ምሳሌ 1 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

ምሳሌ 1:1-33

መግቢያ፤ የምሳሌዎቹ ዐላማና ጭብጥ

1የእስራኤል ንጉሥ፣ የዳዊት ልጅ የሰሎሞን ምሳሌዎች፤

2ጥበብንና ተግሣጽን ለመቀበል፤

ጥልቅ ሐሳብ የሚገልጡ ቃላትን ለማስተዋል፤

3ጽድቅን፣ ፍትሕንና ሚዛናዊ ብያኔን በማድረግ፣

የተገራ ጠቢብ ልቦናን ለማግኘት፤

4ብስለት ለሌላቸው አስተዋይነትን፣

በዕድሜ ለጋ ለሆኑት ዕውቀትንና ልባምነትን ለመስጠት፤

5ጥበበኞች ያድምጡ፤ ትምህርታቸውንም ያዳብሩ፤

አስተዋዮችም መመሪያ ያግኙበት፤

6ይህም የጠቢባንን ምሳሌዎችና ተምሳሌቶች፣

አባባሎችና ዕንቈቅልሾች ይረዱ ዘንድ ነው።

7እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት የዕውቀት መጀመሪያ ነው፤

ተላሎች1፥7 በመጽሐፈ ምሳሌና በብሉይ ኪዳን ሌሎች መጻሕፍት ውስጥ ተላላ የሚለው በተደጋጋሚ ተጽፏል፤ ይህም የሞራል ጕድለትን ያመለክታል። ግን ጥበብንና ተግሣጽን ይንቃሉ።

ጥበብን ገንዘብ ለማድረግ የተሰጠ ምክር

8ልጄ ሆይ፤ የአባትህን ምክር አድምጥ፤

የእናትህንም ትምህርት አትተው።

9ለራስህ ሞገስን የሚያጐናጽፍ አክሊል፣

ዐንገትህን የሚያስውብ ድሪ ይሆንልሃል።

10ልጄ ሆይ፤ ኀጢአተኞች ቢያባብሉህ፣

እሺ አትበላቸው፤

11“ከእኛ ጋር ናና፣ ደም ለማፍሰስ እናድባ፤

በደል በሌለበት ሰው ላይ እንሸምቅ፤

12እንደ መቃብር፣ ወደ ጕድጓድ1፥12 በዕብራይስጡ ሲኦል ይላል። እንደሚወርዱ፣

ከነሕይወታቸው እንዳሉ እንዋጣቸው፤

13ውድ የሆኑ ነገሮችን ሁሉ በየዐይነቱ እናገኛለን፤

ቤቶቻችንንም በዝርፊያ እንሞላለን፤

14ከእኛ ጋር ዕጣህን ጣል፤

የጋራ ቦርሳ ይኖረናል” ቢሉህ፣

15ልጄ ሆይ፤ አብረሃቸው አትሂድ፤

በሚሄዱበትም መንገድ እግርህን አታንሣ፤

16እግራቸው ወደ ኀጢአት ይቸኵላል፤

ደም ለማፍሰስም ፈጣኖች ናቸው።

17ወፎች ፊት እያዩ ወጥመድ መዘርጋት፣

ምንኛ ከንቱ ነው!

18እነዚህ ሰዎች የሚያደቡት በገዛ ደማቸው ላይ ነው፤

የሚሸምቁትም በራሳቸው ላይ ብቻ ነው።

19ያላግባብ ለጥቅም የሚሯሯጡ ሁሉ መጨረሻቸው እንዲህ ነው፤

የሕይወታቸው መጥፊያም ይኸው ነው።

ጥበብን ለሚያናንቁ የተሰጠ ማስጠንቀቂያ

20ጥበብ በጐዳና ላይ ጮኻ ትጣራለች፤

በየአደባባዩ ድምፅዋን ከፍ ታደርጋለች፤

21ዉካታ በበዛባቸው ጐዳናዎች ላይ1፥21 በዕብራይስጡና በሰብዓ ሊቃናት ትርጕሞች በቅጥሮች ጫፍ ላይ ይላሉ። ትጮኻለች፤

በከተማዪቱም መግቢያ በር ላይ እንዲህ ትላለች፤

22“እናንት ብስለት የሌላችሁ1፥22 በዕብራይስጡ ብስለት የሌለው የሚለው ቃል በዚህ መጽሐፍ በአጠቃላይ መልካም ምግባር የሌለውንና ክፋትን ለማድረግ ልቡ ያዘነበለ ሰውን ያመለክታል። ማስተዋል የሌለበት መንገዳችሁን እስከ መቼ ትወዱታላችሁ?

ፌዘኞች በፌዝ ደስ የሚሰኙት፣

ሞኞችስ ዕውቀትን የሚጠሉት እስከ መቼ ነው?

