Приче Соломонове 29 – NSP & NIRV

New Serbian Translation

Приче Соломонове 29:1-27

1Када тврдоглави још више отврдоглави упркос карању,

сломиће се ненадано и неће му бити лека.

2Кад се множе праведници, народ се радује,

а кад зликовац завлада, народ уздише.

3Оца свог радује човек који воли мудрост,

а с блудницом ко се дружи, иметак свој ружи.

4Цар по правди земљу гради,

а грамзиви тлачитељ је разграђује.

5Човек што ласка ближњем своме

мрежу шири ногама његовим.

6У греху је замка зликовачка,

а праведник кличе и весели се.

7Праведник разуме случај сиромаха,

а неправедник за ту ствар не мари.

8Подсмевачи град разјаре,

а мудри стишавају гнев.

9Кад се мудар човек суди с човеком немудрим,

љутио се ил’ смејао, починка му нема.

10Крвници мрзе човека без мане,

а праведни му душу штите.

11Сву ћуд своју истреса безумник,

а мудар се повлачи и стишава.

12Владар који слуша лажи

имаће за слуге све саме зликовце.

13И сиромаху и тлачитељу једно је заједничко:

обојици Господ просветљује очи.

14Довека ће стајати престо цара

што убогом суди по истини.

15Шиба прекора доноси мудрост,

а дете распуштено срамоти своју мајку.

16Кад се злобници умножавају, умножавају се и греси,

али ће праведници гледати њихову пропаст.

17Опомени свога сина и донеће ти спокој,

и донеће радост души твојој.

18Где виђења нема, народ се разузда;

а како је благословен човек што се поуке држи!

19Речима се не поправља слуга,

јер ако их и разуме, он се не одазива.

20Видиш ли човека брзоплетог у говору?

Више је наде за безумног него за њега.

21Ко свом слузи од малена повлађује

за невољу крај му спрема.

22Разјарени свађу започиње,

горопадни обилује гресима.

23Бахатост унижава човека,

а понизни завређује част.

24Ко се дружи са лоповом мрзи душу своју,

јер он чује клетву, али је прећути.

25Страх човеку замку поставља,

а збринут је онај што се у Господа узда.

26Многи траже владареву наклоност,

али од Господа је правда за човека.

27Неправедник је мрзак праведницима,

а злобницима је мрзак човек честитог живота.

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 29:1-27

1Whoever still won’t obey after being warned many times

will suddenly be destroyed. Nothing can save them.

2When those who do right grow stronger, the people are glad.

But when those who do wrong become rulers, the people groan.

3A man who loves wisdom makes his father glad.

But a man who spends time with prostitutes wastes his father’s wealth.

4By doing what is fair, a king makes a country secure.

But those who only want money tear it down.

5Those who only pretend to praise their neighbors

are spreading a net to catch them by the feet.

6Sinful people are trapped by their own sin.

But godly people shout for joy and are glad.

7Those who do what is right want to treat poor people fairly.

But those who do what is wrong don’t care about the poor.

8Those who make fun of others stir up a city.

But wise people turn anger away.

9Suppose a wise person goes to court with a foolish person.

Then the foolish person gets mad and pokes fun, and there is no peace.

10Murderers hate honest people.

They try to kill those who do what is right.

11Foolish people let their anger run wild.

But wise people keep themselves under control.

12If rulers listen to lies,

all their officials become evil.

13The Lord gives sight to the eyes of poor people and those who treat others badly.

That’s what they both have in common.

14If a king judges poor people fairly,

his throne will always be secure.

15If a child is corrected, they become wise.

But a child who is not corrected brings shame to their mother.

16When those who do wrong grow stronger, so does sin.

But those who do right will see them destroyed.

17If you correct your children, they will give you peace.

They will bring you the delights you desire.

18Where there is no message from God, people don’t control themselves.

But blessed is the one who obeys wisdom’s instruction.

19Servants can’t be corrected only by words.

Even if they understand, they won’t obey.

20Have you seen someone who speaks without thinking?

There is more hope for foolish people than for that person.

21A servant who has been spoiled from youth

will have no respect for you later on.

22An angry person stirs up fights.

And a person with a bad temper commits many sins.

23Pride brings a person low.

But those whose spirits are low will be honored.

24To help a thief is to become your own enemy.

When you go to court, you won’t dare to say anything.

25If you are afraid of people, it will trap you.

But if you trust in the Lord, he will keep you safe.

26Many people want to meet a ruler.

But only the Lord sees that people are treated fairly.

27Those who do what is right hate dishonest people.

Those who do what is wrong hate honest people.