2 Samuel 17 – NVI-PT & NIRV

Nova Versão Internacional

2 Samuel 17:1-29

1Aitofel disse a Absalão: “Permite-me escolher doze mil homens e partirei esta noite em perseguição a Davi. 2Eu o atacarei enquanto ele está exausto e fraco; vou causar-lhe pânico, e seu exército fugirá. Depois matarei somente o rei 3e trarei todo o exército de volta a ti. É somente um homem que procuras matar. Assim, todo o exército ficará em paz”. 4Esse plano pareceu bom a Absalão e a todas as autoridades de Israel.

5Entretanto, Absalão disse: “Chamem também Husai, o arquita, para que ouçamos a opinião dele”. 6Quando Husai entrou, Absalão lhe disse: “Aitofel deu-nos o conselho dele. Devemos fazer o que ele diz, ou você tem outra opinião?”

7Husai respondeu: “O conselho que Aitofel deu desta vez não é bom. 8Sabes que o teu pai e os homens que estão com ele são guerreiros e estão furiosos como uma ursa selvagem da qual roubaram os filhotes. Além disso, teu pai é um soldado experiente e não passará a noite com o exército. 9Ele, agora, já deve estar escondido numa caverna ou nalgum outro lugar. Se alguns dos teus soldados forem mortos no primeiro ataque,17.9 Ou Quando alguns dos homens caírem no primeiro ataque, quem souber disso dirá: ‘Houve matança no meio do exército de Absalão’. 10Então, até o mais bravo soldado, corajoso como leão, ficará morrendo de medo, pois todo o Israel sabe que teu pai é um guerreiro valente e que seus soldados são corajosos.

11“Por isso, dou o seguinte conselho: que se reúnam a ti todos os homens de Israel, desde Dã até Berseba, tantos como a areia da praia, e que tu mesmo os conduzas na batalha. 12Então o atacaremos onde quer que ele se encontre e cairemos sobre ele como o orvalho cai sobre a terra. Ele e todos os seus homens não escaparão. 13Se ele se refugiar em alguma cidade, todo o Israel levará cordas para lá, e arrastaremos aquela cidade para o vale, até que não reste ali nem sequer uma pequena pedra”.

14Absalão e todos os homens de Israel consideraram o conselho de Husai, o arquita, melhor do que o de Aitofel; pois o Senhor tinha decidido frustrar o eficiente conselho de Aitofel, a fim de trazer ruína sobre Absalão.

15Husai contou aos sacerdotes Zadoque e Abiatar o conselho que Aitofel dera a Absalão e às autoridades de Israel, e o que ele mesmo lhes tinha aconselhado em seguida. 16Então pediu que enviassem imediatamente esta mensagem a Davi: “Não passe a noite nos pontos de travessia do Jordão, no deserto, mas atravesse logo o rio, senão o rei e todo o seu exército serão exterminados”.

17Jônatas e Aimaás estavam em En-Rogel, e uma serva os informava regularmente, pois não podiam arriscar-se a serem vistos na cidade. Eles, por sua vez, iam relatar ao rei Davi o que tinham ouvido. 18Mas um jovem os viu e avisou Absalão. Então eles partiram rapidamente e foram para a casa de um habitante de Baurim, que tinha um poço no quintal. Eles desceram ao poço, 19e a dona da casa colocou a tampa no poço. Para disfarçar, espalhou grãos de cereal por cima.

20Os soldados de Absalão chegaram à casa da mulher e lhe perguntaram: “Onde estão Aimaás e Jônatas?”

A mulher respondeu: “Eles atravessaram as águas”17.20 Ou “Passaram pelo curral de ovelhas e foram na direção da água”.. Os homens os procuraram sem sucesso, e voltaram a Jerusalém.

21Tendo eles ido embora, os dois saíram do poço e foram informar o rei Davi. Falaram-lhe do conselho que Aitofel dera contra ele e lhe disseram que atravessasse imediatamente o Jordão. 22Então Davi e todo o seu exército saíram e, quando o sol nasceu, todos tinham atravessado o Jordão.

23Vendo Aitofel que o seu conselho não havia sido aceito, selou seu jumento e foi para casa, para a sua cidade natal; pôs seus negócios em ordem e depois se enforcou. Ele foi sepultado no túmulo de seu pai.

24Davi já tinha chegado a Maanaim quando Absalão atravessou o Jordão com todos os homens de Israel. 25Absalão havia nomeado Amasa comandante do exército em lugar de Joabe. Amasa era filho de Jéter17.25 Hebraico: Itra, variante de Jéter., um israelita17.25 Conforme o Texto Massorético e alguns manuscritos da Septuaginta. Outros manuscritos da Septuaginta dizem ismaelita. Veja 1Cr 2.17. que havia possuído Abigail, filha de Naás e irmã de Zeruia, mãe de Joabe. 26Absalão e os israelitas acamparam em Gileade.

