2 Corinthians 9 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Corinthians 9:1-15

1I don’t need to write to you about giving to the Lord’s people. 2I know how much you want to help. I have been bragging about it to the people in Macedonia. I have been telling them that since last year you who live in Achaia were ready to give. You are so excited that it has stirred up most of them to take action. 3But I am sending the brothers. Then our bragging about you in this matter will have a good reason. You will be ready, just as I said you would be. 4Suppose people from Macedonia come with me and find out that you are not prepared. Then we, as well as you, would be ashamed of being so certain. 5So I thought I should try to get the brothers to visit you ahead of time. They will finish the plans for the large gift you had promised. Then it will be ready as a gift freely given. It will not be given by force.

Paul’s Advice to Give Freely

6Here is something to remember. The one who plants only a little will gather only a little. And the one who plants a lot will gather a lot. 7Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You shouldn’t give if you don’t want to. You shouldn’t give because you are forced to. God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to shower all kinds of blessings on you. So in all things and at all times you will have everything you need. You will do more and more good works. 9It is written,

“They have spread their gifts around to poor people.

Their good works continue forever.” (Psalm 112:9)

10God supplies seed for the person who plants. He supplies bread for food. God will also supply and increase the amount of your seed. He will increase the results of your good works. 11You will be made rich in every way. Then you can always give freely. We will take your many gifts to the people who need them. And they will give thanks to God.

12Your gifts meet the needs of the Lord’s people. And that’s not all. Your gifts also cause many people to thank God. 13You have shown yourselves to be worthy by what you have given. So other people will praise God because you obey him. That proves that you really believe the good news about Christ. They will also praise God because you share freely with them and with everyone else. 14Their hearts will be filled with love for you when they pray for you. God has given you grace that is better than anything. 15Let us give thanks to God for his gift. It is so great that no one can tell how wonderful it really is!

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

哥林多后书 9:1-15

1关于捐助圣徒的事,其实我不必再写信提醒你们, 2因我知道你们的热心。我向马其顿教会的人夸耀你们,说亚该亚人的捐款在一年前就预备好了,你们的热心激励了许多人。 3现在我先派这几位弟兄到你们那里,以便你们把捐款预备好,正如我所说的那样,免得我们在这件事上夸耀你们的话成了虚言。 4因为万一有马其顿的人与我同去,发现你们并没有准备好,不但我们会因如此信任你们而羞愧,你们也会无地自容。 5因此,我认为有必要请那几位弟兄先去你们那里,将你们从前认捐的款项收集妥当,这样就表明你们的捐赠是出于甘心乐意,而不是出于勉强。


6要记住:“少种的少收,多种的多收。” 7各人心里想捐多少就捐多少,不要勉强,不要为难。因为捐得甘心乐意的人才是上帝所喜爱的。 8上帝能够将各样的恩典多多赐给你们,使你们在各方面常常富足有余,可以多行各样的善事。 9正如圣经上说:



10赐农夫种子又赐人粮食的上帝,必加倍赐给你们种子,使你们收获更多仁义的果子, 11叫你们事事丰裕,可以多多施舍。这样,从我们这里得到你们帮助的人便会向上帝献上感恩。 12因为这件善事不单可以帮助经济困难的圣徒,也使许多人对上帝充满感恩。 13通过这件善事,他们会把荣耀归给上帝,因为看见你们信服基督的福音,慷慨地帮助他们及众人。 14他们也会因上帝赐给你们的丰盛恩典而热切地为你们祷告。 15感谢上帝,祂的恩赐真是无以言表!