Genesis 5 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 5:1-32

The Family Line of Adam

1Here is the written story of Adam’s family line.

When God created human beings, he made them to be like him. 2He created them as male and female, and he blessed them. He called them “human beings” when they were created.

3When Adam was 130 years old, he had a son who was like him. He named him Seth. 4Adam lived 800 years after Seth was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 5Adam lived a total of 930 years. And then he died.

6Seth lived 105 years. Then he became the father of Enosh. 7Seth lived 807 years after Enosh was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 8Seth lived a total of 912 years. And then he died.

9Enosh lived 90 years. Then he became the father of Kenan. 10Enosh lived 815 years after Kenan was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 11Enosh lived a total of 905 years. And then he died.

12Kenan lived 70 years. Then he became the father of Mahalalel. 13Kenan lived 840 years after Mahalalel was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 14Kenan lived a total of 910 years. And then he died.

15Mahalalel lived 65 years. Then he became the father of Jared. 16Mahalalel lived 830 years after Jared was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 17Mahalalel lived a total of 895 years. And then he died.

18Jared lived 162 years. Then he became the father of Enoch. 19Jared lived 800 years after Enoch was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 20Jared lived a total of 962 years. And then he died.

21Enoch lived 65 years. Then he became the father of Methuselah. 22Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years after Methuselah was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 23Enoch lived a total of 365 years. 24Enoch walked faithfully with God. And then he couldn’t be found, because God took him from this life.

25Methuselah lived 187 years. Then he became the father of Lamech. 26Methuselah lived 782 years after Lamech was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 27Methuselah lived a total of 969 years. And then he died.

28Lamech lived 182 years. Then he had a son 29and named him Noah. Lamech said, “He will comfort us when we are working. He’ll comfort us when our hands work so hard they hurt. We have to work hard because the Lord put a curse on the ground.” 30Lamech lived 595 years after Noah was born. He also had other sons and daughters. 31Lamech lived a total of 777 years. And then he died.

32After Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.

O Livro

Génesis 5:1-32

Desde Adão a Noé

1Esta é uma lista de alguns dos descendentes de Adão. Deus criou o homem e fê-lo semelhante ao próprio Deus. 2Criou um homem e uma mulher e abençoou-os. A esta sua criação Deus chamou homem, desde esse dia.

3Adão tinha 130 anos, quando seu filho Sete nasceu, um filho que reconheceu como semelhante a si próprio em tudo. 4Depois desse nascimento, Adão viveu ainda mais 800 anos, e teve filhos e filhas, 5morrendo com a idade de 930 anos.

6Sete tinha 105 anos, quando lhe nasceu Enos. 7Depois viveu mais 807 anos, tendo tido filhos e filhas, 8morrendo com a idade de 912 anos.

9Enos contava 90 anos, quando nasceu Quenã, seu filho. 10E viveu mais 815 anos, tendo filhos e filhas; 11morreu aos 905 anos.

12Quenã contava 70 anos, quando do nascimento de Malaliel, seu filho. 13Depois viveu mais 840 anos, tendo-lhe nascido filhos e filhas. 14Ao todo, viveu 910 anos e morreu.

15Malaliel tinha 65 anos, quando Jarede nasceu. 16Viveu ainda 830 anos, tendo tido e filhas. 17Quando morreu contava 895 anos.

18Jarede viveu 162 anos e teve Enoque. 19Depois disso, viveu 800 anos, durante os quais teve filhos e filhas. 20Ao todo, viveu 962 anos e morreu.

21Enoque tinha 65 anos, quando lhe nasceu Metusalém. 22E os 300 anos que viveu depois passou-os em comunhão com Deus. E teve filhos e filhas. 23Então, quando contava 365 anos de uma vida 24de andar sempre em comunhão com Deus, desapareceu, porque Deus o levou.

25Metusalém tinha 187 anos, quando lhe nasceu Lameque. 26Durante os 782 anos que viveu ainda, gerou mais filhos e filhas, 27vindo a morrer com 969 anos.

28Lameque tinha 182 anos quando lhe nasceu um filho, 29a que chamou Noé porque, disse ele: “Este há de trazer-nos descanso para o duro trabalho da terra que o Senhor amaldiçoou.” 30Lameque viveu mais 595 anos e teve mais filhos e filhas. 31Ao todo, foram 777 os anos de vida que teve e morreu.

32Noé, aos 500 anos, tinha tido três filhos: Sem, Cam e Jafete.