27Quando Davi chegou a Maanaim, Sobi, filho de Naás, de Rabá dos amonitas, Maquir, filho de Amiel, de Lo-Debar, e o gileadita Barzilai, de Rogelim, 28trouxeram a Davi e ao seu exército camas, bacias e utensílios de cerâmica e também trigo, cevada, farinha, grãos torrados, feijão e lentilha17.28 Conforme a maioria dos manuscritos da Septuaginta e a Versão Siríaca. O Texto Massorético diz lentilha e grãos torrados., 29mel e coalhada, ovelhas e queijo de leite de vaca; pois sabiam que o exército estava cansado, com fome e com sede no deserto.

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 17:1-29

1One day Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Here’s what I suggest. Choose 12,000 men. Start out tonight and go after David. 2Attack him while he’s tired and weak. Fill him with terror. Then all the people with him will run away. Don’t strike down anyone except the king. 3Bring all the other people back. After the man you want to kill is dead, everyone else will return to you. And none of the people will be harmed.” 4Ahithophel’s plan seemed good to Absalom. It also seemed good to all the elders of Israel.

5But Absalom said, “Send for Hushai, the Arkite. Then we can find out what he suggests as well.” 6Hushai came to him. Absalom said, “Ahithophel has given us his advice. Should we do what he says? If we shouldn’t, tell us what you would do.”

7Hushai replied to Absalom, “The advice Ahithophel has given you isn’t good this time. 8You know your father and his men. They are fighters. They are as strong as a wild bear whose cubs have been stolen from her. Besides, your father really knows how to fight. He won’t spend the night with his troops. 9In fact, he’s probably hiding in a cave or some other place right now. Suppose he attacks your troops first. When people hear about it, they’ll say, ‘Many of the troops who followed Absalom have been killed.’ 10Then the hearts of your soldiers will melt away in fear. Even those as brave as a lion will be terrified. That’s because everyone in Israel knows that your father is a fighter. They know that those with him are brave.

11“So here’s what I suggest. Bring together all the men of Israel from the town of Dan all the way to Beersheba. They are as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. You yourself should lead them into battle. 12Then we’ll attack David no matter where we find him. As dew completely covers the ground, we’ll completely overpower his entire army. We won’t leave him or any of his men alive. 13He might try to get away by going into a city. If he does, all of us will bring ropes to that city. We’ll drag the whole city down into the valley. Not even a pebble of that city will be left.”

14Absalom and all the men of Israel agreed. They said, “The advice of Hushai, the Arkite, is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” The Lord had decided that Ahithophel’s good advice would fail. The Lord wanted to bring horrible trouble on Absalom.

15Hushai spoke to Zadok and Abiathar, the priests. He said, “Ahithophel has given advice to Absalom and the elders of Israel. He suggested that they should do one thing. But I suggested something else. 16Send a message right away. Tell David, ‘Don’t spend the night in the desert at a place where people cross the Jordan River. Make sure you go on across. If you don’t, you and all the people with you will be swallowed up.’ ”

17Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying at En Rogel just outside Jerusalem. They knew they would be in danger if anyone saw them entering the city. A female servant was supposed to go and tell them what had happened. Then they were supposed to go and tell King David. 18But a young man saw Jonathan and Ahimaaz and told Absalom about it. So the two men left right away. They went to the house of a man in Bahurim. He had a well in his courtyard. They climbed down into it. 19The man’s wife got a covering and spread it out over the opening of the well. Then she scattered grain on the covering. So no one knew that the men were hiding in the well.

20Absalom’s men came to the house. They asked the woman, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?”

She answered, “They went across the brook.” When the men looked around, they didn’t find anyone. So they returned to Jerusalem.

21After they had gone, Jonathan and Ahimaaz climbed out of the well. They went to tell King David what they had found out. They said to him, “Go across the river right away. Ahithophel has told Absalom how to come after you and strike you down.” 22So David and all the people with him started out. They went across the Jordan River. By sunrise, everyone had crossed over.

23Ahithophel saw that his advice wasn’t being followed. So he put a saddle on his donkey. He started out for his house in his hometown. When he arrived, he made everything ready for his death. He made out his will. Then he killed himself. And so he died and was buried in his father’s tomb.

Absalom Dies

24David went to Mahanaim. Absalom went across the Jordan River with all the men of Israel. 25Absalom had made Amasa commander of the army in place of Joab. Amasa was the son of Jether. Jether belonged to the family line of Ishmael. He had married Abigail. She was the daughter of Nahash and the sister of Zeruiah. Zeruiah was the mother of Joab. 26Absalom and the Israelites camped in the land of Gilead.

27David came to Mahanaim. Shobi, the son of Nahash, met him there. Shobi was from Rabbah in the land of Ammon. Makir, the son of Ammiel from Lo Debar, met him there too. So did Barzillai from Rogelim in the land of Gilead. 28They brought beds, bowls and clay pots. They brought wheat, barley, flour, and grain that had been cooked. They brought beans and lentils. 29They brought honey, butter, sheep, and cheese that was made from cows’ milk. They brought all that food for David and his people to eat. They said, “These people have become tired. They’ve become hungry and thirsty in the desert.”