以西结书 45 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以西结书 45:1-25


1“‘当你们抽签把土地分给以色列各支派作产业的时候,要分出一块献给耶和华作圣地。圣地要长十二点五公里,宽十公里,整块地都要圣洁。 2你们要在其中分出一块长宽各二百五十米的地建圣殿。殿的周围要有二十五米宽的空地。 3圣地当中要量一块长十二点五公里、宽五公里的地,其中要有圣所,是最圣洁的地方。 4这块圣地应归那些在圣所中事奉耶和华的祭司,作为他们的居所和建圣所之用。 5另一块十二点五公里长、五公里宽的土地给那些在圣殿工作的利未人居住,作他们的产业45:5 作他们的产业”或译作“有二十间房作他们的产业”。


7“‘在圣地和城的东西两边是给君王的土地,西到地中海,东到约旦河,从西到东长度与一个支派所得的土地一样。 8这地方要作君王在以色列的产业。我的君王必不再欺压我的子民,而是按支派把地分给他们。

9“‘主耶和华说,你们这些以色列的君王啊,够了!你们应当放弃暴行和抢掠,按公平和正义行事,不要再向我的子民横征暴敛了!这是主耶和华说的。 10你们要用公道的天平、伊法和罢特。 11贺梅珥45:11 一贺梅珥相当于一百公斤。是标准的容量单位,量固体的伊法45:11 一伊法相当于十公斤。是十分之一贺梅珥,量液体的罢特也是十分之一贺梅珥。 12舍客勒45:12 一舍客勒约合十一克。是标准的重量单位,一舍客勒是二十季拉。六十舍客勒等于一弥那。

13“‘以下是你们应当献的供物,每一贺梅珥小麦要献上六分之一伊法,每一贺梅珥大麦也要献上六分之一伊法。 14每一柯珥的油要献十分之一罢特,一柯珥等于十罢特或一贺梅珥,因为一贺梅珥等于十罢特。 15以色列肥美的草场上,每二百只羊便要献上一只。这些供物用来作素祭、燔祭和平安祭,为以色列人赎罪。这是主耶和华说的。 16所有的以色列人都要这样拿供物来献给君王。 17君王要在节期、朔日45:17 朔日”即每月初一。、安息日等以色列人一切的节期献上燔祭、素祭和奠祭。他要预备赎罪祭、素祭、燔祭和平安祭的祭物,为以色列人赎罪。

18“‘主耶和华说,一月初一,你要献一只毫无残疾的公牛犊,洁净圣所。 19祭司要取些赎罪祭牲的血抹在圣殿的门柱、祭台的四角和内院门口的柱子上。 20到了一月七日,要同样为一切在无意和无知中犯罪的人赎罪,使圣殿保持洁净。

21“‘一月十四日,你们要守逾越节七天,节期间要吃无酵饼。 22在逾越节当天,君王要预备一头公牛为自己和百姓作赎罪祭。 23在七天的节期间,他要每天预备毫无残疾的公牛七头、公绵羊七只作燔祭,公山羊一只作赎罪祭。 24他要预备细面粉和油作素祭与牛羊一同献上。每头公牛或公绵羊要同献十公斤细面粉和四升油。 25在七月十五日开始一连七天的住棚节期间,君王也要供应同样的赎罪祭、燔祭、素祭和油。’

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 45:1-25

The Lord Establishes Israel Again

1“People of Israel, you will divide up the land you will receive. When you do, give me my share of it. It will be a sacred area. It will be eight miles long and six and a half miles wide. The entire area will be holy. 2The temple area in it will be 875 feet long and 875 feet wide. An 88-foot strip around it will be open land. 3In the sacred area, measure off a large strip of land. It will be eight miles long and three and a third miles wide. The temple will be in it. It will be the most holy place of all. 4The large strip will be the sacred share of land for the priests. There they will serve in the temple. And they will approach me to serve me there. Their houses will be built on that land. The holy temple will also be located there. 5So the Levites will serve in the temple. They will have an area eight miles long and three and a third miles wide. The towns they live in will be located there.

6“Give the city an area one and two-thirds miles wide and eight miles long. It will be right next to the sacred area. It will belong to all the people of Israel.

7“The prince will have land on both sides of the sacred area and the city. Its border will run east and west along the land of one of the tribes. 8The prince will own this land in Israel. And my princes will not crush my people anymore. Instead, they will allow the people of Israel to receive their own share of land. It will be divided up based on their tribes.”

9The Lord and King says, “Princes of Israel, you have gone far enough! Stop hurting others. Do not crush them. Do what is fair and right. Stop taking my people’s land away from them,” announces the Lord and King. 10“Use weights and measures that are honest and exact. 11Use the same standard to measure dry and liquid products. Use a 6-bushel measure for dry products. And use a 60-gallon measure for liquids. 12Every amount of money must be weighed out in keeping with the standard weights.

13“You must offer a special gift. It must be six pounds out of every six bushels of grain. 14Give two and a half quarts out of every 60 gallons of olive oil. 15Also give one sheep from every flock of 200 sheep. Get them from the grasslands of Israel that receive plenty of water. Use them for grain offerings, burnt offerings and friendship offerings. They will be used to pay for the sin of the people,” announces the Lord and King. 16“All the people in the land will be required to give this special gift. They must give it to the prince in Israel. 17He must provide the burnt offerings, grain offerings and drink offerings. They will be for the yearly feasts, New Moon feasts and Sabbath days. So they will be for all the appointed feasts of the people of Israel. The prince will provide the sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings and friendship offerings. They will be used to pay for the sin of the Israelites.”

18The Lord and King says, “Get a young bull. It must not have any flaws. Use it to make the temple pure and ‘clean.’ Do this on the first day of the first month. 19The priest must get some of the blood from the sin offering. He must put some on the doorposts of the temple. He must apply some to the four corners of the upper ledge of the altar. He must put the rest on the gateposts of the inner courtyard. 20Do the same thing on the seventh day of the month. Do this for those who sin without meaning to. And do this for those who sin without realizing what they are doing. So you will make the temple pure and ‘clean.’

21“Keep the Passover Feast on the 14th day of the first month. It will last for seven days. During that time you must eat bread made without yeast. 22The prince must provide a bull as a sin offering. It will be for him and all the people of the land. 23For each of the seven days of the feast he must provide seven bulls and seven rams. They must not have any flaws. They will be a burnt offering to me. The prince must also provide a male goat for a sin offering. 24He must bring 35 pounds for each bull or ram. He must also provide four quarts of olive oil for each of them.

25“The seven days of the feast begin on the 15th day of the seventh month. During those days the prince must provide the same sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings and olive oil.”