Jeremiah 11 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 11:1-23

The Lord’s People Have Broken His Covenant

1A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. The Lord said, 2“Listen to the terms of the covenant I made with my people of long ago. Tell Judah the terms still apply to them. Tell those who live in Jerusalem that they must obey them too. 3I am the Lord, the God of Israel. So let the people know what I want them to do. Here is what I want you to tell them. ‘May the person who does not obey the terms of the covenant be under my curse. 4I gave those terms to your people of long ago. That was when I brought them out of Egypt. I saved them out of that furnace that melts down iron and makes it pure.’ I said, ‘Obey me. Do everything I command you to do. Then you will be my people. And I will be your God. 5I raised my hand and made a promise to your people of long ago. I promised them I would give them a land that had plenty of milk and honey.’ It is the land you own today. I kept my promise.”

I replied, “Amen, Lord.”

6The Lord said to me, “Here is what I want you to announce in the towns of Judah. Say it also in the streets of Jerusalem. Tell the people, ‘Listen to the terms of my covenant. Obey them. 7Long ago I brought your people up from Egypt. From that time until today, I warned them again and again. I said, “Obey me.” 8But they did not listen. They did not pay any attention to me. Instead, they did what their stubborn and evil hearts wanted them to do. So I brought down on them all the curses of the covenant. I commanded them to obey it. But they refused.’ ”

9The Lord continued, “The people of Judah have made some evil plans. So have those who live in Jerusalem. 10All of them have returned to the sins their people of long ago committed. Those people refused to listen to what I told them. And now the people of Israel and Judah alike have worshiped other gods and served them. They have broken the covenant I made with their people who lived before them. 11So I say, ‘I will bring trouble on them. They will not be able to escape it. They will cry out to me. But I will not listen to them. 12The people of Jerusalem and of the towns of Judah will cry out. They will cry out to the gods they burn incense to. But those gods will not help them at all when trouble strikes them. 13Judah, you have as many gods as you have towns. And in Jerusalem you have set up as many altars as there are streets. You are burning incense to that shameful god named Baal.’

14“Jeremiah, do not pray for these people. Do not make any appeal or request for them. They will call out to me when they are in trouble. But I will not listen to them.

15“I love the people of Judah.

But they are working out their evil plans along with many others.

So what are they doing in my temple?

Can meat that is offered to me keep me from punishing you?

When you do evil things, you get a lot of pleasure from them.”

16People of Judah, the Lord once called you a healthy olive tree.

He thought its fruit was beautiful.

But now he will come with the roar of a mighty storm.

He will set the tree on fire.

And its branches will be broken.

17The Lord who rules over all planted you. But now he has ordered your enemies to destroy you. The people of Israel and Judah have both done what is evil. They have made the Lord very angry by burning incense to Baal.

Jeremiah’s Enemies Make Evil Plans Against Him

18The Lord told me about the evil plans of my enemies. That’s how I knew about them. He showed me what they were doing. 19I had been like a gentle lamb led off to be killed. I didn’t realize they had made plans against me. They had said,

“Let’s destroy the tree and its fruit.

Let’s take away his life.

Then his name won’t be remembered anymore.”

20But Lord, you rule over all.

You always judge fairly.

You test people’s hearts and minds.

So pay them back for what they’ve done.

I’ve committed my cause to you.

21The Lord says, “Jeremiah, here is what I am telling you about the people of Anathoth. They say they’re going to kill you. They are saying, ‘Don’t prophesy in the Lord’s name. If you do, we will kill you with our own hands.’ ” 22So the Lord who rules over all says, “I will punish them. Their young men will be killed by swords. Their sons and daughters will die of hunger. 23Only a few people will be left alive. I will judge the people of Anathoth. I will destroy them when the time comes to punish them.”

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Yeremiya 11:1-23

Yuda Amenye Endagaano

1Kino kye kigambo kya Mukama ekyajjira Yeremiya. 2Wuliriza ebigambo by’endagaano eno era yogera n’abantu ba Yuda era n’abo ababeera mu Yerusaalemi. 311:3 Ma 27:26; Bag 3:10Bagambe nti, “Bw’ati Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri bw’ayogera nti, ‘Akolimiddwa omuntu atagondera bigambo by’endagaano eno 411:4 a Ma 4:20; 1Bk 8:51 b Kuv 24:8 c Yer 7:23; 31:33bye nalagira bakitammwe bwe nabaggya mu nsi y’e Misiri, okuva mu kikoomi ky’omuliro.’ Nabagamba nti, ‘Muŋŋondere era mukole ebintu byonna nga bwe mbalagira, munaabeeranga bantu bange, nange nnaabeeranga Katonda wammwe, 511:5 Kuv 13:5; Ma 7:12; Zab 105:8-11ndyoke ntuukirize ekirayiro kye nalayirira bajjajjammwe, okubawa ensi ekulukuta amata n’omubisi gw’enjuki, ensi gye mulimu leero.’ ” Awo ne nziramu nti, “Kibeere bwe kityo Mukama.”

