መዝሙር 61 – NASV & NIRV

New Amharic Standard Version

መዝሙር 61:1-8

መዝሙር 61

የግዞተኛ ጸሎት

ለመዘምራን አለቃ፤ በበገናዎች የሚዘመር፤ የዳዊት መዝሙር።

1እግዚአብሔር ሆይ፤ ጩኸቴን ስማ፤

ጸሎቴንም አድምጥ።

2ልቤ በዛለ ጊዜ፣

ከምድር ዳርቻ ወደ አንተ እጣራለሁ፤

ከእኔ ይልቅ ከፍ ወዳለው ዐለት ምራኝ።

3አንተ መጠጊያዬ፣

ከጠላትም የምተገንብህ ጽኑ ግንብ ሆነኸኛልና።

4በድንኳንህ ለዘላለም ልኑር፤

በክንፎችህም ጥላ ልከለል። ሴላ

5አምላክ ሆይ፤ ስእለቴን ሰምተሃልና፤

ስምህን የሚፈሩትንም ሰዎች ርስት ለእኔ ሰጠህ።

6የንጉሡን ዕድሜ አርዝምለት፤

ዘመኑንም እስከ ብዙ ትውልድ ጨምርለት፤

7በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ለዘላለም ይንገሥ፤

ይጠብቁት ዘንድ ምሕረትህንና ታማኝነትህን አዘጋጅለት።

8ስለዚህ ለስምህ ዘወትር ውዳሴ አቀርባለሁ፤

ስእለቴንም በየጊዜው እፈጽማለሁ።

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 61:1-8

Psalm 61

For the director of music. A psalm of David to be played on stringed instruments.

1God, hear my cry for help.

Listen to my prayer.

2From a place far away I call out to you.

I call out as my heart gets weaker.

Lead me to the safety of a rock that is high above me.

3You have always kept me safe from my enemies.

You are like a strong tower to me.

4I long to live in your holy tent forever.

There I find safety in the shadow of your wings.

5God, you have heard my promises.

You have given me what belongs to those who worship you.

6Add many days to the king’s life.

Let him live on and on for many years.

7May he always enjoy your blessing as he rules.

Let your love and truth keep him safe.

8Then I will always sing praise to you.

I will keep my promises day after day.