Genesis 6 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 6:1-22

The Sins of Everyone on Earth

1There began to be many human beings on the earth. And daughters were born to them. 2The sons of God saw that the daughters of human beings were beautiful. So they married any of them they chose. 3Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not struggle with human beings forever. They will have only 120 years to live.”

4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days. That was when the sons of God went to the daughters of human beings. Children were born to them. The Nephilim were famous heroes who lived long ago. Nephilim were also on the earth later on.

5The Lord saw how bad the sins of everyone on earth had become. They only thought about evil things. 6The Lord was very sad that he had made human beings on the earth. His heart was filled with pain. 7So the Lord said, “I created human beings, but I will wipe them out. I will also destroy the animals, the birds in the sky, and the creatures that move along the ground. I am very sad that I have made human beings.” 8But the Lord was very pleased with Noah.

Noah and the Flood

9Here is the story of Noah’s family line.

Noah was a godly man. He was without blame among the people of his time. He walked faithfully with God. 10Noah had three sons. Their names were Shem, Ham and Japheth.

11The earth was very sinful in God’s eyes. It was full of people who did mean and harmful things. 12God saw how sinful the earth had become. All its people were living very sinful lives. 13So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to everyone. They have filled the earth with their harmful acts. I am certainly going to destroy them and the earth. 14So make yourself an ark out of cypress wood. Make rooms in it. Cover it with tar inside and out. 15Here is how I want you to build it. The ark has to be 450 feet long. It has to be 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. 16Make a roof for it. Leave below the roof an opening all the way around that is a foot and a half high. Put a door in one side of the ark. Make lower, middle and upper decks. 17I am going to bring a flood on the earth. It will destroy all life under the sky. It will destroy every living creature that breathes. Everything on earth will die. 18But I will make my covenant with you. You will go into the ark. Your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives will enter it with you. 19Bring a male and a female of every living thing into the ark. They will be kept alive with you. 20Two of every kind of bird will come to you. Two of every kind of animal will also come to you. And so will two of every kind of creature that moves along the ground. All of them will be kept alive with you. 21Take every kind of food that you will need. Store it away as food for you and them.”

22Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

O Livro

Génesis 6:1-22

O dilúvio

1Quando os homens começaram a multiplicar-se na Terra e assim foram nascendo mais mulheres, 2então os filhos de Deus repararam que as filhas dos homens eram belas, e tomaram para si as que quiseram. 3E o Senhor disse: “O meu Espírito não continuará a ser desonrado pelo homem, visto que é todo ele mau. Dou-lhe 120 anos de vida.”

4Naqueles dias, e mesmo depois, quando os filhos de Deus tiveram relações com as filhas dos homens, os filhos que lhes nasceram tornaram-se gigantes, os heróis de grande fama de que nos falam os relatos da antiguidade.

5E o Senhor viu que a maldade humana se tinha estendido multiplicadamente, e que a imaginação e os pensamentos dos seres humanos os levavam unicamente para o mal. 6Então entristeceu-se muito de os ter criado. 7“Tirarei da face da Terra tudo o que tem vida, desde o homem até aos próprios animais, inclusive répteis, aves, tudo. Porque estou bem triste de os ter feito.”

8Noé, contudo, achou graça aos olhos do Senhor com a sua vida.

Noé e o dilúvio

9Esta é a história da vida de Noé, um homem justo e íntegro entre as pessoas daquele tempo. Noé andava em comunhão com Deus. 10E tinha três filhos: Sem, Cam e Jafete.

11Entretanto, a corrupção aumentava em toda a Terra. E Deus via isso. A violência alastrava por toda a parte. 12Deus, ao verificar como todo o género humano se tinha deixado arrastar para a depravação e o vício, 13disse a Noé: “Decidi acabar com toda a humanidade, porque a Terra está cheia de crime e perversão por causa do ser humano. Por isso, os destruirei.

14Faz então uma embarcação, com madeira resinosa, e que tenha compartimentos no interior. Reveste-a de alcatrão no interior e no exterior. 15Terá de ter 150 metros de comprimento, 25 de largura e 15 de altura. 16Terá uma abertura na parte de cima, meio metro logo abaixo do telhado, e no interior haverá três andares. E coloca uma porta de lado. 17Porque tenciono cobrir toda a Terra com uma imensa cheia que destruirá tudo aquilo em que houver vida. 18Mas contigo estabelecerei a minha aliança, e entrarás nessa embarcação, com a tua mulher, os teus filhos e suas respetivas mulheres. 19De todos os animais que existem traz dois, macho e fêmea, para a embarcação, para que sobrevivam contigo, durante o dilúvio. 20De cada espécie de aves, de quadrúpedes, até do mais pequeno bichinho ou verme que rasteja no solo hás de trazer um par, para que se reproduzam. 21Armazena também toda a espécie de comida, para sustento vosso e dos bichos.”

22Noé fez tudo conforme Deus lhe tinha ordenado.