1 Crônicas 12 – NVI-PT & NIRV

Nova Versão Internacional

1 Crônicas 12:1-40

Os Aliados de Davi

1Estes são os que se juntaram a Davi em Ziclague, onde se escondia de Saul, filho de Quis. Eles estavam entre os combatentes que o ajudaram na guerra; 2tanto com a mão direita como com a esquerda utilizavam arco e flecha, e a funda para atirar pedras; pertenciam à tribo de Benjamim e eram parentes de Saul:

3Aiezer, o chefe deles, e Joás, filhos de Semaá, de Gibeá;

Jeziel e Pelete, filhos de Azmavete;

Beraca, Jeú, de Anatote, 4e Ismaías, de Gibeom, um grande guerreiro do batalhão dos Trinta e chefe deles;

Jeremias, Jaaziel, Joanã, Jozabade, de Gederate;

5Eluzai, Jeremote, Bealias, Semarias e Sefatias, de Harufe;

6os coreítas Elcana, Issias, Azareel, Joezer e Jasobeão;

7e Joela e Zebadias, filhos de Jeroão, de Gedor.

8Da tribo de Gade alguns aliaram-se a Davi em sua fortaleza no deserto. Eram guerreiros corajosos, prontos para o combate, e sabiam lutar com escudo e com lança. Tinham a bravura de um leão e eram ágeis como gazelas nos montes.

9Ézer era o primeiro;

Obadias, o segundo; Eliabe, o terceiro;

10Mismana, o quarto; Jeremias, o quinto;

11Atai, o sexto; Eliel, o sétimo;

12Joanã, o oitavo; Elzabade, o nono;

13Jeremias, o décimo; e Macbanai era o décimo primeiro.

14Todos esses de Gade eram chefes de exército; o menor valia por12.14 Ou comandava cem, e o maior enfrentava mil. 15Foram eles que atravessaram o Jordão no primeiro mês do ano, quando o rio transborda em todas as suas margens, e puseram em fuga todos os que moravam nos vales, a leste e a oeste.

16Alguns outros benjamitas e certos homens de Judá também vieram a Davi em sua fortaleza. 17Davi saiu ao encontro deles e lhes disse: “Se vocês vieram em paz, para me ajudarem, estou pronto a recebê-los. Mas, se querem trair-me e entregar-me aos meus inimigos, sendo que as minhas mãos não cometeram violência, que o Deus de nossos antepassados veja isso e julgue vocês”.

18Então o Espírito veio sobre Amasai, chefe do batalhão dos Trinta, e ele disse:

“Somos teus, ó Davi!

Estamos contigo, ó filho de Jessé!

Paz, paz seja contigo,

e com os teus aliados,

pois o teu Deus te ajudará”.

Davi os recebeu e os nomeou chefes dos seus grupos de ataque.

19Alguns soldados de Manassés desertaram para Davi quando ele foi com os filisteus guerrear contra Saul. Eles não ajudaram os filisteus, porque os seus chefes os aconselharam e os mandaram embora, dizendo: “Pagaremos com a vida, caso Davi deserte e passe para Saul, seu senhor”. 20Estes foram os homens de Manassés que desertaram para Davi quando ele foi a Ziclague: Adna, Jozabade, Jediael, Micael, Jozabade, Eliú e Ziletai, chefes de batalhões de mil em Manassés. 21Eles ajudaram Davi contra grupos de ataque, pois todos eles eram guerreiros valentes e eram líderes no exército dele. 22Diariamente chegavam soldados para ajudar Davi, até que o seu exército tornou-se tão grande como o exército de Deus12.22 Ou um exército grande e poderoso.

O Crescimento do Exército de Davi

23Este é o número dos soldados armados para a guerra que vieram a Davi em Hebrom para lhe entregar o reino de Saul, conforme o Senhor tinha dito:

24da tribo de Judá, 6.800 armados para a guerra, com escudo e lança;

25da tribo de Simeão, 7.100 guerreiros prontos para o combate;

26da tribo de Levi, 4.600, 27inclusive Joiada, líder da família de Arão, com 3.700 homens, 28e Zadoque, um jovem e valente guerreiro, com 22 oficiais de sua família;

29da tribo de Benjamim, parentes de Saul, 3.000, a maioria dos quais era até então fiel à família de Saul;

30da tribo de Efraim, 20.800 soldados valentes, famosos em seus próprios clãs;

31da metade da tribo de Manassés, 18.000, indicados por nome para fazerem Davi rei;

32da tribo de Issacar, 200 chefes que sabiam como Israel deveria agir em qualquer circunstância. Comandavam todos os seus parentes;

33da tribo de Zebulom, 50.000 soldados experientes, preparados para guerrear com qualquer tipo de arma, totalmente decididos a ajudar Davi;

34da tribo de Naftali, 1.000 líderes com 37.000 homens armados de escudos e lanças;

35da tribo de Dã, 28.600 preparados para o combate;

36da tribo de Aser, 40.000 soldados experientes, preparados para o combate;

37e do leste do Jordão, das tribos de Rúben e de Gade, e da metade da tribo de Manassés, 120.000 completamente armados.

38Todos esses eram homens de combate e se apresentaram voluntariamente para servir nas fileiras.