611:6 Ma 15:5; Bar 2:13; Yak 1:22Mukama n’aŋŋamba nti, “Langirira ebigambo bino byonna mu bibuga bya Yuda ne mu nguudo za Yerusaalemi. ‘Muwulire ebigambo by’endagaano era mubikole. 711:7 2By 36:15Okuva lwe naggya bajjajjammwe mu Misiri okutuusa leero, mbakuutidde emirundi mingi nga mbagamba nti, “Muŋŋondere.” 811:8 a Yer 7:26 b Lv 26:14-43Naye tebampuliriza wadde okussaayo omwoyo, wabula buli muntu yeeyongera okutambulira mu bukakanyavu bw’omutima gwe omubi. Ne ndyoka mbaleetako ebikolimo byonna ebiri mu ndagaano gye nabalagira okukwata ne batagikwata.’ ”

911:9 Ez 22:25Ate Mukama n’aŋŋamba nti, “Waliwo olukwe mu basajja ba Yuda ne mu batuuze b’omu Yerusaalemi. 1011:10 a Ma 9:7 b Bal 2:12-13Bazzeeyo mu butali butuukirivu bwa bajjajjaabwe abaagaana okugoberera ebigambo byange. Bagoberedde bakatonda abalala ne babaweereza. Ennyumba zombi eya Isirayiri n’eya Yuda zimenye endagaano gye nakola ne bajjajjaabwe. 1111:11 a 2Bk 22:16 b Yer 14:12; Ez 8:18 c nny 14; Nge 1:28; Is 1:15; Zek 7:13Noolwekyo, bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama nti, ‘Laba, ndibaleetako akabi ke batayinza kuwona; wadde banaankaabirira, sijja kubawuliriza. 1211:12 a Yer 44:17 b Ma 32:37Ebibuga bya Yuda n’abantu ba Yerusaalemi bajja kugenda bakaabirire bakatonda baabwe be bootereza obubaane, naye tebaabayambe n’akamu nga bali mu nnaku. 1311:13 a Yer 7:9 b Yer 3:24Mulina bakatonda abenkana ebibuga byammwe obungi, ggwe Yuda; n’ebyoto bye mukoze okwoterezaako obubaane eri Baali byenkana enguudo za Yerusaalemi obungi.’ 

1411:14 a Kuv 32:10 b nny 11“Noolwekyo tosabira bantu bano, tobakaabiririra wadde okubegayiririra kubanga siribawulira mu biro lwe baligwako akabi.

15“Omwagalwa akola ki mu yeekaalu yange ng’ate akoze eby’ekivve?

Okuwaayo ssaddaaka kuyinza okukuggyako ekibonerezo ekijja?

Okola ebibi n’olyoka ojaguza!”

1611:16 a Yer 21:14 b Is 27:11; Bar 11:17-24Mukama yakutuuma Omuzeyituuni ogubala ennyo,

oguliko ebibala ebirungi.

Naye ajja kugukumako omuliro

n’okuwuuma okw’omuyaga ogw’amaanyi,

amatabi gaagwo gakutuke.

1711:17 a Is 5:2; Yer 12:2 b Yer 7:9Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye, eyakusimba akulangiriddeko akabi kubanga ennyumba ya Isirayiri n’ennyumba ya Yuda zikoze eby’ekivve ne zinkwasa obusungu bwe zooterezza Baali obubaane.

18Mukama yambikkulira nnamanyisa mu bbanga eryo olukwe lwe baali bansalira. 1911:19 a Yer 18:18; 20:10 b Yob 28:13; Is 53:8 c Zab 83:4Nnali ng’omwana gw’endiga gwe batwala okuttibwa. Nnali simanyi nga nze gwe baali balyamu olukwe, nga bagamba nti,

“Ka tuzikirize omuti n’ekibala kyagwo,

ka tumutemere ddala ave ku nsi y’abalamu,

erinnya lye lireme okuddayo okujjukirwa n’akatono.”

2011:20 Zab 7:9Naye ggwe Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye,

alamula mu bwenkanya, agezesa omutima n’ebirowoozo,

ka ndabe bw’obawoolera eggwanga,

kubanga ggwe gwenkwasizza ensonga yange.

2111:21 a Yer 12:6 b Yer 26:8, 11; 38:4Noolwekyo bw’atyo bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ku basajja b’e Anasosi abanoonya obulamu bwo nga bagamba nti, “Totubuulira bunnabbi mu linnya lya Mukama, tuleme okukutta.” 2211:22 Yer 18:21Noolwekyo bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye nti, “Laba, nzija kutta abavubuka n’ekitala; ne batabani baabwe n’abawala bafe enjala. 2311:23 a Yer 6:9 b Yer 23:12So tewaliba n’omu alisigalawo, kubanga ndireeta akabi ku basajja b’e Anasosi, mu mwaka gwe ndibabonererezaamu.”