Romans 1 – NIRV & CRO

New International Reader’s Version

Romans 1:1-32

1I, Paul, am writing this letter. I serve Christ Jesus. I have been appointed to be an apostle. God set me apart to tell others his good news. 2He promised the good news long ago. He announced it through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures. 3The good news is about God’s Son. He was born into the family line of King David. 4By the Holy Spirit, he was appointed to be the mighty Son of God. God did this by raising him from the dead. He is Jesus Christ our Lord. 5We received grace because of what Jesus did. He made us apostles to the Gentiles. We must invite all of them to obey God by trusting in Jesus. We do this to bring glory to him. 6You also are among those Gentiles who are appointed to belong to Jesus Christ.

7I am sending this letter to all of you in Rome. You are loved by God and appointed to be his holy people.

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

Paul Longs to Visit Rome

8First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you. People all over the world are talking about your faith. 9I serve God with my whole heart. I preach the good news about his Son. God knows that I always remember you 10in my prayers. I pray that now at last it may be God’s plan to open the way for me to visit you.

11I long to see you. I want to make you strong by giving you a gift from the Holy Spirit. 12I want us to encourage one another in the faith we share. 13Brothers and sisters, I want you to know that I planned many times to visit you. But until now I have been kept from coming. My work has produced results among the other Gentiles. In the same way, I want to see results among you.

14I have a duty both to Greeks and to non-Greeks. I have a duty both to wise people and to foolish people. 15So I really want to preach the good news also to you who live in Rome.

16I want to preach it because I’m not ashamed of the good news. It is God’s power to save everyone who believes. It is meant first for the Jews. It is meant also for the Gentiles. 17The good news shows God’s power to make people right with himself. God’s power to be made right with him is given to the person who has faith. It happens by faith from beginning to end. It is written, “The one who is right with God will live by faith.” (Habakkuk 2:4)

God’s Anger Against Sinners

18God shows his anger from heaven. It is against all the godless and evil things people do. They are so evil that they say no to the truth. 19The truth about God is plain to them. God has made it plain. 20Ever since the world was created it has been possible to see the qualities of God that are not seen. I’m talking about his eternal power and about the fact that he is God. Those things can be seen in what he has made. So people have no excuse for what they do.

21They knew God. But they didn’t honor him as God. They didn’t thank him. Their thinking became worthless. Their foolish hearts became dark. 22They claimed to be wise. But they made fools of themselves. 23They would rather have statues of gods than the glorious God who lives forever. Their statues of gods are made to look like people, birds, animals and reptiles.

24So God let them go. He allowed them to do what their sinful hearts wanted to. He let them commit sexual sins. They made one another’s bodies impure by what they did. 25They chose a lie instead of the truth about God. They worshiped and served created things. They didn’t worship the Creator. But he is praised forever. Amen.

26So God let them continue to have their shameful desires. Their women committed sexual acts that were not natural. 27In the same way, the men turned away from their natural love for women. They burned with sexual desire for each other. Men did shameful things with other men. They suffered in their bodies for all the wrong things they did.

28They didn’t think it was important to know God. So God let them continue to have evil thoughts. They did things they shouldn’t do. 29They are full of every kind of sin, evil and ungodliness. They want more than they need. They commit murder. They want what belongs to other people. They fight and cheat. They hate others. They say mean things about other people. 30They tell lies about them. They hate God. They are rude and proud. They brag. They think of new ways to do evil. They don’t obey their parents. 31They do not understand. They can’t be trusted. They are not loving and kind. 32They know that God’s commands are right. They know that those who do evil things should die. But they continue to do those very things. They also approve of others who do them.

Knijga O Kristu

Rimljanima 1:1-32

Pavlov pozdrav

1Ovo je pismo od Pavla, sluge Isusa Krista, koji je izabran za apostola, poslan propovijedati Božju Radosnu vijest. 2Tu je Radosnu vijest Bog već odavno obećao po svojim prorocima u Svetome pismu. 3Ta je Radosna vijest o njegovu Sinu Isusu Kristu, našemu Gospodinu, koji je postao čovjekom rodivši se kao potomak kralja Davida. 4Isus Krist, naš Gospodin, pokazao je da je Božji Sin kad ga je Bog silnom moći podignuo od mrtvih Duhom svetosti. 5Kroz Krista nam je Bog iskazao milost i dao apostolstvo da naviještamo svim narodima što je Bog učinio za njih, tako da uzvjeruju i poslušaju ga te donesu slavu njegovu imenu.

