1. Kongebog 1 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

1. Kongebog 1:1-53

David som en gammel mand

1På sine gamle dage døjede kong David med at holde varmen. Uanset hvor mange tæpper man lagde over ham, frøs han altid.

2Hans rådgivere sagde da til ham: „Lad os lede efter en ung pige, som kan ligge i din favn og hjælpe dig til at holde varmen.” Det syntes David var en god idé.

3-4Så gennemsøgte de landet på kryds og tværs i håb om at finde den rigtige pige, og de fandt Abishag, en smuk ung pige fra Shunem. Hende førte de til kongen, og hun tog sig kærligt af ham, men der var ikke tale om noget seksuelt forhold.

Adonija gør krav på tronen

5Adonija, som var søn af kong David og Haggit, havde store tanker om sig selv, og han ville gerne være konge efter sin far. Derfor anskaffede han sig vogn, ryttere og en livgarde på 50 mand, der skulle løbe foran ham gennem byen. 6David hverken irettesatte ham eller satte spørgsmålstegn ved, hvad han gjorde. Adonija var en flot ung mand, og nummer to i tronfølgerækken efter Absalom. 7Han allierede sig med hærføreren Joab og præsten Ebjatar, som begge lovede at hjælpe ham til magten. 8Men præsten Zadok, profeten Natan, samt Benaja, Shimi, Rei og Davids livgarde svigtede ikke kongen. De nægtede at give Adonija tilsagn om støtte.

9En dag tog Adonija af sted til den såkaldte Slangesten ved Rogelkilden lidt uden for Jerusalem, hvor han ofrede småkvæg, hornkvæg og fedekalve. Til denne selvbestaltede kroningsfest inviterede han alle sine halvbrødre undtagen Salomon, og alle de kongelige embedsmænd i Juda 10med undtagelse af profeten Natan, Benaja og kongens livgarde.

11Da gik profeten Natan til Batsheba, Salomons mor, og sagde: „Har du hørt, at Adonija har udråbt sig selv til konge, uden at David aner noget om det? 12Hvis du har dit eget og din søn Salomons liv kært, så gør som jeg siger: 13Gå straks til kong David og sig til ham: ‚Herre, lovede du mig ikke, at Salomon skulle overtage tronen efter dig? Hvorfor er Adonija så blevet udråbt til konge?’ ” 14Og Natan tilføjede: „Mens du er hos kongen, kommer jeg og bekræfter hvert eneste ord, du siger.”

15Derpå gik Batsheba ind i kongens soveværelse. David var jo meget gammel, og Abishag var hos ham. 16Batsheba bøjede sig dybt for kongen, og han spurgte: „Hvad vil du?”

17„Min herre,” svarede hun. „Du aflagde det løfte over for Herren, din Gud, at min søn Salomon skulle afløse dig på tronen. 18Men i stedet er Adonija blevet udråbt til konge uden dit vidende. 19Han har kronet sig selv og ofret en masse hornkvæg, småkvæg og fedekalve. Både Ebjatar og Joab og alle dine sønner på nær Salomon er med til festen. 20Og nu, min herre konge, venter hele Israel på at få at vide, om du virkelig har udpeget Adonija som din efterfølger. 21Hvis du ikke griber ind nu, vil Salomon og jeg blive henrettet, så snart du er død.”

22-23Mens Batsheba talte med David, ankom Natan til paladset, og tjenerne meddelte kongen: „Profeten Natan er her for at tale med dig,” Batsheba blev bedt om at gå ud, så kongen kunne høre, hvad Natan havde at sige.

