马可福音 7 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

马可福音 7:1-37


1有法利赛人和一些律法教师从耶路撒冷来见耶稣。 2他们看到祂的门徒有些吃饭前没有照礼仪洗手。 3因为法利赛人和所有的犹太人都拘守祖先的传统,总是先照礼仪洗手之后才吃饭; 4从市场回来也要先洁净自己,然后才吃饭。他们还拘守许多其他规矩,如洗杯、罐、铜器等。







8你们只知拘守人的传统,却无视上帝的诫命。” 9耶稣又对他们说:“你们为了拘守自己的传统,竟巧妙地废除了上帝的诫命。 10摩西说,‘要孝敬父母’,又说,‘咒骂父母的,必被处死。’ 11你们却认为人若对父母说,‘我把供养你们的钱财已经全部奉献给上帝了’, 12他就可以不奉养父母。 13你们就是这样为了拘守传统而废除上帝的道,类似的情形还有很多。”


14耶稣又召集众人,教导他们说:“我的话,你们要听明白, 15从外面进去的不会使人污秽,只有从人里面发出来的才会使人污秽。 16有耳可听的,都应当听!”

17耶稣离开众人,进了屋子,门徒问祂这比喻的意思。 18耶稣说:“你们也不明白吗?你们不知道吗?从外面进去的,不会使人污秽, 19因为不能进入他的心,只能进他的肠胃,最后会排出来,也就是说所有的食物都是洁净的。 20从人里面发出来的才使人污秽, 21因为从里面,就是从人的心里能够生出恶念、苟合、偷盗、谋杀、 22通奸、贪婪、邪恶、诡诈、放荡、嫉妒、毁谤、骄傲、狂妄。 23这一切恶事都是从里面生出来的,能使人污秽。”


24耶稣从那里启程去泰尔西顿地区。祂进了一户人家,原本不想让人知道,却无法避开人们的注意。 25-26当时有一个妇人的小女儿被污鬼附身,她听见耶稣的事,就来俯伏在祂脚前,恳求祂赶出她女儿身上的鬼。这妇人是希腊人,来自叙利亚腓尼基






31耶稣离开泰尔地区,经过西顿,来到低加坡里地区的加利利湖。 32有人带着一个又聋又哑的人来见耶稣,恳求祂把手按在这个人身上。 33耶稣就带他离开众人走到一边,用指头伸进他的耳朵,又吐唾沫抹他的舌头, 34望天长叹,对他说:“以法大!”意思是“开了吧!” 35他的耳朵立刻开了,舌头灵活了,说话也清楚了。 36耶稣吩咐他们不要将这事告诉人。可是耶稣越是这样吩咐,他们越是极力宣扬, 37听见的人都十分惊奇,说:“祂做的事好极了,甚至叫聋子听见,哑巴说话!”

New International Reader’s Version

Mark 7:1-37

What Makes People “Unclean”?

1The Pharisees gathered around Jesus. So did some of the teachers of the law. All of them had come from Jerusalem. 2They saw some of his disciples eating food with “unclean” hands. That means they were not washed. 3The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands to make them “clean.” That’s what the elders teach. 4When they come from the market, they do not eat unless they wash. And they follow many other teachings. For example, they wash cups, pitchers, and kettles in a special way.

5So the Pharisees and the teachers of the law questioned Jesus. “Why don’t your disciples live by what the elders teach?” they asked. “Why do they eat their food with ‘unclean’ hands?”

6He replied, “Isaiah was right. He prophesied about you people who pretend to be good. He said,

“ ‘These people honor me by what they say.

But their hearts are far away from me.

7Their worship doesn’t mean anything to me.

They teach nothing but human rules.’ (Isaiah 29:13)

8You have let go of God’s commands. And you are holding on to teachings that people have made up.”

9Jesus continued speaking, “You have a fine way of setting aside God’s commands! You do this so you can follow your own teachings. 10Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother.’ (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16) He also said, ‘Anyone who asks for bad things to happen to their father or mother must be put to death.’ (Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9) 11But you allow people to say that what might have been used to help their parents is Corban. Corban means A Gift Set Apart for God. 12So you no longer let them do anything for their parents. 13You make the word of God useless by putting your own teachings in its place. And you do many things like this.”

14Again Jesus called the crowd to him. He said, “Listen to me, everyone. Understand this. 15-16Nothing outside of a person can make them ‘unclean’ by going into them. It is what comes out of them that makes them ‘unclean.’ ”

17Then he left the crowd and entered the house. His disciples asked him about this teaching. 18“Don’t you understand?” Jesus asked. “Don’t you see? Nothing that enters a person from the outside can make them ‘unclean.’ 19It doesn’t go into their heart. It goes into their stomach. Then it goes out of the body.” In saying this, Jesus was calling all foods “clean.”

20He went on to say, “What comes out of a person is what makes them ‘unclean.’ 21Evil thoughts come from the inside, from a person’s heart. So do sexual sins, stealing and murder. 22Adultery, greed, hate and cheating come from a person’s heart too. So do desires that are not pure, and wanting what belongs to others. And so do telling lies about others and being proud and being foolish. 23All these evil things come from inside a person and make them ‘unclean.’ ”

Jesus Honors a Greek Woman’s Faith

24Jesus went from there to a place near Tyre. He entered a house. He did not want anyone to know where he was. But he could not keep it a secret. 25Soon a woman heard about him. An evil spirit controlled her little daughter. The woman came to Jesus and fell at his feet. 26She was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.

27“First let the children eat all they want,” he told her. “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”

28“Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

29Then he told her, “That was a good reply. You may go. The demon has left your daughter.”

30So she went home and found her child lying on the bed. And the demon was gone.

Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Hear or Speak

31Then Jesus left the area of Tyre and went through Sidon. He went down to the Sea of Galilee and into the area known as the Ten Cities. 32There some people brought a man to Jesus. The man was deaf and could hardly speak. They begged Jesus to place his hand on the man.

33Jesus took the man to one side, away from the crowd. He put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34Jesus looked up to heaven. With a deep sigh, he said to the man, “Ephphatha!” That means “Be opened!” 35The man’s ears were opened. His tongue was freed up, and he began to speak clearly.

36Jesus ordered the people not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37People were really amazed. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes deaf people able to hear. And he makes those who can’t speak able to talk.”