each of the seven days bring a food offering to the Lord. On the seventh day come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work on that day.’ ”

The First Share of Israel’s Crops Belongs to the Lord

9The Lord said to Moses, 10“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, bring an offering to the Lord. Gather your crops. Bring the first bundle of grain to the priest. 11He must lift up the grain and wave it in front of the Lord. Then the Lord will accept it from you. The priest must wave it on the day after the Sabbath. 12On the day he waves the grain for you, you must sacrifice a burnt offering to me. It must be a lamb that does not have any flaws. It must be a year old. 13You must bring it together with its grain offering. The grain offering must be seven pounds of the finest flour. Mix it with olive oil. It is a food offering presented to the Lord. It has a pleasant smell. You must offer a drink offering along with the burnt offering. It must be a quart of wine. 14You must not eat any bread until the day you bring your offering to the Lord your God. You must not eat any cooked grain or any of your first grain until that time. This is a law that will last for all time to come. It applies no matter where you live.

The Feast of Weeks

15“ ‘The day you brought the grain for the wave offering was the day after the Sabbath. Count off seven full weeks from that day. 16Count off 50 days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath. On that day bring to the Lord an offering of your first grain. 17Bring two loaves of bread that are made with seven pounds of the finest flour. They must be baked with yeast. Bring them to me as a wave offering from the first share of your crops. That applies no matter where you live. 18Together with the bread, bring seven male lambs. Each lamb must be a year old. It must not have any flaws. Also bring one young bull and two rams. They will be a burnt offering to the Lord. They will be offered together with their grain offerings and drink offerings. They are food offerings. Their smell pleases the Lord. 19Then sacrifice one male goat for a sin offering. Also sacrifice two lambs for a friendship offering. Each of the lambs must be a year old. 20The priest must lift up the two lambs and wave them in front of me as a wave offering. He must offer them together with the bread made out of the first share of your crops. They are a sacred offering to the Lord. They will be given to the priest. 21On that same day tell the people that they must come together for a special worship service. They must not do any regular work. That is a law that will last for all time to come. It applies no matter where you live.

22“ ‘Suppose you are gathering your crops. Then do not harvest all the way to the edges of your field. And do not pick up the grain you missed. Leave some for the poor people and the outsiders who live among you. I am the Lord your God.’ ”

The Feast of Trumpets

23The Lord said to Moses, 24“Say to the Israelites, ‘On the first day of the seventh month you must have a day of sabbath rest. It must be a special service announced with trumpet blasts. 25Do not do any regular work on that day. Instead, bring a food offering to the Lord.’ ”

The Day When Sin Is Paid For

26The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 27“The tenth day of the seventh month is the day when sin is paid for. Come together for a special service. Do not eat any food. Bring a food offering to the Lord. 28Do not do any work on that day. It is the day when sin is paid for. On that day your sin will be paid for in my sight. I am the Lord your God. 29Suppose you do eat food on that day. Then you will be separated from your people. 30I will destroy anyone among your people who does any work on that day. 31You must not do any work at all. This is a law that will last for all time to come. It applies no matter where you live. 32That day is a day of sabbath rest for you. You must rest on it. You must not eat anything on that day. You must follow the rules of the sabbath rest. Follow them from the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening.”

The Feast of Booths

33The Lord said to Moses, 34“Say to the Israelites, ‘On the 15th day of the seventh month the Lord’s Feast of Booths begins. It lasts for seven days. 35On the first day you must come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work on that day. 36On each of the seven days bring a food offering to the Lord. On the eighth day come together for a special service. Bring a food offering to the Lord. That special service is the closing service. Do not do any regular work on that day.

37“ ‘These are the Lord’s appointed feasts. Tell the people that they must come together for these sacred assemblies. During those times, the people must bring food offerings to the Lord. They are burnt offerings and grain offerings. They are sacrifices and drink offerings. Each offering must be brought at its required time. 38The offerings are in addition to those of the days of sabbath rest. The offerings are also in addition to your gifts and anything you have promised. They are also in addition to all the offerings you choose to give to the Lord.

39“ ‘Begin with the 15th day of the seventh month. That is after you have gathered your crops. On that day celebrate the Lord’s Feast of Booths for seven days. The first day is a day of rest. The eighth day is also a day of rest. 40On the first day you must get branches from palms, willows and other leafy trees. You must be filled with joy in front of the Lord your God for seven days. 41Celebrate the Lord’s Feast of Booths for seven days each year. This is a law that will last for all time to come. Celebrate the feast in the seventh month. 42Live in booths for seven days. All the Israelites must live in booths. 43Then your children after you will know that I made the Israelites live in booths. I made them do it after I brought them out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’ ”

44So Moses announced to the Israelites the appointed feasts of the Lord.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

