5. Mosebog 1 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

5. Mosebog 1:1-46


1I denne bog er de ord nedskrevet, som Moses talte til Israels folk, mens de opholdt sig på Moabs ubeboede sletter øst for Jordanfloden, omkranset af byerne Suf, Paran, Tofel, Laban, Hatzerot og Di-Zahab. 2Stedet ligger 11 dagsrejser fra Horebs bjerg1,2 I 5. Mosebog og til dels i 2. Mosebog omtales Guds bjerg i Sinaiørkenen som Horebs bjerg i stedet for Sinaibjerget. via Kadesh-Barnea og Seirs bjerge, 3og det var nu 40 år siden, israelitterne rejste fra Egypten. På den første dag i den 11. måned i det 40. år holdt Moses følgende tale. 4Det var efter, at han havde overvundet amoritterkongen Sihon fra Heshbon og i Edrei havde slået kong Og af Bashan fra Ashtarot. 5I talen nævnes de love, som Herren havde befalet ham at give videre til Israels folk.

Tilbageblik på vandringen fra Sinai til det lovede land

6„Herren, vores Gud, talte til os ved Horebs bjerg,” begyndte Moses. „Dengang sagde han til os: ‚Nu er det på tide, at I forlader dette bjerg 7og går ind og erobrer amoritternes bjergland og nabofolkenes landområder i Arabadalen1,7 Araba er navnet på den del af Rift Valley, som går fra Eilat ved Det Røde Hav til Libanons bjerge. Gennem denne dalsænkning flyder Jordanfloden og her ligger Galilæasøen og Det Døde Hav. , i Negev ørkenen, i kana’anæernes højland, bakkeskråningerne mod vest og kystområderne, ja helt op til Eufratfloden mod nord, inklusive Libanons land. 8Gå ind og tag hele det land i besiddelse, som jeg lovede jeres forfædre, Abraham, Isak og Jakob.’

9Dengang sagde jeg til Israels folk: ‚Jeg kan ikke bære så stort et ansvar alene. 10Herren har gjort jer til et stort folk, så talrige som stjernerne på himlen. 11Må Herren, jeres fædres Gud, gøre jer 1000 gange så talrige, som I er nu, og velsigne jer, sådan som han har lovet. 12Men det er en uoverkommelig opgave for mig at være alene om at afgøre jeres retssager og stridsspørgsmål. 13Derfor skal hver enkelt stamme udvælge nogle vise, erfarne og forstandige mænd, som jeg kan indsætte som jeres ledere.’

14Det forslag accepterede de, 15hvorefter jeg indsatte de mænd, der blev valgt, som dommere og administrative ledere, nogle med ansvar for 1000, andre med ansvar for 100, for 50 eller for 10. 16Jeg indprentede dem, at alle skulle være lige for loven, også de fremmede, og at de skulle lade begge parter komme til orde og derefter dømme retfærdigt. 17‚Når I afsiger dom,’ forklarede jeg dem, ‚skal alle behandles ens, hvad enten de er rige eller fattige. Sørg for at yde alle samme retfærdighed. I må ikke frygte for nogen, for I dømmer på Guds vegne, og hvis en sag er for vanskelig til, at I kan træffe en afgørelse, skal I komme til mig med den, så jeg kan overtage den.’ 18Ved den lejlighed gav jeg også folket instrukser vedrørende mange andre ting.

19På Herrens befaling forlod vi så Horeb og rejste gennem den store og forfærdelige ørken, som I selv har oplevet eller hørt om, indtil vi nåede til Kadesh-Barnea på grænsen til amoritternes land. 20Da sagde jeg til folket: ‚Nu er vi kommet til det land, som Herren, vores Gud, vil give os, 21og han vil hjælpe os med at erobre det. Vær derfor ikke bange, men vær ved godt mod og gør, som han har befalet jer at gøre.’

22De svarede: ‚Lad os først sende nogle spioner ind i landet, så vi kan se, hvilken rute der er den bedste, og hvilke byer vi først skal indtage.’

23Jeg gik ind på forslaget og udvalgte 12 spioner, en fra hver stamme. 24De drog ind i bjerglandet og nåede til Eshkoldalen, som de undersøgte grundigt. 25Derfra vendte de tilbage med noget af landets frugt. De var enige om, at det var et godt og frugtbart land, som Herren, vores Gud, ville give os. 26Men folket turde alligevel ikke gå ind i landet og satte sig dermed op imod Herrens befaling.

