2 ዜና መዋዕል 4 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

2 ዜና መዋዕል 4:1-22

የቤተ መቅደሱ ዕቃዎች መሟላት

4፥2-6፡10–5፥1 ተጓ ምብ – 1ነገ 7፥23-2638-51

1ርዝመቱ ሃያ ክንድ፣ ወርዱ ሃያ ክንድ፣ ቁመቱ ዐሥር ክንድ4፥1 ርዝመቱና ወርዱ 9 ሜትር ቍመቱ 4.5 ሜትር ያህል ነው። የሆነ የናስ መሠዊያ ሠራ። 2እንዲሁም የጐኑ ስፋት ከጠርዝ እስከ ጠርዝ ዐሥር ክንድ፣ ቁመቱ አምስት4፥2 2.3 ሜትር ያህል ነው። ክንድ የሆነ ክብ በርሜል ቀልጦ ከፈሰሰ ብረት ሠራ፤ ዙሪያውም ሲለካ ሠላሳ ክንድ4፥2 13.5 ሜትር ይህል ነው። ሆነ። 3ከበርሜሉ ከንፈር በታችም በእያንዳንዱ ክንድ ርቀት ላይ ዙሪያውን ዐሥር የኮርማ ቅርጾች4፥3 0.5 ሜትር ያህል ነው። ነበሩበት፤ ኮርማዎቹም ከበርሜሉ ጋር አንድ ወጥ ሆነው በሁለት ረድፍ ቀልጠው ተሠርተው ነበር።

4በርሜሉ በዐሥራ ሁለት ኮርማዎች ላይ የቆመ ሲሆን፣ ኮርማዎቹም ሦስቱ ወደ ሰሜን፣ ሦስቱ ወደ ምዕራብ፣ ሦስቱ ወደ ደቡብ፣ ሦስቱ ወደ ምሥራቅ ይመለከቱ ነበር። በርሜሉ በእነዚህ ላይ ያረፈ ሲሆን፣ የሁሉም ጀርባ ወደ መካከል የዞረ ነበር። 5የበርሜሉ ውፍረት አንድ ስንዝር፣4፥5 8 ሳንቲ ሜትር ያህል ነው። ከንፈሩ ደግሞ የጽዋ ከንፈር ወይም የሱፍ አበባ ይመስል ነበር፤ ይህም ሦስት ሺሕ የባዶስ መስፈሪያ4፥5 66 ኪሎ ሊትር ያህል ነው። የሚይዝ ነበር።

6እንዲሁም ዐሥር የመታጠቢያ ገንዳዎች አሠርቶ አምስቱን በደቡብ፣ አምስቱን ደግሞ በሰሜን በኩል አስቀመጠ፤ ገንዳዎቹ ለሚቃጠል መሥዋዕት የሚቀርቡት ነገሮች የሚታጠቡባቸው ሲሆኑ፣ በርሜሉ ግን ለካህናት መታጠቢያ የሚያገለግል ነበር።

7በተሰጠው የአሠራር መመሪያ መሠረት፣ ዐሥር የወርቅ መቅረዞች ሠርቶ ወደ ቤተ መቅደሱ በማስገባት፣ አምስቱን በስተ ደቡብ፣ አምስቱን በስተ ሰሜን አኖራቸው።

8ዐሥር ጠረጴዛ ሠርቶም ወደ ቤተ መቅደሱ በማስገባት አምስቱን በስተ ደቡብ፣ አምስቱን ደግሞ በስተ ሰሜን በኩል አኖራቸው፤ ደግሞም አንድ መቶ ጐድጓዳ የወርቅ ሳሕኖች ሠራ።

9የካህናቱንም አደባባይ ሠራ፤ እንዲሁም ታላቁን አደባባይና በሮቹን ከሠራ በኋላ በናስ ለበጣቸው። 10በርሜሉንም ከቤተ መቅደሱ በስተ ደቡብ ምሥራቅ ባለው ማእዘን በቀኝ በኩል አኖረው።

11እንዲሁም ምንቸቱን፣ መጫሪያዎችንና ጐድጓዳ ሳሕኖችን ሠራ። ኪራምም ለቤተ መቅደሱ አገልግሎት የሚውሉትን ዕቃዎች ለንጉሥ ሰሎሞን ሠርቶ ጨረሰ፤ እነዚህም፦

12ሁለቱ ዐምዶች፣

በአዕማዱ ጫፍ ላይ ያሉት ሁለት ባለ ሳሕን ቅርጽ ጕልላት በዐምዶቹ ላይ ያሉትን ሁለቱን፣

ባለ ሳሕን ቅርጽ ጕልላት የሚያስጌጡ ሁለት ዙር መርበቦች፤

13በዐምዶቹ ላይ ያሉትን ሁለቱን፣ ባለ ሳሕን ቅርጽ ጕልላት እንዲያስጌጡ ለእያንዳንዱ መርበብ ሁለት ዙር ሮማኖች ለሁለቱም ዙር መርበቦች በድምሩ አራት መቶ ሮማኖች፤

