Miyambo 6 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Miyambo 6:1-35

Za Moyo wa Uchitsiru

1Mwana wanga, ngati wamuperekera mnansi wako chikole,

ngati walonjeza kumulipirira mlendo,

2ngati wagwidwa ndi zimene iwe unanena,

wakodwa ndi mawu a mʼkamwa mwako.

3Tsono popeza iwe mwana wanga

wadziponya mʼmanja mwa mnansi wako, chita izi kuti udzipulumutse:

pita msanga ukamupemphe mnansi wako;

kuti akumasule!

4Usagone tulo,


5Dzipulumutse monga imachitira mphoyo mʼdzanja la mlenje,

ndi monga imachitira mbalame mu msampha wa munthu wosaka.

6Pita kwa nyerere, mlesi iwe;

kaonetsetse njira zake kuti uphunzirepo kanthu!

7Zilibe mfumu,

zilibe woyangʼanira kapena wolamulira,

8komabe zimasungiratu chakudya chake nthawi ya chilimwe

ndipo zimatuta chakudyacho nthawi yokolola.

9Kodi uzingogonabe pamenepo mpaka liti mlesi iwe?

Kodi tulo tako tidzatha liti?

10Ukati ndingogona pangʼono, ndingowodzera pangʼono

ndingopinda manjawa pangʼono kuti ndipumule,

11umphawi udzakugwira ngati mbala

ndipo usiwa udzafika ngati munthu wachifwamba.

12Munthu wachabechabe, munthu woyipa,

amangoyendayenda ndi kumayankhula zoyipa,

13amatsinzinira maso ake,

namakwakwaza mapazi ake

ndi kulozaloza ndi zala zake,

14amalingalira zoyipa ndi mtima wake wachinyengo

ndipo nthawi zonse amangokhalira kuyambitsa mikangano pakati pa anthu.

15Nʼchifukwa chake tsoka lidzamugwera modzidzimutsa;

adzawonongeka msangamsanga popanda chomupulumutsa.

16Pali zinthu zisanu ndi chimodzi zimene Yehova amadana nazo,

zinthu zisanu ndi ziwiri zimene zimamunyansa:

17maso onyada,

pakamwa pabodza,

manja akupha munthu wosalakwa,

18mtima wokonzekera kuchita zoyipa,

mapazi othamangira msanga ku zoyipa,

19mboni yonama yoyankhula mabodza

komanso munthu amene amayambitsa mikangano pakati pa abale.

Chenjezo pa za Chigololo

20Mwana wanga, usunge malamulo a abambo ako;

ndipo usataye zimene anakuphunzitsa amayi ako.

21Zimenezi uzimatirire pa mtima pako masiku onse,

uzimangirire mʼkhosi mwako.

22Ukamayenda, zidzakulozera njira;

ukugona, zidzakulondera;

ukudzuka, zidzakuyankhula.

23Paja malamulo awa ali ngati nyale,

malangizowa ali ngati kuwunika,

ndipo chidzudzulo cha mwambo ndiwo

moyo weniweni,

24kukupulumutsa kwa mkazi wadama,

zimenezi zidzakutchinjiriza kwa mkazi wadama, ndi kukuthandiza kuti usamvere mawu oshashalika a mkazi wachiwerewere.

25Mu mtima wako usakhumbire kukongola kwake,

asakukope ndi zikope zake,

26paja mkazi wadama amakusandutsa kukhala ngati nyenyeswa za buledi

ndipo mkazi wa mwini wake amasokonezeratu moyo wako wonse.

27Kodi munthu angathe kutenga moto

zovala zake osapsa?

28Kodi munthu angathe kuyenda pa makala amoto

mapazi ake osapserera?

29Ndizo zimachitikira munthu amene amagonana ndi mkazi wa munthu wina.

Aliyense wokhudza mkazi wotere adzalangidwa.

30Paja anthu sayinyoza mbala ikaba

chifukwa chakuti ili ndi njala.

31Komabe ngati mbalayo igwidwa iyenera kulipira kasanu nʼkawiri,

ngakhale kulandidwa katundu wa mʼnyumba mwake.

32Munthu wochita chigololo ndi wopanda nzeru.

Wochita zimenezi amangodziwononga yekha.

33Adzalandira mabala ndi mʼnyozo,

ndipo manyazi ake sadzamuchokera.

34Paja nsanje imachititsa mwini mkaziyo kukalipa,

ndipo sadzachita chifundo pobwezera.

35Iye savomera dipo lililonse;

sangapepeseke ngakhale umupatse mphatso zochuluka motani.

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 6:1-35

Warnings Against Foolish Acts

1My son, don’t promise to pay for what your neighbor owes.

Don’t agree to pay a stranger’s bill.

2Don’t be trapped by what you have said.

Don’t be caught by the words of your mouth.

3Instead, my son, do something to free yourself.

Don’t fall into your neighbor’s hands.

Go until you can’t go anymore.

Don’t let your neighbor rest.

4Don’t let your eyes go to sleep.

Don’t let your eyelids close.

5As a deer frees itself from a hunter, free yourself.

As a bird frees itself from a trapper, free yourself.

6You people who don’t want to work, think about the ant!

Consider its ways and be wise!

7It has no commander.

It has no leader or ruler.

8But it stores up its food in summer.

It gathers its food at harvest time.

9You lazy people, how long will you lie there?

When will you get up from your sleep?

10You might sleep a little or take a little nap.

You might even fold your hands and rest.

11Then you would be poor, as if someone had robbed you.

You would have little, as if someone had stolen from you.

12An evil troublemaker

goes around saying twisted things with his mouth.

13He winks with his eyes.

He makes signals with his feet.

He motions with his fingers.

14His plans are evil, and he has lies in his heart.

He is always stirring up fights.

15Trouble will catch up with him in an instant.

He will suddenly be destroyed, and nothing can save him.

16There are six things the Lord hates.

In fact, he hates seven things.

17The Lord hates proud eyes,

a lying tongue,

and hands that kill those who aren’t guilty.

18He also hates hearts that make evil plans

and feet that are quick to do evil.

19He hates any witness who pours out lies

and anyone who stirs up conflict in the community.

A Warning Against Committing Adultery

20My son, keep your father’s command.

Don’t turn away from your mother’s teaching.

21Always tie them on your heart.

Put them around your neck.

22When you walk, they will guide you.

When you sleep, they will watch over you.

When you wake up, they will speak to you.

23Your father’s command is like a lamp.

Your mother’s teaching is like a light.

And whatever instructs and corrects you

leads to life.

24It keeps you from your neighbor’s wife.

It keeps you from the smooth talk of a woman who commits adultery.

25Don’t hunger in your heart after her beauty.

Don’t let her eyes capture you.

26A prostitute can be bought for only a loaf of bread.

But another man’s wife hunts your very life.

27You can’t shovel fire into your lap

without burning your clothes.

28You can’t walk on hot coals

without burning your feet.

29It’s the same for anyone who has sex with another man’s wife.

Anyone who touches her will be punished.

30People don’t hate a thief who steals

to fill his empty stomach.

31But when he is caught, he must pay seven times as much as he stole.

It may even cost him everything he has.

32A man who commits adultery has no sense.

Anyone who does it destroys himself.

33He will be beaten up and dishonored.

His shame will never be wiped away.

34Jealousy stirs up a husband’s anger.

He will show no mercy when he gets even.

35He won’t accept any payment.

He won’t take any money, no matter how much he is offered.