1 Corinthians 4 – NIRV & CRO

New International Reader’s Version

1 Corinthians 4:1-21

True Apostles of Christ

1So here is how you should think of us. We serve Christ. We are trusted with the mysteries God has shown us. 2Those who have been given a trust must prove that they are faithful. 3I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court. I don’t even judge myself. 4I don’t feel I have done anything wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m not guilty. The Lord judges me. 5So don’t judge anything before the appointed time. Wait until the Lord returns. He will bring to light what is hidden in the dark. He will show the real reasons why people do what they do. At that time each person will receive their praise from God.

6Brothers and sisters, I have used myself and Apollos as examples to help you. You can learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Don’t go beyond what is written.” Then you won’t be proud that you follow one of us instead of the other. 7Who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you brag as though you did not?

8You already have everything you want, don’t you? Have you already become rich? Have you already begun to rule? And did you do that without us? I wish that you really had begun to rule. Then we could also rule with you! 9It seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of a parade. We are like people sentenced to die in front of a crowd. We have been made a show for the whole creation to see. Angels and people are staring at us. 10We are fools for Christ. But you are so wise in Christ! We are weak. But you are so strong! You are honored. But we are looked down on! 11Up to this very hour we are hungry and thirsty. We are dressed in rags. We are being treated badly. We have no homes. 12We work hard with our own hands. When others curse us, we bless them. When we are attacked, we put up with it. 13When others say bad things about us, we answer with kind words. We have become the world’s garbage. We are everybody’s trash, right up to this moment.

Paul Warns Against Pride

14I am not writing this to shame you. You are my dear children, and I want to warn you. 15Suppose you had 10,000 believers in Christ watching over you. You still wouldn’t have many fathers. I became your father by serving Christ Jesus and telling you the good news. 16So I’m asking you to follow my example. 17That’s the reason I have sent Timothy to you. He is like a son to me, and I love him. He is faithful in serving the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in serving Christ Jesus. And that agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.

18Some of you have become proud. You act as if I weren’t coming to you. 19But I will come very soon, if that’s what the Lord wants. Then I will find out how those proud people are talking. I will also find out what power they have. 20The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk. It is a matter of power. 21Which do you want? Should I come to you to correct and punish you? Or should I come in love and with a gentle spirit?

Knijga O Kristu

1 Korinćanima 4:1-21

Pavao i Korinćani

1Zato Apolona i mene smatrajte samo Kristovim slugama zaduženima da objašnjavamo Božje tajne. 2Kada je tko za što zadužen, od njega se očekuje da to vjerno obavlja. 3A jesam li ja tako činio? Nimalo mi nije do toga da o tome prosuđujete vi ili bilo tko drugi. Čak ni sam sebe ne prosuđujem. 4Savjest mi je čista, ali čak me ni to ne opravdava. Jer sudac mi je samo Gospodin.

5Zato ne donosite preuranjene zaključke o tomu tko je vjeran, a tko nije prije nego što se Gospodin vrati. Kad on dođe, iznijet će na vidjelo tajne skrivene u tami i razotkriti nakane svačijeg srca. Tada će svatko primiti pohvalu od Boga.

6Draga braćo, Apolona i sebe uzeo sam za primjer da biste od nas naučili što znači: “Ne preko onoga što stoji pisano!” te da se ne nadimate što pristajete uz jednog učitelja protiv drugoga. 7Po čemu si ti bolji od koga drugoga? Što imaš a da ti Bog to nije dao? A ako ti je sve dao Bog, zašto se hvališ kao da si to sam postignuo?

8Vi mislite da već imate sve što trebate! Već ste bogati! I bez nas ste postali kraljevima! Kamo sreće da ste se zaista već zakraljili jer bismo onda i mi kraljevali s vama. 9Čini mi se da je Bog nas apostole stavio na posljednje mjesto, poput ratnih zarobljenika osuđenih na smrt na kraju pobjedničke povorke, da nas tako gleda cijeli svijet, i anđeli i ljudi. 10Zbog svoje odanosti Kristu činimo se glupima, no vi ste, dakako, vrlo mudri kršćani! Mi smo slabi, a vi jaki! O vama ljudi lijepo govore, a nama se smiju. 11Sve do ovoga trenutka podnosimo glad, žeđu i golotinju, primamo batine i beskućnici smo. 12Mukotrpno radimo vlastitim rukama da zaradimo za život. Blagoslivljamo one koji nas vrijeđaju, strpljivo podnosimo one koji nas zlostavljaju. 13Blago uzvraćamo onima koji nas ocrnjuju. Postali smo kao smeće svijeta, kao svačiji izmet—sve do sada.

14Ne pišem vam to da vas posramim, nego da vas upozorim kao svoju ljubljenu djecu. 15Jer da imate i bezbroj učitelja o Kristu, ipak imate samo jednoga duhovnog oca. Ja sam vam postao ocem u Kristu Isusu kad sam vam propovijedao Radosnu vijest. 16Zato vas zaklinjem: činite kao i ja.

17Šaljem vam zato i Timoteja, svojega voljenog i vjernog sina u Gospodinu. On će vas podsjetiti na moje naputke o vladanju u Kristu, koje poučavam u svakoj crkvi.

18Znam da su se neki od vas uznijeli kao da više neću doći k vama. 19Ali doći ću, i to uskoro, bude li Gospodin htio, ne zato da vidim što ti umišljeni ljudi govore, nego da vidim što mogu u Gospodinu. 20Jer Božje kraljevstvo nije u riječima, nego u Božjoj sili. 21Što vam je draže, da k vama dođem s kaznama i prijekorima ili s ljubavlju i blagošću?