Leviticus 22 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 22:1-33

1The Lord said to Moses, 2“Here is what I want you to tell Aaron and his sons. Tell them to treat the sacred offerings with respect. They are the offerings the Israelites set apart to honor me. So Aaron and his sons must never treat my name as if it were not holy. I am the Lord.

3“Say to them, ‘Suppose a man in your family line is “unclean.” And suppose he comes near the sacred offerings. They are the offerings the Israelites set apart to honor me. That man must not be allowed to serve me as a priest. That applies for all time to come. I am the Lord.

4“ ‘Suppose a man in Aaron’s family line has a skin disease. Or suppose liquid waste is flowing out of his body. Then he can’t eat the sacred offerings until he is made pure and clean. Suppose he touches something made “unclean” by coming near a dead body. Or suppose he touches someone who has semen flowing from his body. Then he will be “unclean.” 5Or suppose he touches any crawling thing that makes him “unclean.” Or suppose he touches any person who makes him “unclean.” It does not matter what “unclean” thing he touches. It will make him “unclean.” 6The one who touches anything of that kind will be “unclean” until evening. He must not eat any of the sacred offerings unless he has taken a bath. 7When the sun goes down, he will be “clean.” After that, he can eat the sacred offerings. They are his food. 8He must not eat anything found dead or torn apart by wild animals. If he does, it will make him “unclean.” I am the Lord.

9“ ‘The priests must do what I require. But suppose they make fun of what I require. Then they will become guilty and die. I am the Lord. I make them holy.

10“ ‘Only a member of a priest’s family can eat the sacred offering. The guest of a priest can’t eat it. A priest’s hired worker can’t eat it either. 11But suppose a priest buys a slave with money. Or suppose slaves are born in his house. Then they can eat the sacred food. 12Suppose a priest’s daughter marries someone who is not a priest. Then she can’t eat any of the food brought as a sacred gift. 13But suppose the priest’s daughter becomes a widow or is divorced. She does not have any children. And she returns to live in her father’s house, where she lived when she was young. Then she can eat her father’s food. But a person who does not belong to a priest’s family can’t eat any of it.

14“ ‘Suppose someone eats a sacred offering by mistake. Then they must pay back the priest for the offering. They must also add a fifth of its value to it. 15The priests must not allow the sacred offerings to become “unclean.” They are the offerings the Israelites bring to the Lord. 16The priests must not allow the offerings to become “unclean” by letting the people eat them. If they do, they will bring guilt on the people. They will have to pay for what they have done. I am the Lord. I make them holy.’ ”

Sacrifices the Lord Does Not Accept

17The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 18“Speak to Aaron and his sons. Speak to all the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose any of you brings a gift for a burnt offering to the Lord. It does not matter whether you are an Israelite or an outsider who lives in Israel. It does not matter whether you bring the offering to keep a promise or because you choose to give it. 19You must bring a male animal without any flaws if you want the Lord to accept it from you. It does not matter whether it is from your cattle, sheep or goats. 20Do not bring an animal that has any flaws. If you do, the Lord will not accept it from you. 21Suppose any of you brings an animal for a friendship offering to the Lord. Then it must not have any flaws at all. If it does, the Lord will not accept it. It does not matter whether the animal is from your herd or flock. It does not matter whether you bring it to keep a promise or because you choose to give it. 22Do not offer a blind animal to the Lord. Do not bring a hurt or wounded animal. And do not offer one that has warts or boils or running sores. Do not place any of them on the altar as a food offering presented to the Lord. 23But suppose you bring an offering you choose to give. Then you can bring an ox or a sheep whose body is twisted or too small. But the Lord will not accept it if you offer it to keep a promise. 24You must not offer the Lord a male animal whose sex glands have been hurt. The glands also must not be crushed, torn or cut. You must not offer that kind of animal in your own land. 25And you must not accept that kind of animal from someone who comes from another land. You must not offer it as food for your God. He will not accept it from you. Its body is twisted and has flaws.’ ”

26The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 27“When a calf, lamb or goat is born, it must remain with its mother for seven days. From the eighth day on, I will accept it as a food offering presented to me. 28Do not kill a cow and its calf on the same day. Do not kill a female sheep and its lamb on the same day.

