Salmo 108 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Salmo 108:1-13

Salmo 108Sal 108 En el texto hebreo 108:1-13 se numera 108:2-14.

108:1-5Sal 57:7-11

108:6-13Sal 60:5-12

Cántico. Salmo de David.

1Firme está, oh Dios, mi corazón.

¡Voy a cantarte y entonarte salmos, gloria mía!

2¡Despierten, lira y arpa!

¡Haré despertar al nuevo día!

3Te alabaré, Señor, entre los pueblos;

te cantaré salmos entre las naciones.

4Pues tu gran amor es tan grande que rebasa los cielos

y tu verdad llega hasta las nubes.

5¡Sé exaltado, oh Dios, sobre los cielos!

¡Alza tu gloria sobre toda la tierra!

6Sálvanos con tu diestra y respóndenos,

para que tu pueblo amado quede a salvo.

7Dios ha dicho en su santuario:

«Triunfante repartiré a Siquén

y dividiré el valle de Sucot.

8Mío es Galaad, mío es Manasés;

Efraín es mi yelmo y Judá, mi cetro de mando.

9Moab es el recipiente en que me lavo las manos,

sobre Edom arrojo mi sandalia;

sobre Filistea lanzo gritos de triunfo».

10¿Quién me llevará a la ciudad fortificada?

¿Quién me mostrará el camino a Edom?

11¿No eres tú, oh Dios, quien nos ha rechazado?

¡Ya no sales, oh Dios, con nuestros ejércitos!

12Bríndanos tu apoyo contra el enemigo,

pues la ayuda humana será inútil.

13Con Dios obtendremos la victoria;

¡él aplastará a nuestros enemigos!

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 108:1-13

Psalm 108

A song. A psalm of David.

1God, my heart feels secure.

I will sing and make music to you with all my heart.

2Harp and lyre, wake up!

I want to sing and make music before the sun rises.

3Lord, I will praise you among the nations.

I will sing about you among the people of the earth.

4Great is your love. It is higher than the heavens.

Your truth reaches to the skies.

5God, may you be honored above the heavens.

Let your glory be over the whole earth.

6Save us. Help us with your powerful right hand,

so that those you love may be saved.

7God has spoken from his temple.

He has said, “I will win the battle.

Then I will divide up the land around Shechem.

I will divide up the Valley of Sukkoth.

8Gilead belongs to me, and so does the land of Manasseh.

Ephraim is the strongest tribe. It is like a helmet for my head.

Judah is the royal tribe. It is like a ruler’s scepter.

9Moab serves me like one who washes my feet.

I toss my sandal on Edom to show that I own it.

I shout to Philistia that I have won the battle.”

10Who will bring me to the city that has high walls around it?

Who will lead me to the land of Edom?

11God, isn’t it you, even though you have now turned away from us?

Isn’t it you, even though you don’t lead our armies into battle anymore?

12Help us against our enemies.

The help people give doesn’t amount to anything.

13With your help we will win the battle.

You will walk all over our enemies.