Da Natan kom ind i soveværelset, bøjede han sig dybt for kongen 24og spurgte: „Herre, er det rigtigt, at du har udpeget Adonija til at blive din efterfølger? Er det ham, der skal sidde på tronen efter dig? 25I dag fejrede han kroningsfest ved at ofre en masse hornkvæg, småkvæg og fedekalve, og han inviterede dine sønner til festen sammen med Joab og Ebjatar. I dette øjeblik fester og drikker de og råber: ‚Længe leve kong Adonija!’ 26Men Zadok, Benaja, Salomon og jeg blev ikke inviteret. 27Sker det efter din befaling? Har du virkelig udpeget Adonija til tronfølger uden at sige et ord om det til dine betroede embedsmænd?”

David gør Salomon til konge

28„Kald på Batsheba!” befalede kong David sine tjenere, da Natan var gået. Så kom hun tilbage og stod foran kongen. 29Da sagde David: „Jeg lover ved den levende Gud, som trofast har hjulpet mig gennem alle farer, 30at jeg i dag vil indfri det løfte, jeg gav dig ind for Guds ansigt: Din søn Salomon skal være min efterfølger på tronen!”

31Da bøjede Batsheba sig dybt for ham og udbrød: „Gid min herre og konge må leve for evigt!”

32„Kald Zadok ind,” beordrede kongen, „også Natan og Benaja!”

Da de var kommet, 33sagde han til dem: „Tag Salomon og mine mænd med jer til Gihon, og giv Salomon mit eget muldyr at ride på. 34Dér ved Gihonkilden skal Zadok i sin egenskab af præst og Natan som profet salve ham til konge over Israels folk. Efter salvningen skal I lade blæse i vædderhornet og udråbe et længe leve for kong Salomon. 35Og når I kommer tilbage, skal I sætte ham på min kongetrone, for jeg har udpeget ham til at være konge over Israel og Juda.”

36„Amen!” svarede Benaja. „Herren, min konges Gud, vil føre det igennem! 37Gid Herren må velsigne Salomon, som han har velsignet dig—ja, må Salomons kongedømme blive endnu mægtigere end dit!”

38Så fik Zadok, Natan og Benaja fat på Salomon og lod ham ride på kongens private muldyr, og de tog alle af sted til Gihon sammen med den kongelige livgarde. 39Zadok havde hentet hornet med den hellige salveolie fra teltet, hvor arken stod, og da de kom til Gihon, hældte han olien ud over Salomons hoved. Salomon var dermed salvet til konge. Der blev blæst i vædderhornet, og folket råbte: „Længe leve kong Salomon!” 40Derpå fulgte de Salomon tilbage til Jerusalem. Undervejs spillede folk på fløjte og jublede så højt, at jorden gyngede under dem.

41I mellemtiden var Adonijas kroningsfest ved at være til ende. Gæsterne var netop ved at bryde op, da de hørte lyden af vædderhornet inde fra byen.

„Hvad sker der?” udbrød Joab. „Hvad er der på færde i byen?” 42I det samme ankom præsten Ebjatars søn, Jonatan.

„Velkommen!” sagde Adonija til Jonatan. „En mand som du kommer sikkert med gode nyheder!”

43„Desværre!” råbte Jonatan. „Kong David har netop udråbt Salomon til konge! 44-45Han gav ham sit eget private muldyr og sendte ham til Gihon sammen med Zadok, Natan og Benaja, eskorteret af den kongelige livgarde. Der salvede Zadok og Natan ham til konge. De er netop vendt tilbage fra Gihon, og byen er på den anden ende af begejstring. Det er grunden til al den larm. 46Salomon er nu indsat som konge, 47-48og hele hoffet lykønsker kong David og siger: ‚Gid din Gud må gøre Salomon endnu mere berømt end dig—og hans kongedømme endnu mægtigere end dit!’ Kongen har fra sin seng udtrykt sin taknemmelighed til Gud og sagt: ‚Lovet være Herren, Israels Gud, som i dag har gjort mig den glæde at udvælge en af mine sønner til konge efter mig!’ ”

49-50Ved de ord sprang Adonija og hans gæster panikslagne op fra bordet og flygtede for livet. Adonija skyndte sig til helligdommen og greb fat i de horn, der sad på hjørnerne af alteret.

