1 John 2 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 John 2:1-29

1My dear children, I’m writing this to you so that you will not sin. But suppose someone does sin. Then we have a friend who speaks to the Father for us. He is Jesus Christ, the Blameless One. 2He gave his life to pay for our sins. But he not only paid for our sins. He also paid for the sins of the whole world.

Instructions About Loving and Hating Other Believers

3We know that we have come to know God if we obey his commands. 4Suppose someone says, “I know him.” But suppose this person does not do what God commands. Then this person is a liar and is not telling the truth. 5But if anyone obeys God’s word, then that person truly loves God. Here is how we know we belong to him. 6Those who claim to belong to him must live just as Jesus did.

7Dear friends, I’m not writing you a new command. Instead, I’m writing one you have heard before. You have had it since the beginning. 8But I am writing what amounts to a new command. Its truth was shown in how Jesus lived. It is also shown in how you live. That’s because the darkness is passing away. And the true light is already shining.

9Suppose someone claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister. Then they are still in the darkness. 10Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light. There is nothing in them to make them fall into sin. 11But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness. They walk around in the darkness. They don’t know where they are going. The darkness has made them blind.

Reasons for Writing

12Dear children, I’m writing to you

because your sins have been forgiven.

They have been forgiven because of what Jesus has done.

13Fathers, I’m writing to you

because you know the one who is from the beginning.

Young men, I’m writing to you

because you have won the battle over the evil one.

14Dear children, I’m writing to you

because you know the Father.

Fathers, I’m writing to you

because you know the one who is from the beginning.

Young men, I’m writing to you

because you are strong.

God’s word lives in you.

You have won the battle over the evil one.

Do Not Love the World

15Do not love the world or anything in it. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 16Here is what people who belong to this world do. They try to satisfy what their sinful desires want to do. They long for what their sinful eyes look at. They take pride in what they have and what they do. All of this comes from the world. None of it comes from the Father. 17The world and its evil desires are passing away. But whoever does what God wants them to do lives forever.

Warnings About Saying No to the Son

18Dear children, we are living in the last days. You have heard that the great enemy of Christ is coming. But even now many enemies of Christ have already come. That’s how we know that these are the last days. 19These enemies left our community of believers. They didn’t really belong to us. If they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But by leaving they showed that none of them belonged to us.

20You have received the Spirit from the Holy One. And all of you know the truth. 21I’m not writing to you because you don’t know the truth. I’m writing because you do know it. I’m writing to you because no lie comes from the truth. 22Who is the liar? It is anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. The person who says this is the great enemy of Christ. They say no to the Father and the Son. 23The person who says no to the Son doesn’t belong to the Father. But anyone who says yes to the Son belongs to the Father also.

24Make sure that you don’t forget what you have heard from the beginning. Then you will remain joined to the Son and to the Father. 25And here is what God has promised us. He has promised us eternal life.

26I’m writing these things to warn you. I am warning you about people trying to lead you astray. 27But you have received the Holy Spirit from God. He continues to live in you. So you don’t need anyone to teach you. God’s Spirit teaches you about everything. What he says is true. He doesn’t lie. Remain joined to Christ, just as you have been taught by the Spirit.

God’s Children and Sin

28Dear children, remain joined to Christ. Then when he comes, we can be bold. We will not be ashamed to meet him when he comes.

29You know that God is right and always does what is right. And you know that everyone who does what is right is God’s child.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

约翰一书 2:1-29

1我的孩子们,我写这些话给你们是为了叫你们不要犯罪。如果有人犯了罪,在父那里我们有一位护慰者,就是那位义者——耶稣基督。 2祂为我们的罪作了赎罪祭,不只是为我们的罪,也是为全人类的罪。

3我们若遵行上帝的命令,就知道自己认识祂。 4若有人说“我认识祂”,却不遵行祂的命令,这人是说谎的,他心中没有真理。 5遵行主话语的人是真正全心爱上帝的人,我们借此知道自己是在主里面。 6所以,自称住在主里面的,就该在生活中效法基督。


7亲爱的弟兄姊妹,我写给你们的并不是一条新命令,而是你们起初接受的旧命令,这旧命令就是你们已经听过的真道。 8然而,我写给你们的也是新命令,在基督和你们身上都显明是真实的,因为黑暗渐渐过去,真光已经照耀出来。

9若有人说自己在光明中,却恨他的弟兄姊妹,他就仍然活在黑暗里。 10爱弟兄姊妹的人活在光明中,没有什么可以绊倒他2:10 没有什么可以绊倒他”或译“他也不会绊倒别人”。11恨弟兄姊妹的人活在黑暗中,走在黑暗中,不知何去何从,因为黑暗弄瞎了他的眼睛。

12孩子们,我写信给你们,因为靠着祂的名,你们的罪已经得到赦免。 13父老们,我写信给你们,因为你们认识了从太初就存在的那位。年轻人,我写信给你们,因为你们已经战胜了那恶者。


15不要爱世界和世上的事,因为人若爱世界,就不会再有爱父的心了。 16凡属世界的,如肉体的私欲、眼目的私欲和今生的骄傲都不是从父那里来的,而是从世界来的。 17这世界和其中一切的私欲都要过去,但遵守上帝旨意的人永远长存。


18孩子们,现在是末世了。你们从前听说敌基督者要来,其实现在许多敌基督者已经出现了,由此可知,现在是末世了。 19这些人是从我们中间出去的,但他们不属于我们。他们如果属于我们,就会留在我们当中了。他们的离去表明他们都不属于我们。

20你们从那位圣者领受了圣灵2:20 圣灵”希腊文指“膏抹”。,所以你们明白真理。 21我写信给你们不是因为你们不明白真理,而是因为你们明白真理,并且知道真理里面绝对没有谎言。 22谁是说谎的呢?不就是那否认耶稣是基督的吗?那不承认父和子的就是敌基督者。 23凡否认子的,也否认了父;凡承认子的,也承认了父。

24你们务要把起初所听见的教导谨记在心,这样,你们必住在子和父里面。 25主应许给我们的是永生。 26以上的话是针对那些引诱你们离开正道的人写的。


27你们既然从主领受了圣灵,圣灵又住在你们心中,就不需要其他人来教导你们,因为圣灵必会在一切事上指引你们。圣灵的教导是真实的,没有虚假,你们要按圣灵的教导住在主里面。 28孩子们,你们要住在主里面。这样,当主显现的时候,就是祂再来的时候,我们便能坦然无惧,不会在祂面前羞愧。 29既然你们知道主是公义的,也该知道所有按公义行事的人都是上帝的儿女。