Vieram a Hebrom totalmente decididos a fazer de Davi rei sobre todo o Israel. E todos os outros israelitas tinham esse mesmo propósito. 39Ficaram com Davi três dias, comendo e bebendo, pois as suas famílias haviam fornecido provisões para eles. 40Os habitantes das tribos vizinhas e também de lugares distantes como Issacar, Zebulom e Naftali, trouxeram-lhes muitas provisões em jumentos, camelos, mulas e bois. Havia grande fartura de suprimentos: farinha, bolos de figo, bolos de uvas passas, vinho, azeite, bois e ovelhas, pois havia grande alegria em Israel.

New International Reader’s Version

1 Chronicles 12:1-40

Fighting Men Join David

1Some fighting men came to David at Ziklag. They were among those who helped him in battle. David had been forced to hide from Saul, the son of Kish. 2The men were armed with bows. They were able to shoot arrows or throw stones from a sling with either hand. They were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin. Here is a list of them.

3Their chief Ahiezer and Joash, the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite

Jeziel and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth


Jehu from Anathoth

4Ishmaiah, the Gibeonite, who was a mighty warrior among the 30 chiefs and a leader of the 30 chiefs




Jozabad from Gederah





Shephatiah, the Haruphite

6the Korahites Elkanah, Ishiah, Azarel, Joezer and Jashobeam

7Joelah and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham from Gedor

8Some men of Gad went over to David’s side at his usual place of safety in the desert. They were brave fighting men. They were ready for battle. They were able to use shields and spears. Their faces were like the faces of lions. They could run as fast as antelopes in the mountains.

9Ezer was their chief.

Obadiah was next in command. Eliab was third.

10Mishmannah was fourth. Jeremiah was fifth.

11Attai was sixth. Eliel was seventh.

12Johanan was eighth. Elzabad was ninth.

13Jeremiah was tenth. And Makbannai was eleventh.

14All these men of Gad were army commanders. The least important of them was equal to 100 men. The most important was equal to 1,000. 15They went across the Jordan River when it was flowing over its banks. That happened in the first month of spring. They chased away everyone who lived in the valleys. They chased them away from the east and west sides of the river.

16Some men from the territories of Benjamin and Judah also came to David at his usual place of safety. 17David went out to meet them. He said to them, “Have you come to me in peace? Have you come to help me? If you have, I’m ready for you to join me. But suppose you have come to hand me over to my enemies when I haven’t even harmed anyone. Then may the God of our people see it and judge you.”

18The Spirit of God came on Amasai. He was leader of the 30 chiefs. He said,

“David, we belong to you!

Son of Jesse, we’re on your side!

May you have great success.

May those who help you also have success.

Your God will help you.”

So David welcomed them. He made them leaders in his army.

19Some people from the tribe of Manasseh went over to David’s side. They did this when he marched out with the Philistines to fight against Saul. But David and his men didn’t help the Philistines. That’s because after all the Philistine rulers had discussed the matter, they sent him away. They said, “Suppose he deserts to his master Saul. Then our heads will be cut off!” 20So David went to Ziklag. Here are the men of Manasseh who went over to his side. They were Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu and Zillethai. They were leaders of groups of 1,000 men in Manasseh. 21They helped David fight against enemy armies. All the men of Manasseh were brave fighting men. They were commanders in David’s army. 22Day after day men came to help David. Soon he had a large army. It was like the army of God.

Other Fighting Men Join David at Hebron

23Large numbers of men came to David at Hebron. They were prepared for battle. They came to hand Saul’s kingdom over to him, just as the Lord had said. Here are the numbers of the men who came.

24The men from Judah carried shields and spears. They were prepared for battle. The total number of them was 6,800.

25The fighting men from Simeon were ready for battle. The total number of them was 7,100.

26The total number of men from Levi was 4,600. 27They included Jehoiada. He was the leader of the family of Aaron. He came with 3,700 men. 28The men from Levi also included Zadok. He was a brave young fighter. He came with 22 officers from his family.

29The men from Benjamin were from Saul’s tribe. Most of them had remained faithful to Saul’s family until that time. The total number of them was 3,000.

30The men from Ephraim were brave fighting men. They were famous in their own family groups. The total number of them was 20,800.

31The men from half of the tribe of Manasseh had been chosen by name to come and make David king. The total number of them was 18,000.

32The men from Issachar understood what was going on at that time. They knew what Israel should do. The total number of their chiefs was 200. They came with all their relatives who were under their command.

33The men from Zebulun knew how to fight well. That’s because they had done it many times before. They were prepared for battle. They had every kind of weapon. They came to help David with their whole heart. The total number of them was 50,000.

34The total number of officers from Naphtali was 1,000. They came with 37,000 men who carried shields and spears.

35The men from Dan were ready for battle. The total number of them was 28,600.

36The men from Asher knew how to fight well. That’s because they had done it many times before. They were prepared for battle. The total number of them was 40,000.

37The men from the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh were armed with every kind of weapon. The men came from the east side of the Jordan River. The total number of them was 120,000.

38All these fighting men offered to serve in the army.

Before they came to Hebron, they had agreed completely to make David king over all the Israelites. All the rest of the people also agreed to make David king. 39The men spent three days there with David. They ate and drank what their families had given them. 40Their neighbors also brought food. They brought it on donkeys, camels, mules and oxen. They came from as far away as the territories of Issachar, Zebulun and Naphtali. There was plenty of flour, fig cakes, raisin cakes, wine, olive oil, cattle and sheep. The Israelites brought all these things because they were so happy.