6I vi ste među onima koji su pozvani pripadati Isusu Kristu. 7Svima vama u Rimu, koje on istinski ljubi: pozvani ste po Isusu Kristu da budete njegovi, njegov sveti narod.

Neka vam je milost i mir od našega Boga Oca i Gospodina Isusa Krista.

Božja Radosna vijest

8Najprije zahvaljujem svojemu Bogu po Isusu Kristu za sve vas, što vaša vjera postaje poznata po svemu svijetu. 9Bog mi je svjedok koliko se često molim za vas. Neprekidno se molim za vas onomu kojemu služim svim srcem1:9 U grčkome: svojim duhom. navješćujući drugima Radosnu vijest o njegovu Sinu.

10Stalno se molim i za priliku, ako bude Božja volja, da vas napokon uspijem posjetiti. 11Čeznem vas vidjeti da podijelim s vama darove Svetoga Duha, da se osnažite u Gospodinu, 12te da vas ohrabrim u vjeri, ali i da se ja ohrabrim vašom vjerom.

13Htio bih da znate, draga braćo, da sam više puta kanio doći da djelujem među vama i vidim dobre rezultate, baš kao što sam vidio i među drugim narodima, ali dosad sam bio spriječen. 14Dužan sam služiti i civiliziranim i barbarskim narodima,1:14 U grčkome: i Grcima i barbarima učenima jednako kao i neukima. 15Zato i vama u Rimu želim propovijedati Radosnu vijest.

16Zaista, ne stidim se Radosne vijesti o Isusu Kristu jer je ona Božja sila koja spašava svakoga tko vjeruje—ponajprije Židove, ali i druge narode.1:16 U grčkome: Grke. 17Ta nam Radosna vijest govori na koji nas način Bog čini pravednima u svojim očima: od početka do svršetka samo vjerom. Kao što piše u Svetome pismu: “Pravednik će živjeti po vjeri.”1:17 Habakuk 2:4.

Božji gnjev na grijeh

18Ali s neba se zaista očituje Božji gnjev na svaku bezbožnost i nepravednost ljudi koji bezbožnim životom sprečavaju da istina o Bogu iziđe na vidjelo. 19Jer što se o Bogu može znati, zapravo im je već poznato. On im je to obznanio: 20njegova nevidljiva svojstva—vječna sila i božanstvo još se od stvaranja svijeta mogu umom razabrati po njegovim djelima. Zato nemaju isprike.

21Jer iako su znali da Bog postoji, nisu mu kao Bogu iskazali ni slavu ni zahvalnost, nego su im misli postale ispraznima, a nerazumno im je srce potamnjelo. 22Tvrdeći za sebe da su mudri, postali su bezumnima 23te su se, umjesto slavnome i besmrtnome Bogu, počeli klanjati raspadljivim obličjima, kipovima i slikama čovjeka, ptica, četveronožaca i gmazova.

24Zato ih je Bog prepustio nečistoći njihova pohotnog srca pa sami obeščašćuju svoja tijela. 25Jer oni su umjesto Božje istine odabrali laž. Klanjali su se i služili stvorenju umjesto Stvoritelju kojemu pripada slava uvijeke. Amen.

26Bog ih je zato predao njihovim sramotnim strastima: umjesto da imaju prirodne spolne odnose, žene opće međusobno, što je protunaravno, 27a muškarci također nemaju naravne odnose sa ženama, već su usplamtjeli pohotom jedni za drugima. Muškarci s muškarcima čine sramotne stvari te na sebi primaju zasluženu kaznu za svoje zastranjenje.

28Zato što nisu držali vrijednim spoznati Boga, Bog ih je predao pokvarenu načinu razmišljanja da čine ono što ne dolikuje. 29Žive u kojekakvim grijesima, pokvarenosti, lakomosti i pakosti; puni su zavisti, ubojstva, svađe, lukavštine i podmuklosti; ogovaraju, 30klevetnici su, mrze Boga, nasilnici su, oholi, umišljeni. Stalno smišljaju nova zla, neposlušni su roditeljima, 31nerazumni, nevjerni, bešćutni i nemilosrdni. 32Znaju da prema Božjoj odredbi ljudi koji tako čine zaslužuju smrt, ali svejedno tako postupaju. Štoviše, i drugima odobravaju takve postupke te ih tako na njih potiču.