23ዘለፋዬን ብትሰሙኝ ኖሮ፣

ልቤን ባፈሰስሁላችሁ፣

ሐሳቤንም ባሳወቅኋችሁ ነበር።

24ነገር ግን በተጣራሁ ጊዜ እንቢ ስላላችሁኝ፣

እጄንም ስዘረጋ ማንም ግድ ስላልነበረው፣

25ምክሬን ሁሉ ስለ ናቃችሁ፣

ዘለፋዬንም ስላልተቀበላችሁ፣

26እኔ ደግሞ በመከራችሁ እሥቅባችኋለሁ፤

መዓት በሚወርድባችሁም ጊዜ አፌዝባችኋለሁ፤

27መዓት እንደ ማዕበል ሲያናውጣችሁ፣

መከራም እንደ ዐውሎ ነፋስ ሲጠራርጋችሁ፣

ሥቃይና ችግር ሲያጥለቀልቃችሁ አፌዝባችኋለሁ።

28“በዚያን ጊዜ ይጠሩኛል፤ እኔ ግን አልመልስላቸውም፤

አጥብቀው ይፈልጉኛል፤ ነገር ግን አያገኙኝም።

29ዕውቀትን ስለ ጠሉ፣

እግዚአብሔርንም መፍራት ስላልመረጡ፣

30ምክሬን ለመቀበል ስላልፈለጉ፣

ዘለፋዬን ስለ ናቁ፣

31የመንገዳቸውን ፍሬ ይበላሉ፤

የዕቅዳቸውንም ውጤት ይጠግባሉ።

32ብስለት የሌላቸውን ስድነታቸው ይገድላቸዋል፤

ተላሎችንም ቸልተኝነታቸው ያጠፋቸዋል፤

33የሚያዳምጠኝ ሁሉ ግን በሰላም ይኖራል፤

ክፉን ሳይፈራ ያለ ሥጋት ይቀመጣል።”

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 1:1-33


1These are the proverbs of Solomon. He was the son of David and the king of Israel.

2Proverbs teach you wisdom and instruct you.

They help you understand wise sayings.

3They provide you with instruction and help you live wisely.

They lead to what is right and honest and fair.

4They give understanding to childish people.

They give knowledge and good sense to those who are young.

5Let wise people listen and add to what they have learned.

Let those who understand what is right get guidance.

6What I’m teaching also helps you understand proverbs and stories.

It helps you understand the sayings and riddles of those who are wise.

7If you really want to gain knowledge, you must begin by having respect for the Lord.

But foolish people hate wisdom and instruction.

Think and Live Wisely

A Warning Against Sinful Men

8My son, listen to your father’s advice.

Don’t turn away from your mother’s teaching.

9What they teach you will be like a beautiful crown on your head.

It will be like a chain to decorate your neck.

10My son, if sinful men tempt you,

don’t give in to them.

11They might say, “Come along with us.

Let’s hide and wait to kill someone who hasn’t done anything wrong.

Let’s catch some harmless person in our trap.

12Let’s swallow them alive, as the grave does.

Let’s swallow them whole, like those who go down into the pit.

13We’ll get all kinds of valuable things.

We’ll fill our houses with what we steal.

14Cast lots with us for what they own.

We’ll share everything we take from them.”

15My son, don’t go along with them.

Don’t even set your feet on their paths.

16They are always in a hurry to sin.

They are quick to spill someone’s blood.

17How useless it is to spread a net

where every bird can see it!

18Those who hide and wait will spill their own blood.

They will be caught in their own trap.

19That’s what happens to everyone

who goes after money in the wrong way.

That kind of money takes away

the life of those who get it.

Wisdom’s Warning

20Out in the open wisdom calls out.

She raises her voice in a public place.

21On top of the city wall she cries out.

Here is what she says near the gate of the city.

22“How long will you childish people love your childish ways?

How long will you rude people enjoy making fun of God and others?

How long will you foolish people hate knowledge?

23Pay attention to my warning!

Then I will pour out my thoughts to you.

I will make known to you my teachings.

24But you refuse to listen when I call out to you.

No one pays attention when I reach out my hand.

25You turn away from all my advice.

And you do not accept my warning.

26So I will laugh at you when you are in danger.

I will make fun of you when hard times come.

27I will laugh when hard times hit you like a storm.

I will laugh when danger comes your way like a windstorm.

I will make fun of you when suffering and trouble come.

28“Then you will call to me. But I won’t answer.

You will look for me. But you won’t find me.

29You hated knowledge.

You didn’t choose to have respect for the Lord.

30You wouldn’t accept my advice.

You turned your backs on my warnings.

31So you will eat the fruit of the way you have lived.

You will choke on the fruit of what you have planned.

32“The wrong path that childish people take will kill them.

Foolish people will be destroyed by being satisfied with the way they live.

33But those who listen to me will live in safety.

They will be at ease and have no fear of being harmed.”