2 Samuel 3 – NVI-PT & NIRV

Nova Versão Internacional

2 Samuel 3:1-39

1A guerra entre as famílias de Saul e de Davi durou muito tempo. Davi tornava-se cada vez mais forte, enquanto a família de Saul se enfraquecia.

Os Filhos de Davi em Hebrom

2Estes foram os filhos de Davi nascidos em Hebrom:

O seu filho mais velho era Amnom, filho de Ainoã, de Jezreel;

3o segundo, Quileabe, de Abigail, viúva de Nabal, de Carmelo;

o terceiro, Absalão, de Maaca, filha de Talmai, rei de Gesur;

4o quarto, Adonias, de Hagite;

o quinto, Sefatias, de Abital;

5e o sexto, Itreão, de sua mulher Eglá.

Esses foram os filhos de Davi que lhe nasceram em Hebrom.

O Apoio de Abner a Davi

6Enquanto transcorria a guerra entre as famílias de Saul e de Davi, Abner foi ficando poderoso na família de Saul. 7Saul tivera uma concubina chamada Rispa, filha de Aiá. Certa vez Is-Bosete perguntou a Abner: “Por que você se deitou com a concubina de meu pai?”

8Abner ficou furioso com a pergunta de Is-Bosete e exclamou: “Por acaso eu sou um cão a serviço de Judá? Até agora tenho sido leal à família de Saul, seu pai, e aos parentes e amigos dele, e não deixei que você caísse nas mãos de Davi; agora você me acusa de um delito envolvendo essa mulher! 9Que Deus me castigue com todo o rigor, se eu não fizer por Davi o que o Senhor lhe prometeu sob juramento: 10tirar o reino da família de Saul e estabelecer o trono de Davi sobre Israel e Judá, de Dã a Berseba”. 11Is-Bosete não respondeu nada a Abner, pois tinha medo dele.

12Então Abner enviou mensageiros a Davi com esta proposta: “A quem pertence esta terra? Faze um acordo comigo e eu te ajudarei a conseguir o apoio de todo o Israel”.

13“Está bem”, disse Davi. “Farei um acordo com você, mas com uma condição: não compareça à minha presença, quando vier me ver, sem trazer-me Mical, filha de Saul.” 14E Davi enviou mensageiros a Is-Bosete, filho de Saul, exigindo: “Entregue-me minha mulher Mical, com quem me casei pelo preço de cem prepúcios de filisteus”.

15Diante disso, Is-Bosete mandou que a tirassem do seu marido Paltiel, filho de Laís. 16Mas Paltiel foi atrás dela, e a seguiu chorando até Baurim. Então Abner ordenou-lhe que voltasse para casa, e ele voltou.

17Nesse meio-tempo, Abner enviou esta mensagem às autoridades de Israel: “Já faz algum tempo que vocês querem Davi como rei. 18Agora é o momento de agir! Porque o Senhor prometeu a Davi: ‘Por meio de Davi, meu servo, livrarei Israel do poder dos filisteus e de todos os seus inimigos’ ”.

19Abner também falou pessoalmente com os benjamitas. Depois foi a Hebrom dizer a Davi tudo o que Israel e a tribo de Benjamim haviam aprovado. 20Quando Abner, acompanhado de vinte homens, apresentou-se a Davi em Hebrom, este ofereceu um banquete para ele e para os homens que o acompanhavam. 21Disse então Abner a Davi: “Deixa que eu me vá e reúna todo o Israel, meu senhor, para que façam um acordo contigo, ó rei, e reines sobre tudo o que desejares”. Davi o deixou ir, e ele se foi em paz.

Joabe Mata Abner

22Naquele momento os soldados de Davi e Joabe voltavam de um ataque, trazendo muitos bens. Abner, porém, já não estava com Davi em Hebrom, porque Davi o tinha deixado partir em paz. 23Quando Joabe chegou com todo o seu exército, contaram-lhe que Abner, filho de Ner, se apresentara ao rei, que o tinha deixado ir em paz.

24Então Joabe foi falar com o rei e lhe disse: “Que foi que fizeste? Abner veio à tua presença e o deixaste ir? 25Conheces Abner, filho de Ner; ele veio para enganar-te, observar os teus movimentos e descobrir tudo o que estás fazendo”.

