Numeri 7 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Numeri 7:1-89

Zopereka Popatula Chihema

1Mose atamaliza kuyimika chihema chija, anachidzoza mafuta ndi kuchipatula pamodzi ndi ziwiya zake zonse. Anadzozanso guwa lansembe ndi kulipatula pamodzi ndi ziwiya zake zonse. 2Kenaka atsogoleri a Aisraeli, akuluakulu a mabanja omwe ankayangʼanira mafuko a anthu omwe anawawerenga aja, anachita chopereka. 3Anabweretsa zopereka zawo pamaso pa Yehova: ngolo zophimbidwa zisanu ndi imodzi ndiponso ngʼombe zothena khumi ndi ziwiri. Mtsogoleri mmodzi ngʼombe yothena imodzi ndipo atsogoleri awiri ngolo imodzi. Izi anazipereka ku chihema.

4Yehova anawuza Mose kuti, 5“Ulandire zimenezi kwa iwo kuti zigwire ntchito ku tenti ya msonkhano. Uzipereke kwa Alevi, aliyense monga mwa ntchito yake.”

6Choncho Mose anatenga ngolo ndi ngʼombe zothenazo nazipereka kwa Alevi. 7Anapereka ngolo ziwiri ndi ngʼombe zothena zinayi kwa Ageresoni monga mwantchito yawo 8ndiponso anapereka ngolo zinayi ndi ngʼombe zothena zisanu ndi zitatu kwa Amerari molingananso ndi ntchito yawo. Onsewa ankawayangʼanira anali Itamara mwana wa Aaroni wansembe. 9Koma Mose sanapereke zimenezi kwa Akohati chifukwa zinthu zawo zopatulika zomwe ankayangʼanira zinali zoti azinyamula pa mapewa awo.

10Guwa la nsembe litadzozedwa, atsogoleri anabweretsa zopereka zawo zopatulira guwa nazipereka paguwapo. 11Pakuti Yehova anawuza Mose kuti, “Tsiku lililonse mtsogoleri mmodzi azibweretsa chopereka chake chopatulira guwa lansembe.”

12Amene anabweretsa chopereka chake tsiku loyamba anali Naasoni mwana wa Aminadabu wa fuko la Yuda.

13Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi, ndi beseni lasiliva limodzi lowazira, lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo wopatulika ndipo zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta ngati chopereka chachakudya; 14mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 15mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza; 16mbuzi yayimuna imodzi, nsembe ya machimo; 17ndi ngʼombe zothena ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa asanu a chaka chimodzi kuti zikhale za nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Naasoni mwana wa Aminadabu.

18Pa tsiku lachiwiri, Natanieli mwana wa Zuwara, mtsogoleri wa Isakara, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

19Chopereka chomwe anabwera nacho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, molingana ndi muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. Mbale zonse zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka cha chakudya. 20Mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110 yodzaza ndi lubani; 21mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza: 22mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yotetezera machimo; 23ndi ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna ziwiri, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe ya chiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Netanieli mwana wa Zuwara.

24Pa tsiku lachitatu, Eliabu mwana wa Heloni, mtsogoleri wa Azebuloni, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

25Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndi beseni limodzi lasiliva lowazira lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, mbale zonse zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta, chopereka cha chakudya; 26mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 27mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza; 28mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 29ndi ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Eliabu mwana wa Heloni.

30Tsiku lachinayi linali la Elizuri mwana wa Sedeuri, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Rubeni, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

31Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta, chopereka chachakudya. 32Mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 33mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza; 34mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 35ndi ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna ziwiri, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Elizuri mwana wa Sedeuri.

36Pa tsiku lachisanu Selumieli mwana wa Zurisadai, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Simeoni, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

37Chopereka chake chinali mbale yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. Zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 38mbale yagolide imodzi yolemera 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 39mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wamwamuna wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza; 40mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 41ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Selumieli mwana wa Zurisadai.

42Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chimodzi, Eliyasafu mwana wa Deuweli, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Gadi, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

43Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 44mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 45mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, chopereka cha nsembe yopsereza: 46mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 47ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Eliyasafu mwana wa Deuweli.

48Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri Elisama mwana wa Amihudi, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Efereimu, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

49Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonsezi monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 50mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 51mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza; 52mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 53ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Elisama mwana wa Amihudi.

54Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chitatu Gamalieli mwana wa Pedazuri, mtsogoleri wa fuko Manase, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

55Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 56mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani, 57mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza; 58mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 59ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Gamalieli mwana wa Pedazuri.

60Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chinayi Abidani mwana wa Gideoni mtsogoleri wa fuko la Benjamini, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

61Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka cha zakudya; 62mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 63mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza; 64mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 65ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Abidani mwana wa Gideoni.

66Pa tsiku lakhumi Ahiyezeri mwana wa Amisadai, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Dani anabweretsa chopereka chake.

67Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 68mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 69mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza; 70mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 71ndi ngʼombe ziwiri zazimuna, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Ahiyezeri mwana wa Amisadai.

72Pa tsiku la khumi ndi chimodzi, Pagieli mwana wa Okirani, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Aseri, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

73Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 74mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 75mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza; 76mbuzi imodzi yayimuna ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 77ngʼombe ziwiri zazimuna, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Pagieli mwana wa Okirani.

78Pa tsiku la khumi ndi chimodzi Ahira mwana wa Enani, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Nafutali, anabweretsa chopereka chake.

79Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lowazira lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya; 80mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani; 81mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza; 82mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo; 83ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Ahira mwana wa Enani.

84Zopereka za atsogoleri a Israeli zopatulira guwa lansembe pamene linadzozedwa zinali izi: mbale khumi ndi ziwiri zasiliva, mabeseni owazira asiliva khumi ndi awiri ndi mbale zagolide khumi ndi ziwiri. 85Mbale iliyonse yasiliva inkalemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndipo beseni lililonse lowazira linkalemera magalamu 800. Pamodzi, mbale zonse zasiliva zinkalemera makilogalamu 27 monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. 86Mbale khumi ndi ziwiri zagolide zodzaza ndi lubanizo zinkalemera magalamu 110 iliyonse, monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. Pamodzi, mbale zagolide zinkalemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka. 87Chiwerengero cha nyama zonse za nsembe yopsereza chinali motere: ngʼombe zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri ndi ana ankhosa aamuna khumi ndi awiri a chaka chimodzi pamodzi ndi chopereka chachakudya. Mbuzi zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri zinali za nsembe yopepesera machimo. 88Chiwerengero cha nyama zonse za nsembe yachiyanjano chinali motere: ngʼombe zothena 24, nkhosa zazimuna 60, mbuzi zazimuna 60 ndi ana ankhosa aamuna a chaka chimodzi 60. Zimenezi ndi zimene zinali zopereka zopatulira guwa lansembe litadzozedwa.

89Mose atalowa mu tenti ya msonkhano kukayankhula ndi Yehova, anamva mawu kuchokera pakati pa Akerubi awiri amene anali pamwamba pa chivundikiro cha bokosi la umboni. Ndipo anayankhula naye.

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 7:1-89

Israel’s Leaders Bring Offerings for the Holy Tent

1Moses finished setting up the holy tent. Then he anointed it with olive oil. He set it apart to the Lord. He did the same thing with everything that belonged to it. He also anointed the altar. And he set apart to the Lord the altar and all its tools. 2Then the leaders of Israel brought their offerings. The leaders were the heads of the families. They were the leaders of the tribes. They were in charge of the men who had been counted. 3They brought gifts to the Lord. They brought six covered carts and 12 oxen. Each leader gave an ox. And every two leaders gave a cart. They put their gifts in front of the holy tent.

4The Lord said to Moses, 5“Accept the gifts from the leaders. I want their gifts to be used in the work at the tent of meeting. Give them to the Levites. They need them to do their work.”

6So Moses gave the carts and the oxen to the Levites. 7He gave two carts and four oxen to the men from the family of Gershon. They needed them to do their work. 8He gave four carts and eight oxen to the men from the family of Merari. They needed them to do their work. All these men were under the direction of Ithamar the priest. He was the son of Aaron. 9But Moses didn’t give any carts or oxen to the men from the family of Kohath. They had to carry the holy things on their shoulders. They were responsible for the holy things.

10When the altar was anointed, the leaders brought their offerings. They placed them in front of the altar. They brought their offerings in order to set apart the altar. 11The Lord had spoken to Moses. He had said, “Each day one leader must bring his offering. He must bring it in order to set apart the altar.”

12On the first day Nahshon, the son of Amminadab, brought his offering. Nahshon was from the tribe of Judah.

13He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

14He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

15Nahshon brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

16He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

17He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Nahshon, the son of Amminadab, brought as his offering.