27I stedet begyndte de at beklage sig i deres telte. ‚Herren hader os,’ klagede de. ‚Han har ført os den lange vej fra Egypten, men kun for at udlevere os til amoritterne, så de kan slå os ihjel. 28Hvad er det dog, vi har indladt os på?’ Spionerne tog modet fra folket ved at berette om landets indfødte, der var langt højere og stærkere end os, og om deres befæstede byer, hvis mure nåede til himlen! De fortalte tilmed, at de havde set anakitiske1,28 Anakitterne var en slægt af kæmper, der nedstammede fra Anak, jf. 4.Mos. 13,22. kæmper i landet.

29Men jeg opfordrede dem til ikke at være bange. 30‚Det er Herren, jeres Gud, som er jeres leder,’ sagde jeg. ‚Han vil gå foran jer og gøre store undere for øjnene af jer, nøjagtig som han gjorde i Egypten. 31Har I allerede glemt, hvordan han bar jer på sine arme hele vejen gennem ørkenen som en far, der bærer sin søn?’

32Men folket ville stadig ikke adlyde. De nægtede at tro på Herren, deres Gud, 33som førte dem fra sted til sted ved hjælp af en sky om dagen og en ildsky om natten og viste dem de bedste steder at slå lejr i ørkenen.

34Da blev Herren vred over deres beklagelser. Han svor, 35at ikke en eneste af hele den ulydige og vantro generation skulle få lov at opleve det gode land, han havde lovet deres forfædre, 36undtagen Kaleb, der som belønning for sin tro og lydighed fik lovning på den jord, han som en af de 12 spioner havde betrådt.

37Selv mig blev Herren vred på, og det var folkets skyld. Herren sagde til mig: ‚Heller ikke du får lov at komme ind i landet, 38men din medhjælper Josva skal i dit sted føre folket ind. Derfor skal du styrke og opmuntre ham til at overtage din plads. 39Jeg vil senere give landet til de børn, som man påstod ville blive taget til fange og gjort til slaver, 40men I skal nu vende om og gå tilbage gennem ørkenen mod Det Røde Hav.’

41Så kom de straks på andre tanker: ‚Vi har syndet imod Herren!’ sagde de. ‚Men nu vil vi gerne gå ind i landet og kæmpe, sådan som Herren, vores Gud, har sagt.’ Derpå greb de til våben i den tro, at de med lethed kunne erobre hele området.

42Men Herren sagde til mig: ‚Sig til dem, at de skal lade være, for jeg har ikke i sinde at hjælpe dem, og de vil blive hugget ned af deres fjender.’

43Jeg fortalte dem, hvad Herren havde sagt, men de ville stadig ikke høre efter. De trodsede Herrens ord og rykkede ind i bjerglandet. 44Amoritterne gik til modangreb og jagtede dem som bier, så der lå faldne hele vejen fra Seir til Horma. 45De, der vendte hjem, græd for Herrens ansigt, men nu var det Herren, der ikke ville lytte til dem. 46Derfor var de tvunget til at blive i Kadesh i længere tid.

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 1:1-46

The Lord Commands Israel to Leave Mount Horeb

1These are the words Moses spoke to all the Israelites. At that time, they were in the desert east of the Jordan River. It’s in the Arabah Valley across from Suph. The people were between Paran and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth and Dizahab. 2It takes 11 days to go from Mount Horeb to Kadesh Barnea if you travel on the Mount Seir road.

3It was the 40th year since the Israelites had left Egypt. On the first day of the 11th month, Moses spoke to them. He told them everything the Lord had commanded him to tell them. 4They had already won the battle over Sihon. Sihon was the king of the Amorites. He had ruled in Heshbon. Israel had also won the battle over Og at Edrei. Og was the king of Bashan. He had ruled in Ashtaroth.

5The people were east of the Jordan River in the territory of Moab. There Moses began to explain the law. Here is what he said.

6The Lord our God spoke to us at Mount Horeb. He said, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. 7Take your tents down. Go into the hill country of the Amorites. Go to all the people who are their neighbors. Go to the people who live in the Arabah Valley. Travel to the mountains and the western hills. Go to the people in the Negev Desert and along the coast. Travel to the land of Canaan and to Lebanon. Go as far as the great Euphrates River. 8I have given you all this land. Go in and take it as your own. The Lord promised he would give the land to your fathers. He promised it to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He also said he would give it to their children after them.”