26Saindo da presença de Davi, Joabe enviou mensageiros atrás de Abner, e eles o trouxeram de volta, desde a cisterna de Sirá. Mas Davi não ficou sabendo disso. 27Quando Abner retornou a Hebrom, Joabe o chamou à parte, na porta da cidade, sob o pretexto de falar-lhe em particular, e ali mesmo o feriu no estômago. E Abner morreu por ter derramado o sangue de Asael, irmão de Joabe.

28Mais tarde, quando Davi soube o que tinha acontecido, disse: “Eu e o meu reino, perante o Senhor, somos para sempre inocentes do sangue de Abner, filho de Ner. 29Caia a responsabilidade pela morte dele sobre a cabeça de Joabe e de toda a sua família! Jamais falte entre os seus descendentes quem sofra fluxo ou lepra3.29 O termo hebraico não se refere somente à lepra, mas também a diversas doenças da pele., quem use muletas, quem morra à espada, ou quem passe fome”.

30Assim, Joabe e seu irmão Abisai mataram Abner, porque ele havia matado Asael, irmão deles, na batalha de Gibeom.

31Então Davi disse a Joabe e a todo o exército que o acompanhava: “Rasguem suas vestes, vistam roupas de luto e vão chorando à frente de Abner”. E o rei Davi seguiu atrás da maca que levava o corpo. 32Enterraram-no em Hebrom, e o rei chorou em alta voz junto ao túmulo de Abner, como também todo o povo.

33Então o rei cantou este lamento por Abner:

“Por que morreu Abner

como morrem os insensatos?

34Suas mãos não estavam algemadas

nem seus pés acorrentados.

Você caiu como quem cai

perante homens perversos”.

E todo o povo chorou ainda mais por ele.

35Depois, quando o povo insistiu com Davi que comesse alguma coisa enquanto ainda era dia, Davi fez este juramento: “Deus me castigue com todo o rigor, caso eu prove pão ou qualquer outra coisa antes do pôr do sol!”

36Todo o povo ouviu isso e o aprovou; de fato, tudo o que o rei fazia o povo aprovava. 37Assim, naquele dia, todo o povo e todo o Israel reconheceram que o rei não tivera participação no assassinato de Abner, filho de Ner.

38Então o rei disse aos seus conselheiros: “Não percebem que caiu hoje em Israel um líder, um grande homem? 39Embora rei ungido, ainda sou fraco, e esses filhos de Zeruia são mais fortes do que eu. Que o Senhor retribua ao malfeitor de acordo com as suas más obras!”

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 3:1-39

1The war between Saul’s royal house and David’s royal house lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger. But the royal house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.

2Sons were born to David in Hebron.

His first son was Amnon. Amnon’s mother was Ahinoam from Jezreel.

3His second son was Kileab. Kileab’s mother was Abigail. She was Nabal’s widow from Carmel.

The third son was Absalom. His mother was Maakah. She was the daughter of Talmai, the king of Geshur.

4The fourth son was Adonijah. His mother was Haggith.

The fifth son was Shephatiah. His mother was Abital.

5The sixth son was Ithream. His mother was David’s wife Eglah.

Those sons were born to David in Hebron.

Abner Goes Over to David’s Side

6The fighting continued between David’s royal house and Saul’s royal house. Abner gained more and more power in the royal house of Saul. 7While Saul was still alive, he had a concubine named Rizpah. She was the daughter of Aiah. Ish-Bosheth said to Abner, “Why did you sleep with my father’s concubine?”

8Abner was very angry because of what Ish-Bosheth said. So Abner answered, “Do you think I’m only a dog’s head? Am I on Judah’s side? To this day I’ve been faithful to the royal house of your father Saul. I’ve been faithful to his family and friends. I haven’t handed you over to David. But now you claim that I’ve sinned with this woman! 9I will do for David what the Lord promised him. If I don’t, may God punish me greatly. 10I’ll take the kingdom away from Saul’s royal house. I’ll set up the throne of David’s kingdom over Israel and Judah. He will rule from Dan all the way to Beersheba.” 11Ish-Bosheth didn’t dare to say another word to Abner. He was much too afraid of him.