レビ記 23:1-44



1-2主はモーセに命じました。「主の祭りを毎年欠かさず守るよう、人々に言いなさい。その時には全国民が集まり、主を礼拝するのだ。 3この祭りは安息日とは別のものである。毎週六日間は仕事をし、七日目は休み、集まるのは礼拝のためだけとしなさい。あとは家で静かに過ごしなさい。この安息日は、どこにいても守らなければならない。



6次は種なしパンの祭り。この祭りは過越の祭りの翌日から一週間、パン種を入れないパンを食べて祝う。 7最初の日はふだんの仕事をすべて休み、礼拝のために集まる。 8七日目も同様である。その間、毎日、火で焼くささげ物を神にささげる。

9-11次は刈り入れの祭り。わたしがあなたがたに与える国で最初の収穫を上げたなら、安息日の翌日に、そのうちの一束を祭司のところに持って来なさい。祭司は、主の前でその束を揺り動かしてささげる。わたしはそれを受け取ろう。 12同じ日に、焼き尽くすいけにえとして、一歳の傷のない雄の子羊をささげなさい。 13穀物の供え物もいっしょにささげなさい。細かくひいた上等の小麦粉四・六リットルをオリーブ油でこね、火で焼くささげ物としなさい。わたしはそれを受け入れる。また、ぶどう酒約一リットルを飲み物の供え物としてささげなさい。 14最初の収穫をささげ終えないうちは、どんな収穫物も食べてはならない。新麦もパンも炒り麦も食べてはならない。これは、イスラエルの代々守るべきおきてである。

15-16七週の祭りとして、最初の収穫をささげてから五十日目に、その後の収穫の中から、新しい穀物の供え物を持って来なさい。 17家で焼いたパンを二つ、主の前で揺り動かしてささげる。パンは、四・六リットルの小麦粉にパン種を入れて焼く。これは収穫物の初穂としてささげるのである。 18パンとぶどう酒といっしょに、傷のない一歳の子羊七頭と若い雄牛一頭、雄羊二頭を、焼き尽くすいけにえとして主にささげる。全部を火で焼いてささげる。それがわたしの受け入れるいけにえである。 19ほかに、罪の赦しのためのいけにえとして雄やぎ一頭を、和解のいけにえとして一歳の雄の子羊二頭をささげる。

20収穫物の初穂としてささげたパンといっしょに、祭司はこれらのいけにえを揺り動かして主にささげる。 21その日はすべての民が礼拝に集まる。どんな仕事もしてはならない。これは代々守るべきおきてである。 22刈り入れのときは、畑の隅々まで刈り取ってはならない。落ち穂を拾ってはいけない。貧しい人や土地を持たない在留外国人のために残しておきなさい。

23-24第七の月の一日(太陽暦では九月十五日)は、すべての民が礼拝に集まる聖なる記念日である。ラッパを高らかに吹き鳴らし、その時を告げなさい。 25その日は一日、どんな仕事もしてはならない。ただ、火で焼くささげ物を主にささげなさい。

26-27すべての民の罪を償う日はその九日後、あなたがたは主の前に集まり、めいめいの犯した罪を悔い、火で焼くささげ物をささげなければならない。 28その日は、どんな仕事もしてはならない。主の前で罪の償いをする特別な日だからだ。 29その日一日、罪を悔い改めて過ごさないような者はイスラエルから追放され、 30-31その日に仕事をするような者は死刑に処せられる。これはイスラエルの永遠のおきてである。 32その日は神聖な安息日だから、謙遜に罪を悔い改めなさい。前日の夕方から、当日の夕方まで丸一日、身を慎んで過ごしなさい。

33-34さらに五日後の第七の月の十五日(太陽暦では九月二十九日)からは、主の前に七日間の仮庵の祭りを祝う。 35最初の日はすべての民が仕事を休み、聖なる集会を開く。 36祭りの七日間は毎日、火で焼くささげ物を神にささげる。八日目にもう一度、すべての民の聖なる集会を開く。その日も火で焼くささげ物をささげる。これは結びの集会で、仕事はすべて休まなければならない。

37以上が毎年の祝祭である。その時は、すべての民が聖なる集会を開き、火で焼くいけにえをささげる。 38これらは毎週の安息日とは別に加えられるものである。ふだんのささげ物や誓願の供え物とは別のものをささげなければならない。

39なお、収穫の終わる時期に当たる第七の月の十五日から、この七日間の祭りを行う。祭りの最初の日と最終日は聖なる休息の日である。 40最初の日に、実のついた果物の木の大枝と、なつめやしの木の葉、川べりにある柳などの葉の茂った大枝を持って来て〔仮小屋を作り〕、主の前で七日間、共に喜び合う。 41この祭りは永遠のおきてである。 42イスラエルで生まれた者はみな、この七日間を仮小屋で過ごす。 43わたしがエジプトからあなたがたを救い出し、仮小屋に住ませたことを永遠に忘れないためだ。わたしはあなたがたの神、主である。」