Some Officials Are Chosen to Help Moses

9At that time I spoke to you. I said, “You are too heavy a load for me to carry alone. 10The Lord your God has caused there to be many of you. Today you are as many as the stars in the sky. 11The Lord is the God of your people. May he cause there to be a thousand times more of you. May he bless you, just as he promised he would. 12But I can’t handle your problems and troubles all by myself. I can’t settle your arguments. 13So choose some wise men from each of your tribes. They must understand how to give good advice. The people must have respect for them. I will appoint those men to have authority over you.”

14You answered me, “Your suggestion is good.”

15So I chose the leading men of your tribes who were wise and respected. I appointed them to have authority over you. I made them commanders of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. I appointed them to be officials over the tribes. 16Here is what I commanded your judges at that time. I said, “Listen to your people’s cases when they argue with one another. Judge them fairly. It doesn’t matter whether the case is between two Israelites or between an Israelite and an outsider living among you. 17When you judge them, treat everyone the same. Listen to those who are important and those who are not. Don’t be afraid of anyone. God is the highest judge. Bring me any case that is too hard for you. I’ll listen to it.” 18At that time I told you everything you should do.

Twelve Men Check Out the Land of Canaan

19The Lord our God commanded us to start out from Mount Horeb. So we did. We went toward the hill country of the Amorites. We traveled all through the huge and terrible desert you saw. Finally, we reached Kadesh Barnea. 20Then I said to you, “You have reached the hill country of the Amorites. The Lord our God is giving it to us. 21The Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take it. Do what the Lord says. He’s the God of your people. Don’t be afraid. Don’t lose hope.”

22Then all of you came to me. You said, “Let’s send some men ahead of us. They can check out the land for us and bring back a report. They can suggest to us which way to go. They can tell us about the towns we’ll come to.”

23That seemed like a good idea to me. So I chose 12 of you. I picked one man from each tribe. 24They left and went up into the hill country. There they came to the Valley of Eshkol. They checked it out. 25They got some of the fruit of that land. Then they brought it down to us and gave us their report. They said, “The Lord our God is giving us a good land.”

Israel Refuses to Obey the Lord

26But you wouldn’t go up. You refused to obey the command of the Lord your God. 27You spoke against him in your tents. You said, “The Lord hates us. That’s why he brought us out of Egypt to hand us over to the Amorites. He wanted to destroy us. 28Where can we go? The men who checked out the land have made us afraid. They say, ‘The people are stronger and taller than we are. The cities are large. They have walls that reach up to the sky. We even saw the Anakites there.’ ”

29Then I said to you, “Don’t be terrified. Don’t be afraid of them. 30The Lord your God will go ahead of you. He will fight for you. With your own eyes you saw how he fought for you in Egypt. 31You also saw how the Lord your God brought you through the desert. He carried you everywhere you went, just as a father carries his son. And now you have arrived here.”

32In spite of that, you didn’t trust in the Lord your God. 33He went ahead of you on your journey. He was in the fire at night and in the cloud during the day. He found places for you to camp. He showed you the way you should go.

34The Lord heard what you said. So he became angry. He made a promise. He said, 35“I promised to give this good land to your people of long ago. But no one alive today will see it. 36Only Caleb will see the land. He is the son of Jephunneh. I will give him and his children after him the land he walked on. He followed me with his whole heart.”

37Because of you, the Lord became angry with me also. He said, “You will not enter the land either. 38But Joshua, the son of Nun, is your helper. Joshua will enter the land. Help him to be brave. Give him hope. He will lead Israel to take the land as their own. 39You said your little ones would be taken prisoner. But they will enter the land. They do not yet know right from wrong. But I will give them the land. They will take it as their own. 40As for you, turn around. Start out toward the desert. Go along the road that leads to the Red Sea.”

41Then you replied, “We have sinned against the Lord. We will go up and fight. We’ll do just as the Lord our God has commanded us.” So all of you got your swords and put them on. You thought it would be easy to go up into the hill country.

42But the Lord spoke to me. He said, “Tell them, ‘Do not go up and fight. I will not be with you. Your enemies will win the battle over you.’ ”

43So I told you what the Lord said. But you wouldn’t listen. You refused to obey his command. You were so filled with pride that you marched up into the hill country. 44The Amorites who lived in those hills came out and attacked you. Like large numbers of bees they chased you. They beat you down from Seir all the way to Hormah. 45You came back and wept in front of the Lord. But he didn’t pay any attention to your weeping. He wouldn’t listen to you. 46So you stayed in Kadesh for many years. You spent a long time in that area.