51Salomon fik besked om, at Adonija havde søgt tilflugt ved alterets horn, og at han sagde: „Jeg bliver her, indtil Salomon sværger på, at han ikke vil slå mig ihjel.” 52Salomons reaktion var: „Hvis han vil være loyal over for mig, skal jeg ikke krumme et hår på hans hoved, men hvis han pønser på at undergrave mit kongedømme, skal han dø.” 53Så sendte kong Salomon sine mænd af sted for at hente Adonija ved alteret. Han blev ført frem for kongen og kastede sig ned foran ham med ansigtet mod jorden. Men Salomon nøjedes med at sige til ham: „Du har frihed til at gå hjem.”

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 1:1-53

Adonijah Makes Himself King

1King David was now very old. He couldn’t keep warm even when blankets were spread over him. 2So his attendants spoke to him. They said, “You are our king and master. Please let us try to find a young virgin to serve you. She can take care of you. She can lie down beside you to keep you warm.”

3So David’s attendants looked all over Israel for a beautiful young woman. They found Abishag. She was from the town of Shunem. They brought her to the king. 4The woman was very beautiful. She took care of the king and served him. But the king didn’t have sex with her.

5Adonijah was the son of David and his wife Haggith. He came forward and announced, “I’m going to be the next king.” So he got chariots and horses ready. He also got 50 men to run in front of him. 6His father had never tried to stop him from doing what he wanted to. His father had never asked him, “Why are you acting the way you do?” Adonijah was also very handsome. Now that Absalom was dead, Adonijah was David’s oldest son.

7Adonijah talked things over with Joab, the son of Zeruiah. He also talked with Abiathar the priest. They agreed to help him. 8But Zadok the priest and Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, didn’t join Adonijah. Nathan the prophet didn’t join him. Shimei and Rei didn’t join him. And neither did David’s special guard.

9Adonijah sacrificed sheep, cattle and fat calves. He sacrificed them at the Stone of Zoheleth near En Rogel. He invited all his brothers, the king’s sons, and all the royal officials of Judah. 10But he didn’t invite Benaiah or Nathan the prophet. He didn’t invite the special guard or his brother Solomon either.

11Nathan asked Solomon’s mother Bathsheba, “Haven’t you heard? Adonijah, the son of Haggith, has made himself king. And King David doesn’t know anything about it. 12So let me tell you what to do to save your life. It will also save the life of your son Solomon. 13Go in and see King David. Say to him, ‘You are my king and master. You promised me, “You can be sure that your son Solomon will be king after me. He will sit on my throne.” If that’s really true, why has Adonijah become king?’ 14While you are still talking to the king, I’ll come in and support what you have said.”

15So Bathsheba went to see the old king in his room. Abishag, the Shunammite, was taking care of him there. 16Bathsheba bowed low in front of the king.

“What do you want?” the king asked.

17She said to him, “My master, you made a promise in the name of the Lord your God. You promised me, ‘Your son Solomon will be king after me. He will sit on my throne.’ 18But now Adonijah has made himself king. And you don’t even know about it. 19He has sacrificed large numbers of cattle, fat calves and sheep. He has invited all the king’s sons. He has also invited Abiathar the priest and Joab, the commander of the army. But he hasn’t invited your son Solomon. 20You are my king and master. All the Israelites are watching to see what you will do. They want to find out from you who will sit on the throne after you. 21If you don’t do something, I and my son Solomon will be treated like people who have committed crimes. That will happen as soon as you join the members of your family who have already died.”

22While she was still speaking with the king, Nathan the prophet arrived. 23The king was told, “Nathan the prophet is here.” So Nathan went to the king. He bowed down with his face toward the ground.