12Then Abner sent messengers to David to speak for him. They said, “Who will rule over this land? Make a covenant with me. Then I’ll help you bring all the Israelites over to your side.”

13“Good,” said David. “I will make a covenant with you. But there’s one thing I want you to do. Bring Saul’s daughter Michal to me. Don’t come to see me unless she’s with you.” 14Then David sent messengers to Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth. He ordered them to say, “Give me my wife Michal. She was promised to me. I paid for her the price that was demanded. I paid for her with the skins of 100 circumcised Philistines.”

15So Ish-Bosheth gave the order. He sent men who took Michal away from her husband Paltiel. Paltiel was the son of Laish. 16But her husband followed her to Bahurim. He was crying all the way. Then Abner said to him, “Go back home!” So he did.

17Abner talked with the elders of Israel. He said, “For some time you have wanted to make David your king. 18Now do it! The Lord made a promise to David. He said, ‘I will rescue my people Israel from the power of the Philistines. I will also rescue them from all their enemies. I will rescue them through my servant David.’ ”

19Abner also spoke to the people of Benjamin in person. Then he went to Hebron to tell David everything. He told him what Israel and all the people of Benjamin wanted to do. 20Abner had 20 men with him. They came to David at Hebron. So David prepared a feast for Abner and his men. 21Then Abner said to David, “Let me go right now. I’ll gather together all the Israelites for you. After all, you are now my king and master. The people can make a covenant with you. Then you can rule over everyone you want to.” So David sent Abner away. And he went in peace.

Joab Murders Abner

22Just then David’s men and Joab came back from attacking their enemies. They brought with them the large amount of goods they had taken. But Abner wasn’t with David in Hebron anymore. That’s because David had sent him away, and he had gone in peace. 23Joab and all the soldiers with him arrived. Then he was told that Abner, the son of Ner, had come to see the king. He was told that the king had sent Abner away. He was also told that Abner had gone in peace.

24So Joab went to the king. He said, “What have you done? Abner came to you. Why did you let him get away? Now he’s gone! 25You know what Abner, the son of Ner, is like. He came to trick you. He wanted to watch your every move. He came to find out everything you are doing.”

26Then Joab left David. He sent messengers to get Abner. They brought Abner back from the well of Sirah. But David didn’t know about it. 27When Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him to one side. He brought him into an inside room. Joab acted as if he wanted to speak to him in private. But he really wanted to get even with him. That’s because Abner had spilled the blood of Joab’s brother Asahel. So Joab stabbed Abner in the stomach, and he died.

28Later on, David heard about it. He said, “I and the people of my kingdom aren’t guilty of spilling the blood of Abner, the son of Ner. We are free of blame forever in the sight of the Lord. 29May Joab and his whole family line be held accountable for spilling Abner’s blood! May Joab’s family never be without someone who has an open sore or skin disease. May his family never be without someone who has to use a crutch to walk. May his family never be without someone who gets killed by a sword. And may his family never be without someone who doesn’t have enough to eat.”

30Joab and his brother Abishai murdered Abner. They did it because he had killed their brother Asahel in the battle at Gibeon.

31David spoke to Joab and all the people with him. He said, “Tear your clothes. Put on the rough clothing people wear when they’re sad. Mourn when you walk in front of Abner’s body.” King David himself walked behind it. 32Abner’s body was buried in Hebron. The king wept out loud at Abner’s tomb. So did the rest of the people.

33King David sang a song of sadness over Abner. He said,

“Should Abner have died as sinful people do?

34His hands were not tied.

His feet were not chained.

He died as if he had been killed by evil people.”

All the people mourned over Abner again.

35Then all of them came and begged David to eat something. They wanted him to eat while it was still day. But David made a promise. He said, “I won’t taste bread or anything else before the sun goes down. If I do, may God punish me greatly!”

36All the people heard his promise and were pleased. In fact, everything the king did pleased them. 37So on that day all the people there and all the Israelites understood. They knew that the king didn’t have anything to do with the murder of Abner, the son of Ner.

38The king spoke to his men. He said, “Don’t you realize that a great commander has died in Israel today? 39I’m the anointed king. But today I’m weak. These sons of Zeruiah are too powerful for me. May the Lord pay back the one who killed Abner! May he pay him back for the evil thing he has done!”