Oseas 4 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Oseas 4:1-19

Pleito contra Israel

1Escuchen, israelitas, la palabra del Señor,

porque el Señor entabla un pleito

contra los habitantes del país:

«Ya no hay en esta tierra fidelidad ni amor

ni conocimiento de Dios.

2Solo hay maldición, mentira y asesinato,

robo y adulterio.

Abunda la violencia

y los homicidios se multiplican.

3Por tanto, se resecará la tierra

y desfallecerán todos sus habitantes.

¡Morirán las bestias del campo,

las aves del cielo y los peces del mar!

4»¡Que nadie acuse ni reprenda a nadie!

¡Tu pueblo parece acusar al sacerdote!

5Tropiezas de día y de noche

y los profetas tropiezan contigo.

Tu madre dejará de existir,

6pues por falta de conocimiento mi pueblo ha sido destruido.

»Puesto que rechazaste el conocimiento,

yo también te rechazo como mi sacerdote.

Ya que te olvidaste de la Ley de tu Dios,

yo también me olvidaré de tus hijos.

7Mientras más aumentaban los sacerdotes,

más pecaban contra mí;

cambiaron a quien es su gloria en algo vergonzoso.

8Del pecado de mi pueblo se alimentan;

disfrutan de su perversidad.

9¡Como es el pueblo, así será el sacerdote!

Por eso les pediré cuentas de su conducta

y les daré la paga de sus acciones.

10»Comerán, pero no quedarán satisfechos;

se prostituirán, pero no procrearán;

porque han abandonado al Señor

para entregarse 11a la prostitución,

al vino viejo y al vino nuevo,

que hacen perder la razón.

12Mi pueblo consulta a su ídolo de madera

y ese pedazo de palo le responde.

Un espíritu de prostitución los descarría;

se prostituyen en abierto desafío a su Dios.

13Sobre las cumbres de los montes ofrecen sacrificios,

queman incienso en las colinas,

bajo la agradable sombra

de robles, álamos y encinas.

Por eso se prostituyen sus hijas

y cometen adulterio sus nueras.

14»Pero no castigaré a sus hijas

por sus prostituciones

ni a sus nueras

por sus adulterios,

porque sus propios maridos se juntan con prostitutas

y participan en sacrificios ofrecidos por prostitutas de cultos paganos.

¡Un pueblo sin entendimiento

se precipita a la ruina!

15»Si tú, Israel, te prostituyes,

¡que no resulte culpable Judá!

»No vayan a Guilgal

ni suban a Bet Avén,4:15 Bet Avén, nombre que significa casa de maldad, se aplica aquí a la ciudad de Betel, que significa casa de Dios (véase también 5:8).

ni juren diciendo: “¡Tan cierto como vive el Señor!”.

16Israel es tan terco

como una novilla indómita.

¿Cómo podrá el Señor pastorearlos

en campo abierto, como a corderos?

17Efraín se ha aliado con los ídolos;

¡pues que se quede con ellos!

18Cuando ya no tienen buen vino,

se entregan de lleno a la prostitución,

¡y hasta sus gobernantes aman la deshonra!

19¡Por eso un torbellino los arrastrará

y quedarán avergonzados por sus sacrificios!

New International Reader’s Version

Hosea 4:1-19

The Lord Brings Charges Against Israel

1People of Israel, listen to the Lord’s message.

He is bringing charges

against you who live in Israel.

He says, “There is no faithfulness

or love in the land.

No one recognizes me as God.

2People curse one another.

They tell lies and commit murder.

They steal and commit adultery.

They break all my laws.

They keep spilling the blood of other people.

3That is why the land is drying up.

All those who live in it

are getting weaker and weaker.

The wild animals and the birds in the sky are dying.

So are the fish in the ocean.

4“But you priests should not blame the people.

You should not find fault with one another.

After all, your people

could also bring charges against you.

5You trip and fall day and night.

And the prophets fall down along with you.

So I will destroy your nation.

She is the one who gave birth to you.

6My people are destroyed

because they do not know me.

“You priests have refused to obey me.

So I will refuse to accept you as my priests.

You have not paid any attention to my law.

So I will not let your children be my priests.

7The more priests there were,

the more they sinned against me.

They have traded their glorious God for that shameful god named Baal.

8They live off the sins of my people.

And they want them to keep on sinning.

9So here is what I will do.

I will punish people and priests alike.

I will judge them because of their sinful lives.

I will pay them back

for the evil things they have done.

10“My people will eat.

But they will not have enough.

They will have sex with prostitutes.

But they will not have any children.

That’s because they have deserted me.

They have sex 11with prostitutes.

They drink old wine and fresh wine.

Their drinking has destroyed their ability to understand.

12My people ask a wooden statue of a god for advice.

They get answers from a stick of wood.

They are as unfaithful as prostitutes.

They are not faithful to their God.

13They offer sacrifices on the mountaintops.

They burn offerings on the hills.

They worship under oak, poplar and terebinth trees.

The trees provide plenty of shade.

So your daughters become prostitutes.

And your daughters-in-law commit adultery.

14“I will not punish your daughters

when they become prostitutes.

I will not judge your daughters-in-law

when they commit adultery.

After all, the men themselves have sex with sinful women.

They offer sacrifices where temple prostitutes earn their living.

People who can’t understand will be destroyed!

15“Israel, you are not faithful to me.

But I do not want Judah to become guilty too.

“My people, do not go to Gilgal to offer sacrifices.

Do not go up to Bethel to worship other gods.

When you make a promise, do not say,

‘You can be sure that the Lord is alive.’

16The people of Israel are stubborn.

They are as stubborn as a young cow.

So how can I take care of them

like lambs in a meadow?

17The people of Ephraim have joined themselves to other gods.

And nothing can be done to help them.

18They continue to be unfaithful to me

even when their drinks are gone.

And their rulers love to do shameful things.

19A windstorm will blow all of them away.

And their sacrifices will bring shame on them.