18On the second day Nethanel, the son of Zuar, brought his offering. Nethanel was the leader of the tribe of Issachar.

19He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

20He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

21Nethanel brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

22He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

23He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Nethanel, the son of Zuar, brought as his offering.

24On the third day Eliab, the son of Helon, brought his offering. Eliab was the leader of the people of Zebulun.

25He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

26He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

27Eliab brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

28He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

29He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Eliab, the son of Helon, brought as his offering.

30On the fourth day Elizur, the son of Shedeur, brought his offering. Elizur was the leader of the people of Reuben.

31He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

32He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

33Elizur brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

34He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

35He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Elizur, the son of Shedeur, brought as his offering.

36On the fifth day Shelumiel, the son of Zurishaddai, brought his offering. Shelumiel was the leader of the people of Simeon.

37He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

38He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

39Shelumiel brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

40He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

41He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Shelumiel, the son of Zurishaddai, brought as his offering.

42On the sixth day Eliasaph, the son of Deuel, brought his offering. Eliasaph was the leader of the people of Gad.

43He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

44He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

45Eliasaph brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

46He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

47He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Eliasaph, the son of Deuel, brought as his offering.

48On the seventh day Elishama, the son of Ammihud, brought his offering. Elishama was the leader of the people of Ephraim.

49He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

50He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

51Elishama brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

52He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

53He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Elishama, the son of Ammihud, brought as his offering.

54On the eighth day Gamaliel, the son of Pedahzur, brought his offering. Gamaliel was the leader of the people of Manasseh.

55He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

56He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

57Gamaliel brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

58He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

59He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Gamaliel, the son of Pedahzur, brought as his offering.

60On the ninth day Abidan, the son of Gideoni, brought his offering. Abidan was the leader of the people of Benjamin.

61He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

62He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

63Abidan brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

64He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

65He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Abidan, the son of Gideoni, brought as his offering.

66On the tenth day Ahiezer, the son of Ammishaddai, brought his offering. Ahiezer was the leader of the people of Dan.

67He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

68He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

69Ahiezer brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

70He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

71He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Ahiezer, the son of Ammishaddai, brought as his offering.

72On the eleventh day Pagiel, the son of Okran, brought his offering. Pagiel was the leader of the people of Asher.

73He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

74He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

75Pagiel brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

76He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

77He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Pagiel, the son of Okran, brought as his offering.

78On the twelfth day Ahira, the son of Enan, brought his offering. Ahira was the leader of the people of Naphtali.

79He brought:

one silver plate and one silver sprinkling bowl. The plate weighed three pounds four ounces. The sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. Both were weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. Each plate and bowl was filled with the finest flour mixed with olive oil. It was a grain offering.

80He brought one gold dish that weighed four ounces. It was filled with incense.

81Ahira brought one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old. They would be sacrificed as a burnt offering.

82He brought one male goat to be sacrificed as a sin offering.

83He brought two oxen, five rams and five male goats. He also brought five male lambs a year old. All of them would be sacrificed as a friendship offering.

That was everything that Ahira, the son of Enan, brought as his offering.

84Those were the offerings the Israelite leaders brought. They gave them to set the altar apart when it was anointed with olive oil.

They gave 12 silver plates, 12 silver sprinkling bowls and 12 gold dishes. 85Each plate weighed three pounds four ounces. Each sprinkling bowl weighed one pound 12 ounces. The total weight of the silver dishes was 60 pounds. Everything was weighed according to the standard weights used in the sacred tent. 86Each of the 12 gold dishes weighed four ounces. They were filled with incense. They were weighed according to the weights used in the sacred tent. The total weight of the gold dishes was three pounds.

87The leaders brought 12 young bulls, 12 rams and 12 male lambs a year old. That was the total number of animals they gave for the burnt offering. They gave them together with the grain offering. They brought 12 male goats for the sin offering.

88The leaders brought 24 oxen, 60 rams, 60 male goats and 60 male lambs a year old. That was the total number of animals sacrificed as the friendship offering.

Those were the offerings they brought to set apart the altar. The leaders brought them after the altar was anointed with oil.

89Moses entered the tent of meeting. He wanted to speak with the Lord. There Moses heard the Lord talking to him. The Lord’s voice was speaking to him from between the two cherubim. The cherubim were over the place where sin is paid for. It was the cover on the ark where the tablets of the covenant law were kept. In this way the Lord spoke to Moses.