29“Sacrifice a thank offering to me in the right way. Then I will accept it from you. 30You must eat it that same day. Do not leave any of it until morning. I am the Lord.

31“Obey my commands. Follow them. I am the Lord. 32Do not treat my name as if it were not holy. The Israelites must recognize me as the holy God. I am the Lord. I made you holy. 33I brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord.”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

利未记 22:1-33


1耶和华对摩西说: 2“你告诉亚伦父子们要谨慎处理以色列人献给我的圣物,免得亵渎我的圣名。我是耶和华。 3把以下条例告诉他们。

“你们的后代中,如果有人不洁净,却接近以色列人献给我的圣物,必须把他从我面前铲除。我是耶和华。 4亚伦的后代中若有人患了麻风病或漏症,在他洁净之前,不可吃圣物。如果有人遗精,或碰到因接触尸体而不洁净之物, 5或碰到不洁净的爬虫,或碰到不洁净的人, 6这人就不洁净,要到傍晚之后才能洁净。他要沐浴后才可吃圣物。 7日落之后,他就洁净了,可以吃圣物,因为那是他应得的食物。 8他不可吃自然死亡或被野兽撕裂的动物,否则就不洁净。我是耶和华。 9他们要遵守我的命令,免得他们犯罪,因违背我的命令而死亡。我是使他们圣洁的耶和华。

10“只有祭司一家可以吃圣物,在祭司家中寄居的或做雇工的都不可吃, 11但出生在祭司家里或用钱买来的奴隶都可以吃。 12如果祭司的女儿嫁给本族以外的人,她便不可再吃举祭。 13如果祭司的女儿守寡或被休,无儿无女,又像年轻时回到父亲家居住,便可以吃父亲的食物。除此以外,不属于祭司家的人都不可以吃。 14任何人如果误吃圣物,就要如数偿还给祭司,并加赔五分之一。 15祭司不可亵渎以色列民众献给耶和华的圣物, 16以免有人因擅自吃圣物而担罪、受罚。我是使圣物圣洁的耶和华。”


17耶和华对摩西说: 18“你把以下条例告诉亚伦父子们及所有以色列人。

“任何以色列人或寄居在以色列的外族人若向耶和华献燔祭,无论是为了还愿还是出于自愿, 19都必须献毫无残疾的公牛、公绵羊或公山羊才能蒙悦纳。 20不可献有残疾的,因为不蒙悦纳。 21如果有人为了还愿或自愿献牛羊作平安祭,必须献毫无残疾的牛羊才能蒙悦纳。 22不可献给耶和华瞎眼的、骨折的、残废的、长疥癣的牲畜,也不可把这些牲畜献给耶和华作火祭。 23至于畸形或发育不全的公牛或绵羊羔,可以用作自愿献的祭,但不可用作还愿祭。 24不可献给耶和华睪丸受损、被压碎、破裂或被阉割的牲畜。在你们境内不可做这样的事, 25也不可从外族人手中接受这些牲畜并献给你们的上帝作食物。因为这些牲畜是畸形的、残疾的,不蒙悦纳。”

26耶和华对摩西说: 27“刚出生的牛、绵羊或山羊,前七天要与母亲在一起。从第八天起,可以把它们献给我作火祭。 28不可在同一天内宰杀母牛和小牛或母羊和小羊。 29你们献感恩祭给耶和华时,要使你们所献的蒙悦纳。 30要当天吃完祭物,不可留到第二天早晨。我是耶和华。 31你们要遵行我的一切诫命。我是耶和华。 32不可亵渎我的圣名,我要在以色列人中彰显我的圣洁,我是使你们圣洁的耶和华。 33我领你们离开埃及,为要做你们的上帝。我是耶和华。”