14መቆሚያዎች ከነመታጠቢያ ሳሕኖቻቸው፤

15በርሜሉና እርሱን የተሸከሙት ዐሥራ ሁለት ኮርማዎች፤

16ምንቸቶችና መጫሪያዎች፣ ሜንጦዎችና ከነዚሁም ጋር የተያያዙ ዕቃዎች።

ኪራምአቢ ለእግዚአብሔር ቤተ መቅደስ መገልገያ እንዲሆን ለሰሎሞን የሠራቸው ዕቃዎች በሙሉ ከተወለወለ ናስ የተሠሩ ነበሩ። 17ንጉሡም እነዚህ ዕቃዎች በዮርዳኖስ ሸለቆ፣ በሱኮትና በጽሬዳ መካከል ባለው በሸክላ ዐፈር ቦታ ቀልጠው በሸክላ ቅርጽ ተሠርተው እንዲወጡ አደረገ። 18እነዚህ ሰሎሞን ያሠራቸው ነገሮች ሁሉ እጅግ ብዙዎች ስለሆኑ የናሱ ክብደት ምን ያህል እንደ ሆነ አልታወቀም ነበር።

19እንደዚሁም ሰሎሞን ለእግዚአብሔር ቤተ መቅደስ መገልገያ የሚሆኑትን ዕቃዎች ሠራ፤ እነዚህም፦

የወርቅ መሠዊያ፣

የገጸ ኅብስቱ ጠረጴዛ፣

20በተሰጠው መመሪያ መሠረት፣ በቅድስተ ቅዱሳኑ ፊት ለፊት እንዲነድዱ፣ ከንጹሕ ወርቅ የተሠሩ መቅረዞች ከነቀንዲሎቻቸው፣

21የወርቅ አበባ ቅርጽ ሥራዎች፣ ቀንዲሎችና መኰስተሪያዎች ከንጹሕ ወርቅ የተሠሩ ነበሩ።

22ከንጹሕ ወርቅ የተሠሩ የመብራት ማጥፊያዎች፣ ለመርጨት የሚያገለግሉ ጐድጓዳ ሳሕኖች፣ ጭልፋዎችና ጥናዎች፣ እንደዚሁም የቤተ መቅደሱ የወርቅ መዝጊያዎች፣ ይኸውም የቅድስተ ቅዱሳኑ የውስጠኛው መዝጊያዎችና የቤተ መቅደሱ ዋናው አዳራሽ መዝጊያዎች ከንጹሕ ወርቅ የተሠሩ ነበሩ።

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 4:1-22

More Facts About the Temple

1Solomon made a bronze altar 30 feet long, 30 feet wide and 15 feet high. 2He made a huge metal bowl for washing. Its shape was round. It measured 15 feet from rim to rim. It was seven and a half feet high. And it was 45 feet around. 3Below the rim there was a circle of bull figures around the bowl. In every 18 inches around the bowl there were ten bulls. The bulls were arranged in two rows. They were made as part of the bowl itself.

4The bowl stood on 12 bulls. Three of them faced north. Three faced west. Three faced south. And three faced east. The bowl rested on top of them. Their rear ends were toward the center. 5The bowl was three inches thick. Its rim was like the rim of a cup. The rim was shaped like the bloom of a lily. The bowl held 18,000 gallons of water.

6Solomon made ten smaller bowls for washing. He placed five of them on the south side of the huge bowl. He placed the other five on the north side. The things used for the burnt offerings were rinsed in the smaller bowls. But the priests used the huge bowl for washing.

7Solomon made ten gold lampstands. He followed the pattern the Lord had given him. He placed the lampstands in the temple. He put five of them on the south side. He put the other five on the north side.

8He made ten tables. He placed them in the temple. He put five of them on the south side. He put the other five on the north side. He also made 100 gold sprinkling bowls.

9He made the courtyard of the priests. He also made the large courtyard. He made doors for it. He covered the doors with bronze. 10He placed the huge bowl on the south side of the courtyard. He put it at the southeast corner.

11And Huram also made the pots, shovels and sprinkling bowls.

So Huram finished the work he had started for King Solomon. Here’s what he made for God’s temple.

12He made the two pillars.

He made the two tops for the pillars. The tops were shaped like bowls.

He made the two sets of chains that were linked together. They decorated the two bowl-shaped tops of the pillars.

13He made the 400 pomegranates for the two sets of chains. There were two rows of pomegranates for each chain. They decorated the bowl-shaped tops of the pillars.

14He made the stands and their bowls.

15He made the huge bowl. He made the 12 bulls that were under it.

16He made the pots, shovels and meat forks. He also made all the things used with them.

Huram-Abi made all these objects for King Solomon for the Lord’s temple. He made them out of bronze. Then he shined them up. 17The king had them made in clay molds. It was done on the plains of the Jordan River between Sukkoth and Zarethan. 18Solomon made huge numbers of these things. There were too many of them to weigh. In fact, it was impossible to add up the weight of all the bronze.

19Solomon also made all the objects that were in God’s temple.

He made the golden altar.

He made the tables for the holy bread.

20He made the pure gold lampstands and their lamps. The lamps burned in front of the Most Holy Room, just as the law required.

21He made the gold flowers. He made the gold lamps and tongs. They were made out of solid gold.

22He made the wick cutters, sprinkling bowls, dishes, and shallow cups for burning incense. All of them were made out of pure gold. He made the gold doors of the temple. They were the inner doors to the Most Holy Room and the doors of the main hall.