24Nathan said, “You are my king and master. Have you announced that Adonijah will be king after you? Have you said he will sit on your throne? 25Today he has gone down outside the city. He has sacrificed large numbers of cattle, fat calves and sheep. He has invited all the king’s sons. He has also invited the commanders of the army and Abiathar the priest. Even now they are eating and drinking with him. They are saying, ‘May King Adonijah live a long time!’ 26But he didn’t invite me. He didn’t invite Zadok the priest or Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada. He didn’t invite your son Solomon either. 27King David, have you allowed all of that to happen? Did you do it without letting us know about it? Why didn’t you tell us who is going to sit on your throne after you?”

David Makes Solomon King

28King David said, “Tell Bathsheba to come in.” So she came and stood in front of the king.

29Then the king made a promise. He said, “The Lord has saved me from all my troubles. You can be sure that he lives. 30And you can be just as sure I will do what I promised. This is the day I will do what I promised in the name of the Lord. He is the God of Israel. I promised you that your son Solomon would be king after me. He will sit on my throne in my place.”

31Then Bathsheba bowed down in front of the king. Her face was toward the ground. She said, “King David, you are my master. May you live forever!”

32King David said, “Tell Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet to come in. Also tell Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, to come.” So they came to the king. 33He said to them, “Take my officials with you. Have my son Solomon get on my own mule. Take him down to the Gihon spring. 34Have Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him as king over Israel there. Blow a trumpet. Shout, ‘May King Solomon live a long time!’ 35Then come back up to the city with him. Have him sit on my throne. He will rule in my place. I’ve appointed him ruler over Israel and Judah.”

36Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, answered the king. “Amen!” he said. “May the Lord your God make it come true. 37You are my king and master. The Lord has been with you. May he also be with Solomon. King David, may the Lord make Solomon’s kingdom even greater than yours!”

38So Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet left the palace. Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, went with them. So did the Kerethites and Pelethites. They had Solomon get on King David’s mule. And they brought him down to the Gihon spring. 39Zadok the priest had taken an animal horn from the sacred tent. The horn was filled with olive oil. He anointed Solomon with the oil. A trumpet was blown. All the people shouted, “May King Solomon live a long time!” 40Then they went up toward the city. Solomon was leading the way. The people were playing flutes. They were filled with great joy. The ground shook because of all the noise.

41Adonijah and all his guests heard it. They were just finishing their meal. Joab heard the sound of the trumpet. So he asked, “What does all this noise in the city mean?”

42While Joab was still speaking, Jonathan arrived. Jonathan was the son of Abiathar the priest. Adonijah said, “Come in. I have respect for you. You must be bringing good news.”

43“No! I’m not!” Jonathan answered. “Our master King David has made Solomon king. 44David sent Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet along with Solomon. He also sent Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, with him. He sent the Kerethites and Pelethites with him too. They put him on the king’s mule. 45They took him down to the Gihon spring. There Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed him as king. Now they’ve gone back up to the city. They were cheering all the way. The city is filled with the sound of it. That’s the noise you hear. 46And that’s not all. Solomon has taken his seat on the royal throne. 47The royal officials came to give their blessing to our master King David. They said, ‘May your God make Solomon’s name more famous than yours! May he make Solomon’s kingdom greater than yours!’ While King David was sitting on his bed, he bowed in worship. 48He said, ‘I praise the Lord. He is the God of Israel. He has let me live to see my son sitting on my throne today as the next king.’ ”

49When all Adonijah’s guests heard that, they were terrified. So they got up and scattered. 50Adonijah was afraid of what Solomon might do to him. So he went and grabbed the horns of the altar for burnt offerings. Those horns stuck out from its upper corners. 51Then Solomon was told, “King Solomon, Adonijah is afraid of you. He’s holding onto the horns of the altar. He says, ‘I want King Solomon to make a promise today. I want him to promise that he won’t kill me with his sword.’ ”

52Solomon replied, “Let him show that he’s a man people can respect. Then not even one hair on his head will fall to the ground. But if I find out he’s done something evil, he will die.” 53King Solomon got some men to bring Adonijah down from the altar. He came and bowed down to King Solomon. Solomon said, “Go on home.”